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【工事中】大韓帝国ハーグ勅使委任状、李瑋鍾の『韓国のための嘆願』 1907. 4. 20




  大皇帝 花押 【皇帝御璽】 


大韓帝国特派委員 前議政府参賛 李相卨、前平理院検事 李儁、前駐ロシア公使館参書官 李瑋鍾への委任状

 大皇帝の勅してのたまうに、わが国の自主独立はすなわち天下列邦の共に認める所である。朕は列邦と向かい約を締し、よしみを修めている。どうして使者が相対しないことがあろうか。およそ列邦会議に属する者は員を派し往きて参ずるが理の当然である。一千九百五年十一月十八日に日本はわが国に対して公法に違背し、非理を行して立約を脅し、わが外交大権を強奪し、わが烈邦との友誼を断絶した。寧[やす]らかならざるとはこれまさに日本の欺陵侵侮にして、またもやその公理に乖戻し人道に違悖すること至らない所がない。朕の念およびこの実庸なる痛恨はとても言葉に記しつくせぬものがある。ここに従二品 前議政府参賛 李相卨、前平理院検事 李儁、前駐俄(ロシア)公使館参書官 李瑋鍾は、オランダ、ハーグ府の平和会議に赴き、まさに本国の諸般の苦難の事情を議場で一陳し、わが外交大権を回復しわが列邦との友誼を修復しようと準備をしている。朕念うにこの臣たちは素性忠実にしてこの任に堪えるであろう。その幹弁が妥適であり朕の命に墜ちることがなければよい。つつしんで申す。


  大皇帝 花押 【皇帝御璽】


His Majesty the Emperor of Korea, to whom it may concern:

 As the independence of Korea has been known to all the Powers with which she has ever been in friendly relation, we have, for this reason, the right to send the delegates to all international conferences which can be convoked for any purpose.  But by the terms of the treaty of November 18th, 1905, which has extorted from us by forces, the Japanese by menace and by a violation of all international equity deprived us of the right of direct communication with the friendly Powers.

 高麗の独立は友好関係を結んだすべての列国に知られているから、われらはそれゆえ、いかなる目的のもとに召集されたものであれ、あらゆる国際会議に代表を派遣する権利を有する。だが力ずくでわれらから引き出された 1905 年 11 月 18 日の条約の取り決めにより、日本人たちは脅迫をもって、あらゆる国際的公平性を侵害し、らが友好列国と直接交信する権利を奪ったのである。

 Not recognizing this act on the part of Japanese, we desire hereby to appoint the official of the second rank, Ye Sang Sul, and Ye Choon, ex-judge of the Supreme Court of Korea, and Prince Ye We Chong, former Secretary of Legation at St. Petersburg, as Delegates Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the International Peace Conference at the Hague, for the purpose of making clear to the representatives of the Powers the violation of our rights by the Japanese and the dangers which presently threaten our country; and also to re-establish between my country and the foreign Powers the direct diplomatic relations to which we are entitled by the fact of independence.

 日本人側のこうした行為を認められないわれらは、これにより第二位の官吏 李相卨、前最高裁判所判事 李儁と前サンクトペテルブルク公使館書記官 李瑋鍾王子を、ハーグ万国平和会議における特命全権代表に指名することを望むものである。列国の代表者に日本人たちによるわれらの権利の侵害とわが国を現に脅かしている危険を明らかにすること、そしてまた独立国という事実によってわれらに資格のある、わが国と他の列国との間の直接の外交関係を再建することがその目的である。

 Considering the three gentlemen above named to be men of high ability and of proved fidelity, we appoint them as our full representatives to the conference at the Hague, in the conviction that they will faithfully serve us and the interest of the nation.


 Done at the Palace of Kyung-Oun, in Seoul, this 20th day of the fourth month in the eleventh year of Kwang-Mou.

