Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

第10号 日本大使館への手紙 第11号 司法部で起きた事件に関する覚え書き 第12号 安全区内の難民宿泊所一覧 徐淑希編『南京安全区檔案』より 1937.12.18



            December 18, 1937

※Marked “For the kind attention of Mr. Kiyoshi Fukui, Second Secretary.”






Dear sirs :



 We are very sorry to trouble you again but the sufferings and needs of the 200,000 civilians for whom we are trying to care make it urgent that we try to secure action from your military authorities to stop the present disorder among Japanese soldiers wandering through the Safety Zone.



 There is no time or space here to go into the cases that are pouring in faster than we can type them out. But last night Dr. Bates of our Committee went to the University of Nanking dormitories to sleep in order to protect the 1, 000 woman that fled there yesterday because of attacks in their homes.  He found no Gendarmerie on guard there nor at the University library building. When at 8 p.m. Mr. Fitch and Dr. Smythe took Rev. W. P. Mills to Ginling College to sleep in a house near the gate (as one of us have been doing every night since the 14th in order to protect the 3,000 women and children, yesrerday augmented to 4,000 by the panic), we were seized roughly by a searching squad and detained for over an hour.  The officer had the two women in charge of Ginling College, Miss Minnie Vautrin and Mrs. Chen, with a friend, Mrs. Twinem, lined up at the gate and kept them there in the cold and the men pushed them around roughly.  The officer insisted there were soldiers in the compound and he wanted to find them and shoot them.  Finally, he let us go home but would not let Rev. Mills stay so we do not know what happened after we left.



 This combined with the marching off of the men at the Ministry of Justice on December 16 (see separate “Memorandum”), among which were several hundred civilian men to our positive knowledge and 50 of our uniformed police, had made us realize that, unless something is done to clear up this situation, the lives of all the civilian men in our Zone are at the mercy of the temperamrnt of searching captains.



 With the panic that has been created among the woman who are now flocking by the thousands to our American institutions for protection, the men are being left more and more alone.  (For instance there were 600 people in the old Language School at Siao T’ao Yuen up till December 16.  But because so many woman were raped there on the nigbt of December 15, 400 women and children moved to Ginling College, leaving 200 men.)  These public institutional buildings were originally listed to accommodate 35,000 people; now, because of panic among the woman, this has increased to 50,000, although two buildings have been emptied of men: the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court.



 If this panic continues, not only will our housing problem become more seriouse but the food problem and the questions of finding workers will seriously increase.  This morning one of your representatives, Mr. K. Kikuchi, was at our office asking for workers for the electric light plant.  We had to reply that we could not even get our own workers out to do anything.  We are only able to keep rice and coal supplied to those large concentrations of people by Western members of our Committee and Staff driving trucks for rice and coal.  Our Food Commissioner has not dared leave his house for two days.  The second man on our Housing Commission had to see two women in his family at 23 Hankow Road raped last night at supper time by Japanese soldiers.  Our Associate Food Cimissioner, Mr. Sone (a Teological Professor), has had to convey trucks with rice and leave the 2,500 people in families at his Nanking Theological Seminary to look out for themselves.  Yesterday, in broad daylight, several women at the Seminary were raped right in the middle of a large room filled with men, women, and children!  We 22 Westerners cannot feed 200,000 Chinese civilians and protect them night and day.  That is the duty of the Japanese authorities.  If you can give them protection, we can help feed them!



 There is another matter that is in the minds of the Japanese officers searching the Zone:  they think the place is full of “plain-clothes soldiers.”  We have notified you several times of presence of soldiers who, disarmed, entered the Zone on the afternoon of December 13.  But now we can safely assure you that there are no groups of disarmed Chinese soldiers in the Zone.  Your searching squads have cleaned out all of them and many civilians along with them.



 For the good of all concerned, we wood beg to make the following constructive suggestions:

 Ⅰ.Control of Soldiers.


 1. We repeat our request of yesterday for patrols of Gendarmerie for the Zone night and day.

 1. 私たちは昨日、憲兵による昼夜の区域巡視をお願いしましたが、あらためてこれをお願いします。


 2. In our lettor of December 16, we asked that guards be placed at entrances to the Zone to keep out wandering soldiers at night.  This has not been done.  But we hope the Japanese Army will find some way to prevent soldiers from robbing, raping and killing the civilian population, especially at night when soldiers might be confined to their barracks.

