Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

朝鮮内政干渉・王宮占領・日清戦争 電報集 1984.6.18~7.12

花押〈光〉 花押〈董〉 花押〈慎〉
電受第二六六号 142 wds 【佐藤愛麿】

     Entering into 京城 have found the state of affairs very different from what expected at the time of departure. Chinese soldiers were not present at 京城; rebels defeated; 全州 restored and Chinese soldiers have not advanced farther than 牙山. As such has been and still is the situation here I find no reason for an increase of guards of the Legation; as it is however very impolite to return 3,000 soldiers arrived 仁川 六月十五日 without doing anything we must find out some reason for employing them effectively; happily 袁世凱 came 六月十五日 and proposed to withdraw China soldiers at the same time with the Japanese. I answered that I would ask for instructions as I was not empowered to withdraw Japanese soldiers. I believe taking advantage of this occasion to demand Corean Government and 袁世凱 withdrawing Chinese troops before that of ours. If 袁世凱 refuse to comply with our demand, we may consider that refusal as endeavours on the part of China to support her suzerainty over this country and as denial of our efforts in maintaining independence of Corea; as such act of Chinese Government also seriously affects our interests in Corea we may with every reason on our part drive out Chinese soldiers by force. May I resort to such energetic measures if after all amicable arrangement cannot be reached without impairing our dignity answer immediately.
 Seoul June 18. 1984  1-30
 Rec'd 〃 19. 〃    8-42

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205100 p.8-p.9

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 政務局 花押〈慎〉 通商局 印
電受第二八〇号 22 wds 【處分済】

      600 Japanese soldiers arrived safely on board 高砂丸 六月十八日. It has been ascertained that Chinese soldiers are stationed at 牙山. It is rumored here that Chinese soldiers will probably leave for China. 筑紫艦 was dispatched to inspect.
Chemulpo June 18 1894  8-16 p.m.
Rec'd   〃 22 〃

    Via Shanghai
      Delayed on Chinese land line.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205100 p.24 右


 4. Received your telegram of 六月十八日 which I presume was sent before you had seen my telegrams regarding my proposal to China. I believe you would think differently after you have seen the above telegrams. From telegram of 在北京臨時代理公使 it appears that Chinese Government would reject our proposal. In that [✕event✕]<case> we may be constrained to take a single handed measure, [✕(and I think it is advisable now to let the troops enter 京城 leaving some at 仁川.)✕] I had an interview with 在日本清公使. He said under instructions of [✕李鴻章✕]<Chinese Government firstly> that 東學党 has been suppressed there is no necessity for first clause of my proposal to conjointly put down the rebels etc. I [✕replied✕]<answered> that I construe that as willingness of Chinese Government to act conjointly with Japan in case there existed any revolt at any time. Secondly he said that Coreans are alarmed and fly away because of large number of Japanese troops and requested that [✕some✕]<troops> may be withdrawn <leaving small number> in order to remove the alarm and that if Japanese troops be not so withdrawn, additional Chinese troops will be sent for protection of Chinese. I [✕replied✕]<answered> that I heard of it for the first time, that I firmly believed that Japanese troops being under strict discipline there is no apprehension that they would frighten the people; [✕......✕]<I am going to tell Chinese Minister that after investigation your report is to the contrary. Bear this in mind in case of conversation with 袁世凱 □□.>

 Sent June 20th 1894

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205000 p.33-p.34

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】
政務局 印【栗野愼一郎】
電受第二七三号 15 wds 通知ニ及ハス

       600 Japanese soldiers arrived 仁川 六月十八日. Why do you send so many soldiers notwithstanding my representations.
 Seoul June 19th 1984  1. 10. a.m.
 Rec'd 〃  21st 〃   10. 6. a.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205100 p.10

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 花押〈董〉
政務局 S.K.
電受第二八四号 18 wds

    全羅道 revolt seems (to) have been completely quelled. Why do you send Japanese soldiers to 釜山浦 and 元山 without consulting me.
Seoul June 20 94 2-45 p.m.
Rec'd 〃  22 〃 10-35 〃