              YE  HYENG

 本日、光武 11 年 4 月 20 日、ソウルの慶運宮にて。



A Plea for Korea 韓国のための嘆願


 [Prince Ye We Ching is the son of Chin  Pom Ye, who was Korean Minister to the United States, 1896-1900.  The recently deposed Korean Emperor, Ye Hyeng, is his grand uncle.  The Prince’s name indicates his royal birth.  We is his given name; Chong indicates his “generation name” and Ye is his imperial family name.  He lived in Washington, D. C. for four years, attended the College of Janson de Lailly [Sailly] and for two years was a student at the special military school at St. Cyr in Paris.  He has received the Russian order of St. Stanislaus from Tsar Nicholas Ⅱ.  He is married to a Russian lady and has a daughter; his family resides in Russia.  His credentials were sent to him thru secret agents of his Emperor.  For presenting himself at The Hague Peace Conference the Korean courts (at the command of the Japanese officials, so it is generally believed) passed sentence of death against Ye We-Chong and of life imprisonment against his colleagues, Ye Sang Sul and Ye Choon.  The latter died of heart failure while at The Hague.  We publish a facsimile and translation of the credentials which he bears to The Hague, signed by the Emperor’s own hand and sealed with the imperial seal at the palace in Seoul, April 20, 1907.  The Japanese have denied existence or authenticity of this document and claim to have obtained a disavowal of it from ex-Emperor. ーEDITOR.]

 [李瑋鍾王子は 1896 年から 1900 年までの在合衆国公使 李範晋の息子である。最近退位させられた韓国皇帝 李㷩は彼の大叔父である。王子の名はその高貴な生れを示している。瑋は親から授かった名であり、鐘は 「世代名」 であり、李は彼が皇族であることを示す姓である。四年間、ワシントンD.C.に住み、パリでジャンソンドサイー中学校に通い、二年間、サンシール軍事学校の学生だった。皇帝ニコライ二世から聖スタニスラフ勲章を授与されている。ロシア人の婦人と結婚し、一人娘がいて、家族はロシアに居住している。彼の信任状は皇帝の隠密の協力員たちを通して送られた。ハーグ平和会議に姿を見せたことに対して、韓国の法廷は(日本人の官吏に指令されていたので一般に信じられた)李瑋鍾に死刑を、同僚の李相卨と李儁には終身禁固を言い渡した。後者はハーグ滞在中に心不全で死去した。われわれは彼がハーグに携えて来た、信任状の複写と翻訳を公表する。1907 年 4 月 20 日、ソウルの王宮で皇帝が手ずから署名し、皇帝印を捺したものである。日本政府はこの文書の実在あるいは正信性を否認した上で、先帝からそれを否定する回答を得たと主張している。ー編集部]



At the beginning of the Russo-Japan war, the Japanese Government announced that it had two main objects in view ー the maintenance of the independence and territorial integrity of Korea, and the continuance of the “open door” for the trade in the Far East.  The Japanese publicists proclaimed, time after time, that Japan was not fighting for herself alone, but also for all civilizstion and for the commercial benefit of all training nations.  So every American and English marchant, missionary and other men in the Far East, fully expected that Japan would keep her words.  In Korea, both the people and Government, placing full confidence in Japan’s solemn promises ー of the maintenance of independence and territorial integrity, made alliance with Japan.  By virtue of this treaty the country was open to Japan as a basis of her military operations and the Korean Government and people assisted the Japanese in every possible manner in their struggle with Russia.  We, the people of Korea, who had been tired of the corruption, exaction and cruel administration of the old Government, received the Japanese


with sympathy and hope.  We believed at that time that Japan, while dealing possibly stern measures agaist the corrupt officials, would give justice to the common people and would give honest advice in the administrative work.  We believed that Japan would seize the occasion and lead the Koreans in their efforts to bring about the necessary reforms.

 The Japanese were loud in their emphasis of the fact that they were in Korea, not alone for their own benefit, but as a nation doing the work of all civilized races, and securing themaintenance of the “open door” and of equal opportunity for all.

 Then came the succession of remarkable Japanese victories and the tone of the statesmen and administrators altered.  To our amazement and great resentment Japan has been and is playing the ugly, unjust, inhuman, selfish and brutal role instead of a fair and equal opportunities for all role.

 The first demand, after Japanese wormed their way among us under the guise of friendship, with fair words and with solemn promises to maintain our






