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日本の再軍備についてのマッカーサーの手紙 1950.8.11


(17) 日本の再軍備についてのマ元帥のレター




CHOSA NI KA     (Source: New York Times,
Reference Seties No. 141      August 18, 1950)


  The text of the MacArthur letter, giving his reply to a question which Harold Russell, Commander of the American Veterans of World War Ⅱ, is as follows:

“General Headquarters
“Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
“Office of the Supreme Commander

              “Tokyo, Japan.
               “11 August, 1950

  “Dear commander Russell:

  “Thank you so much for your inspiring message of the 26th. Nothing is ever so heartening at just such an expression of emotions from old comrades-in-arm―and there is no source of greater strength.

  “Only a seer could answer the question you pose concerning the rearming of Japan, for the answer truely lies in the yet unpredictable future. Should the course of world events require that all mankind stand to arms in defense of human liberty and Japan come within the orbit of immediately threatened attack, then the Japanese, too, should mount the maximum defensive power which their resources will permit.

  “Pending a peace treaty, however, Japan remains under the policy control of the Allied powers among whom there is much more apprehension over the prospect of



a rearmed and remilitarized Japan than that an unarmed Japan may fall prey to predatory forces bent upon freedom’s destruction.

  “The same rationalization is to be found even among the great masses of the Japanese people themselves who fear even more than external attack the resurgence of militarism within and the return of police suppression.  Consequently, grave political as well as social and economic considerations must be faced in the light of the world situation then existing before your question may be answered with any degree of realism.

  “The question at this time is therefore somewhat academic.  The great immediate purpose Japan can serve in the confusion which overrides all of strife-torn Asia is to stand out with striking and unruffled calmness and tranquility as the exemplification of peaceful progress under conditions of unalloyed personal freedom.

  “For thereby it will stand as a symbol of hope for less fortunate Asian peoples, wielding a profound moral influence upon the destiny of the Asian races.

  “To strengthen Japan’s internal security, I have already taken measures to creat a 75,000-man national police reserve and shall augment this force further should the need arise.  The purpose of this reserve, as the name implies, is to support with such additional power as is necessary the local police unit in any internal disorder with which it is unable to to cope.”

  “With renewed thanks for your fine message, I am,

           “Most cordially,

             “Douglas MacSrtur



連合軍の本土進駐並びに軍政関係一件 軍政関係(米国の対日一般方針及び政策を含む) 第1巻 1.一般/17)日本の再軍備についてマ元帥のレター

JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.B17070002200、(外務省外交史料館 A'.