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205100 p.24 右

電受第二九一号 62 wds

 Carefully considered your telegram of 六月十八日 which was received 六月廿日 7.p.m. but I cannot take steps mentioned in that telegram because we have no grounds whatever to make such demand against Corea and in my opinion there is no course than that mentioned in my telegram 六月十八日 it is absolutely necessary prompt and decided acton should be taken and I expect your prompt answers. It appears that some powers entertain suspicion upon our attitude toward Corea in sending such powerful forces hope you will take best possible means to explain our object no matter powers.
Seoul June 20th 1894  10. 40. p.m.
Rec'd 〃 23d 〃   12. 50. p.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.18-p.19

   Seoul.            No.239
5. From report of 在天津領事 and 神尾陸軍少佐, it appears that 李鴻章 is about to send Corea 5,500 soldiers commencing anbarkation from 六月廿ニ日. So you must be fully prepared for every eventuality. Press Corean Government to repair 釜山 telegraph line at once. In case of their delay, and if there is any apprehension of 我□ telegraph line intentionally interrupted take the matter into your own hand and have it repaired by the engineers of Japanese army.
         June 21-1894.   Mutsu.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.3

大臣 花押〈光〉
電送第二三〇号 75 wds

    (6) ln views of additional despatch of Chinese troops as per telegram 5, it now looks as if collision may be unavoidable. It is likely to be decided in cabinet meeting this afternoon that about 2,000 additional Japanes to make up 混成旅團 to be sent to Corea in a day or so. In case of collision, it is most important that Corean King and Government to side with Japan; so you are instructed to manage so as to make them rely upon Japan by explaining our friendly attitude and our efforts of securing her independence which China constantly ignores by claiming right of suzerainty.
 June 21st 189.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205100 p.11 左

大臣 花押〈光〉 政務局 花押〈慎〉 通商局 印【原敬

        Take the following telegram with you as soon as you arrive at 仁川 communicate it to Otori by quickest possible means. To Otori. 8. Chinese Government rejected our proposal, and from reports of 在天津一等領事 and 神尾陸軍少佐 it appears that 李鴻章 is about to send to Corea 5,500 soldiers commencing embarkation from 六月廿三日. So now it looks as if collision may be unavoidable and in Cabinet Meeting 六月廿二日 in the presence of His Majesty it is decided to send about 2,000 additional soldiers to make up 混成旅團, leaving 廣嶋 六月廿四日, and you are hereby instructed to concentrate all troops to 京城 immediately notwithstanding you may have more or less fear to create complications.
 June 22d 1984

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205100 p.28

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】
電送第二四〇号 24 wds

 9. (一)加藤外務書記官 will leave 廣嶋 together with 2000 soldiers 六月廿四日 for 京城 with full instructions for you. (Your long telegram of 六月二十日 received.)

June 23d 1894.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.16

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】
政務局 印【栗野愼一郎】
電受第二九四号 20 wds

   Received your telegram 5. 6. As it is absolutely necessary take measures mentioned in my telegram of 六月十八日, may I take such steps immediately. See 機密㐧九十六号信 dated 六月十八日.
Seoul June 23 '94  11. 51. p.m.
Rec'd 〃  〃 〃    6.  p.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205100 p.36

大臣 花押 次官【林董】 政務局 花押〈慎〉
電送第二四一号 加藤宛全文

    Naniwa kan,
      Take following cipher telegram to Otori and telegraph me when you receive this. △To Otori. 10. You are hereby instructed to strongly press upon Corean Government in the form of recommendation actual and effective reform and amelioration of the system of administration, justice and finance so as to guarantee against future misgovernment. You may support your argument with the reasons given in my reply to Chinese Minister which 加藤 takes to you. You may judiciously disclose the above to foreign representatives so as to justify act of Japanese Government before the world.