 2. 十二月十六日お手紙で私たちは夜間にうろつく兵士たちを中に入れないため区域への各入口に衛兵を立てることをお頼みしましたが、これもなされておりません。しかし非戦闘員住民に対する掠奪、強姦、殺人を兵士たちにさせない何らかの方法を日本陸軍が見付けて下さることを私たちは希望します。特に夜間は兵士たちを兵舎から出さない様にすることができるわけですから。


 3. Until general order can be restored among the soldiers will you please station sentries at the entrance to our 18 larger concentrations of refugees.  These sentries should be instructed to be responsible for preventing soldiers climbing over the walls of the compounds as well.  (See list of “Refugee Camps” attached.)

 3. 兵士たちの中に全般的秩序が回復されるまで、当区域の比較的大きな十八ヶ所の難民集中収容所の入り口に、よろしければ、歩哨を配置して下さい。なおこれらの歩哨には兵士たちが敷地の塀を乗り越えるのを責任を持って阻止することも言い含めるべきであります。(別添の「難民宿泊所」一覧を御覧下さい。)


 4. We would also respectfully request that a proclamation in Japanese be put at each of these refugee camps describing what they are and ordering Japanese soldiers not to molest poor people.

 4. さらにまた、日本語の布告をこれらの難民宿泊所の一つひとつに張り出して、それらが何であるかを説明し、日本兵たちに哀れな人々をいたぶるなと命令することもお願い申し上げます。





 1. Since our refugee camps seem to be misunderstood by captains of sesrching squads, we suggest that today we will be glad to have a high officer of the Japanese Army accompany one of our housing men to each of the 18 refugee camps and see them in daylight.

 1. 私たちの難民宿泊所は捜索隊長たちに誤解されている様でありますから、私たちは日本陸軍の高級将校が今日、当委員会の住居手配担当者たちと一緒に全十八ヶ所の難民宿泊所を廻り、白日の下にそれらを視察することをお勧めいたします。


 2. Since we know there are no groups of disarmed soldiers in the Zone and there has been no sniping in the Zone at any time; and since, furthermore, search of both Refugee Camps and private houses has been carried out many times and each time means robbery and rape; we would venture to suggest that the Army’s desires to prevent any former Chinese soldier’s hiding in the Zone can now be accomplished by the Gendarmeries mentioned above.

 2. 私たちの知る限り区域内には武装解除兵の集団は存在いたしませんし、これまで区域内で狙撃事件は一度もなかったわけでありますから、そして更に申し上げれば、難民宿泊所の捜索も個人宅の捜索もこれまで何回も繰り返され、毎回その実態は掠奪と強姦だったわけでありますから、思い切ってお勧めいたしますが、元兵士が区域内に隠れることを防ぐという陸軍のお望みは、今や前述の憲兵によって果たせるのではないでしょうか。


 3. We venture to make these suggestions because we sincerely believe that if the civilian population is left alone for two or three days, they will resume their nomal daily life in the Zone, food and fuel can be transported , shops will open, and workers will appear looking for work.  These workers can then help start the essential servies of electricity, water and telephones.

 3. 私たちがこれらの不躾なお勧めをいたしますのは、非戦闘員住民は二、三日でもそっとして置かれれば区域内で標準的な日常生活を取り戻すでしょうし、食糧と燃料は輸送できるようになり、商店は開き、労働者は仕事を探して姿を見せるでしょうことを、本当に信じているからであります。そうなればこれらの労働者たちは電気や水道、電話という欠かせない業務を再開する力になることができるのです。


 Ⅲ.Police that have been taken away.



 Yesterday we called your attention to the fact that 50 uniformed police had been taken from the Ministry of Justice, and that 46 “volunteer police” had also been marched off.  We now must add that 40 of our uniformed police stationed at the Supreme Court were also taken.  The only stated charge against them was made at the Ministry of Justice where the Japanese officer said they had taken in soldiers after the place had been searched once , and, therefore they were to be shot.  As pointed out in the accompanying “Memorandum on the Incident at the Ministry of Justice,” Western members of our Commitee take full responsibility for having put some civilian men and women in there because they had been driven out of their places by Japanese soldiers.



 Yesterday, we requested that the 450 uniformed police assigned to the Zone be now organized into a new police force for the city under Japanese direction.  At the same time, we trust the above mentioned 90 uniformed pllice will be restored to their positions as policemen and that 46 volunteer police will either be returned to our office as workers, or we be informed of their whereabouts.  We have on file a complete list of the 450 uniformed police assigned to the Zone, so can help you in this process.



 Trusting that you will pardon our venturing to make these suggestions, and assuring you of our willingness to cooperate in every way for the welfare of the civilians in the city, I am

          Most respectfully yours,

             JOHN H.D. RABE



 Memorandum on Incident at Ministry of Justice

 List of Refugee Camps in Safety Zone.


