Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

「帝国日本軍によって…故郷から連れ去られ、性的奴隷化を強要された20万以上のアジア人とオランダ人の女たち…これらの途轍もない人権侵害を繰り返させないことが私たちの心からの願いである。」 グレンデール市の平和記念像 2013.7.30


“I was a sex slave of Japanese military”
・Torn hair symbolizes the girl being snatched from her home by the Imperial Japanese Army.
・Tight fists represent the girl’s firm resolve for a deliverance of justice.
・Bare and unsetteled feet represent having been abandoned by the cold and unsympathetic world.
・Bird on the girl’s shoulder symbolizes a bond between us and the deceased victims.
・Empty chair symbolizes surviviors who are dying of old age without having yet witnessed justice.
・Shadow of the girl is that of and old grandma, symbolizing passage of time spent in silence.
・Butterfly in shadow represents hope that victims may resurrect one day to receive their apology.


Peace Monument 平和祈念像
In memory of more than 200,000 Asian and Dutch women who were removed from their homes in Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, East Timor and Indonesia, to be coerced into sexual slavery by the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan between 1932 and 1945.
And in celebration of proclamation of “Comfort Women Day” by the City of Glendale on July 30, 2012, and of passing of House Resolution 121 by the United States Congress on July 30, 2007, urging the Japanese Government to accept historical responsibility for these crimes.
It is our sincere hope that these unconscionable violations of human rights shall never recur.
July 30, 2013