Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

【工事中】Japanese Interim Report Nazi War Crimes Interagency Working Group An Interim Report to Congress 日本に関する暫定報告 ナチ戦争犯罪省庁横断作業集団 議会への暫定報告 より 2002. 3 

Nazi War Crimes Interagency Working Group

Japanese Interim Report

An Interim Report to Congress

Foreword 前書き

The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG) submits this report in response to two statutory requirements:  (1) The Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998 (P.L.105-246), which established the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency Working Group (IWG) to oversee the declassification and release of U. S. Government records containing information on Nazi crimes during World War II, including those of Germany's ally, Japan; and (2) The Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act of 2000 (P.L. 106-567), which specifically added declassification and release of American records related to Japanese crimes during World War II. Section 2(c)(3) of the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act required that appropriate committees of the Senate and the House be informed of the activities of the IWG and Federal agencies in identifying and declassifying records under the Act.  The first report under that Act, submitted on October 27, 1999, dealt with the Government's efforts related to the identification and declassification of records related to Nazi war crimes in the European Theater in World War II.  This report augments that first report and informs the Congress of the Government's efforts in identifying and declassifying records related to crimes committed by Japan.

ナチ戦争犯罪と日本帝国政府記録の省庁横断調査団 (IWG) は二つの法令的要請に応えてこの報告書を提出する。(1) 1998 年のナチ戦争犯罪開示法 (P.L.105-246) 。この法が、第二次世界大戦中のナチの犯罪についての情報を、ドイツの同盟国日本のそれについても含めて、内包する合州国政府の記録の機密解除と公表を監督するため、ナチ戦争犯罪記録の省庁横断調査団 (IWG) を設立した。

The statutory requirement fulfilled by this report is that contained in Section 802(c) of the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act (P.L. 106-567), which was signed on December 27, 2000.

This provision requires that:

Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Interagency Group shall, to the greatest extent possible consistent with Section 803--
1.  Locate, identify, inventory, recommend for declassification, and make available to the public at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), all classified Japanese Imperial Government records of the United States;

2.  Coordinate with agencies and take such actions as necessary to expedite the release of such records to the public; and

3.  Submit a report to Congress, including the Committee on Government Reform and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, describing all such records, the disposition of such records, and the activities of the Interagency Group and agencies under this section.

The following interim report fulfills these requirements by describing the IWG's effort to survey agency records and identify and declassify Japanese war crimes records. This is an interim report. It does not present an account of final findings and does not attempt to assess the historical significance of the declassified records.

Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group,
March 2002


Highlights of Declassification to Date これまでの機密解除の注目点

The following are brief descriptions of records related to Japanese war crimes that have been located, identified, and declassified (or otherwise noted) in accordance with the Act.

以下は同法に従って所在を突き止められ、関連性を確認され、そして機密解除 (さもなくば特記) された、日本の戦争犯罪に関係のある記録の簡単な内容紹介である。


Records of the Navy Judge Advocate General


Several folders (declassified in 1997 but apparently unused by researchers) relating to pre-trial collection of reports and evidence compiled by American and Allied sources in various theaters of the Asia-Pacific War for possible prosecution of Japanese war crimes and atrocities. These include:

裁判準備のために収集された報告書や証拠に関係するいくつかのフォルダー。1997 年に機密解除されているが、見たところ研究者に使われていない。日本の戦争犯罪や残虐行為を訴追する可能性を考えて、アジア太平洋戦争のさまざまな戦場におけるアメリカ軍と連合国軍の情報源が集めたもの。

・Brief U.S. report, New Guinea, April 1944, of the rescue of an American nurse, said to have been transported from the Philippines to New Guinea for purposes of prostitution; nineteen other American nurses were alleged to be in the same situation with Japanese forces in and around Hollandia.

・売春させる目的でフィリピンからニューギニアに移送されたと言われる、アメリカ人の看護師の救出についての、合州国軍による1944 年のニューギニアからの簡単な報告。他に十九人のアメリカ人看護師がホランディア市内と近郊で日本軍によって同じ状況に置かれていた。

・References in intelligence summaries by the Royal Netherlands Navy to abusive conditions in POW camps in Java.  One summary states that a hospital in Java was closed in 1943 and converted to a Japanese brothel, "surrounded with barbed wire" and guarded by a Japanese policeman.

オランダ王国海軍が諜報知見をまとめたものなかに見られる、ジャワ島の捕虜収容所内の虐待的条件の指摘。あるまとめには、ジャワ島のある病院が 1943 年に閉鎖されて日本軍の淫売宿に転用され、有刺鉄線を張り巡らされて日本軍の憲兵に警護されていると述べられている。

・Report by the Chinese Ministry of War (received by U.S. Military Intelligence in July 1944), on Japan's use of chemical warfare in China, 1937-1942, giving dates, places, and casualty statistics. (All reports, RG 125, Box 4)

・1937 年から 1942 年までの中国における日本軍の化学兵器使用についての中国戦争省の報告書 (1944 年 7 月に合州国軍事諜報部が受領) 。日付と場所、死傷者の統計が載っている。(全報告書が RG 125, Box 4)

・Eyewitness account by second generation Japanese born in Singapore, of the torture and murder of a captured American airman by a Colonel Tsuji and subsequent cannibalism of his preserved body parts.  Same informant, in course of interview by Southeast Asia Translation and Interrogation Center under the supervision of the OWI, New Delhi, claimed "rape and pillage" were common among front-line soldiers fighting in China and attested to the establishment by the Japanese army of occupation in Malaysia of "licensed public comfort houses," a practice which did not prevent abuse and rape of Malaysian women.

・辻 [政信] 大佐が米軍航空兵を拷問して殺害し、その後、彼の体の各部を貯蔵して人肉食をしたことの、シンガポールで生まれた第二世代の日本人による目撃談。同じ情報提供者は、戦争情報局監督下のニューデリーの東南アジア翻訳尋問センターによる面談に答えて、中国の前線で戦う兵士たちの間では「強姦と掠奪」が当たり前になっていると力説し、日本のマレーシア占領軍は各地に「許可制の公共慰安所」を設置しているが、この慣行はマレーシアの女性の虐待と強姦の予防にはなっていないと証言した。

・Testimony by American Field Service ambulance driver of Japanese disregard of Red Cross emblems and of the killing of eight British doctors near the China-Burma border.


・Report by an American sergeant of cannibalism by Japanese troops on Leyte; his patrol had found flesh removed from butchered Japanese bodies.  U.S. officer attested to finding a Japanese body with a missing heart.


・Lengthy U.S. intelligence report on the destruction of Manila and other atrocities based on testimony from ecclesiastical, civilian, and military witnesses.  Information was kept confidential at the time to prevent retaliation against other priests in Southeast Asia.


・Interrogation of a Japanese POW, described as "well-educated" and "most reliable," alleging Japanese military decapitation of Chinese POWs. Same prisoner "emphasized" that the emperor personally presided at meetings of the Imperial General Headquarters, which were held within the Palace Grounds and included the Army General Staff and Naval General Staff.

・「高度の教育を受け」ていて「最も信用できる」と記された日本兵の戦争捕虜が、日本軍では組織的な中国人戦争捕虜の斬首が行われていると断言する尋問報告。同一の捕虜が、宮城内で陸軍参謀本部や海軍軍令部も出席して開催される大本営の会議では天皇が議長を務めるのだと「語気を強めた」 という。