         主席 ジョン・H・D・ラーベ








 On the morning of December 16, a group of Japanese soldiers under an officer came to the Ministry of Justice and insisted on marching off most of the men to be shot ─ at least, that is what the officer said he was going to do with them.  He also marched out all the police after seriously manhandling the Police Captain.  There were probably 50, because that was the assignment to that station.





 Two days previously, December 14, a Japanese officer came into the Ministry of Justice and inspected the group, from which they took about 200 to 300, whom the officer claimed were soldiers, and left 330 men, whom they acknowledged to be civilians.  This first search of half of the men in the building was very carefully carried out.  The remaining half, which the officer did not inspected that day, were quartered in a separate part of the building and he promised to come back the next day, December 15, to inspect them and remove such soldiers as they might find among them.  No officer came on 15th to sort them.  But on the 16th, an officer came and declared that they had taken all the soldiers st the time of the first search on the 14th.  Because he found some solduers in this group on the 16th (including the half which had not been previously inspected), the officer declared that the police and we had put soldiers in there since the first inspection.



 The only persons we added to this group were a number of civilians that have been forced out of other houses by Japanese soldiers, who were taken to the Ministry of Justice by Mr. McCallum of the University Hospital and Dr. M. S. Bates of our Committee.  The fact that they found soldiers in the group on the 16th was not because the Committee had added any soldiers to the group, but because the Japanese soldiers had failed to inpect the second half of the group on the 15th as planned.



 This whole incident on the morning of December 16 was observed by Mr. James McCallum of the University Hospital and Mr. Charles Riggs of our Committee and associate Housing Commissioner.  During the process, the officer threatened Mr. Riggs with his sward three times and finally hit him hard over over the heart twice with his fist.  All Mr. Riggs was trying to do was to explain to the officer the situation described above in order to prevent civilians from being mistaken for former soldiers.

           LEWIS S. C. SMYTHE


December 18, 1937


         書記 ルイス·S·C·スマイズ





     as of December 17, 1937

Name of Building / Number of Refugees / Sex

  1.  Old Ministry of Communications / 10,000 or more /Families

  2.  Wutaishan Primary School / 1,640 / Families

  3.  Hankow Road Primary School / 1,000 / Families

  4.  Military College / 3,500 / Families

  5.  Nanking Language School / 200 / Men

  6.  Milhtary Chemical Shops (back of Overseas Building) / 4,000 / Families

  7.  University Middle School / 6,000─8,000 / Families

  8.  Bible Teacher's Training School / 3,000 / Families

  9.  Overseas Building / 2,500 / Families

10.  Nanking Theological Seminary / 2,500 / Families

11.  Ministry of Justice / Empty

12.  Supreme Court / Empty

13.  Sericulture Building at Univ. of Nanking / 4,000 / Families

14.  Library Building at Univ. of Nanking / 2,500 / Families

15.  German Club / 500 / Families

16.  Ginling College / 4,000 / Woman & children

17.  Law College / 500 / Families

18.  Rural Leaders Training School / 1,500 / Families

19.  Shansi Road Primary School / 1,000 / Families

20.  University of Nanking dormitories / 1,000 / Wonen & children

   Total porsons / 49,340─51,340




建物名 / 難民数 / 性別

  1.  交通部旧館 / 10,000人以上 / 家族

  2.  五台山小学 / 1,640人 / 家族

  3.  漢口路小学 / 1,000人 / 家族

  4.  陸軍大学 / 3,500人 / 家族

  5.  南京語学校(小桃源) / 200人 / 男子

  6.  軍用化学工場(華僑招待所) / 4,000人 / 家族

  7.  金陵大学附属中学 / 6,000人~8,000人 / 家族

  8.  聖書師資訓練学校 / 3,000人 / 家族

  9.  華僑招待所 / 2,500人 / 家族

10.  南京神学院 / 2,500人 / 家族

11.  司法部 / 無人

12.  最高法院 / 無人

13.  金陵大学蚕厰 / 4,000人 / 家族

14.  金陵大学図書館 / 2,500人 / 家族

15.  ドイツ人倶楽部 / 500人 / 家族

16.  金陵女子文理学院 / 4,000人 / 婦人·児童

17.  法学院 / 500人 / 家族

18.  農村師資訓練学校 / 1,500人 / 家族

19.  山西路小学 / 1,000人 / 家族

20.  金陵大学寮 /1,000人 / 婦人·児童

   総計 49,340人~51,340人