六月廿三日 外務大臣ヨリ在馬關 浪速艦 加藤書記官ヘ左ノ電報ヲ發セリ

左記ノ暗号電報ヲ大鳥ニ渡セ 且ツ本電ニ接シタラハ返電セヨ
「朝鮮ノ行政、司法 及 財政ノ制度上 實際有効ノ改革改善ヲ施シ 以テ將來 再ヒ失政ナカランヲ保証スヘキコトヲ同政府ニ勸告振ヲ以テ嚴談スヘキ旨 閣下ニ訓令ス 其際 閣下ノ論鋒ヲ强ムルニハ 本大臣カ清國公使ヘ與ヘタル解答中ニ述ヘタル理由ヲ用フヘシ 右回答ノ寫ハ加藤ヨリ閣下ニ傳達スへシ 而シテ閣下ハ適宜ニ右理由ヲ諸外國公使ニ開示シ 以テ日本政府ノ處置ノ至當ナルコトヲ世上ニ表スへシ」

(編者附言 本文ノ謂フ清國公使ノ囬答ハ 廿七年六月二十ニ日附 親展送苐四二号ニシテ 該原書ハ 朝鮮國内政改革ニ関シ日清両國政府協心同力ノ議 不調ト相成リタル始末ノ一件□□□…)

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.17

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 政務局長 サイン〈慎〉

    11. In consequence of failure of negotiation with Chinese Government Japanese soldiers cannot be now withdrawn from Corea on sole condition of the withdrawal of the Chinese troops even 東學党 disturbance is quelled and also even collision with China should become unavoidable thereby sooner or later. We are bound now to do single handed what we proposed to Chinese Government. Detailed instructions will be brought to you by 加藤 and you will wait till his arrival. 機密㐧96号信(對清交渉ニアリ) dated 六月十八日 not yet received. Concentrate all the troops in 京城 immediately.
June 23 1894

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.20

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 政務局 印【栗野愼一郎】
電受第三〇〇号 11 wds

  (2.) All Japanese troops will leave for 京城 1. a.m. 六月二十四日.
Chemulpo June 24' 1894  8. 40. a.m.
Rec'd   〃 〃  〃   4. 35. p.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.21

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 政務局 印【栗野愼一郎】
電受第三〇二号 33 wds

 (7.) According to secret information it appears that 閔泳駿 is now in bad terms with 袁世凱, and 金嘉鎭 and several other of Japanese party have been appointed officials, men desiring entry of 大院君 into Government are gradually increasing.
Seoul June 24. '94  1-40 p.m.
Rec'd 〃 〃 〃  11-59 〃

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.22

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 印【栗野愼一郎】 印【原敬
電受第三〇三号 69 w

     8.  ln a private conversation 六月廿三日 evening Russian Chargé d'affairs ad-interim argued withdrawal of Japanese soldiers as soon as possible. He said that he has telegraphed morning 六月廿三日 在日本露公使 to inquire into real intention of Japanese Government. He added that Russian Government would not send their soldiers to Corea in the present circumstances. I answered that l am waiting for instructions about the withdrawal, that Japanese Government have no object other than to protect our Legation and the people; in the connection I have confidentially informed him Chinese Government have declared to Japanese Government that China has sent troops to Corea in order to assist tributary state. He told me he would inform his Government the said declaration.
Seoul June 24 1894  12. 40. p.m.
Rec'd 〃 25 〃   10  a.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205100 p.39

大臣 承知 次官 公印 政務局 印【栗野愼一郎】
電受第三〇八号 27 wds

  (9.)  All your telegrams to number 12. received. Telegraph for my information disposition of treaty powers especially Great Britain, Russia, France about the attitude of Japan toward Corea and also telegraph from time to time on every change of the disposition.
Seoul June 25th 1894  11. 20. a.
Rec'd 〃 〃  〃   11. 12. p. 

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.23

大臣 承知 次官 承知 政務局 サイン〈慎〉
電送第二四七号 大鳥 307
電送第二四八号 小村 306(但シ番号ノ一字ヲ欠ク)

   Otori,         Komura,
      Seoul.         Peking.
  (13.) The following telegram has been sent to 在露日本公使 and 在英日本公使.
   Russian Minister called on me 六月廿五日, regarding Corea. He informed me that Chinese Government had asked good offices of Russian Government and that in consequence Russian Government had instructed him to suggest to Japanese Government that they should endeavor to avoid a collision with China which owning to the presence of troops of both countries in Corea seemed imminent. I assured Russian Minister that our sole object was to ameliorate condition of Corea and place her independence upon firm and enduring foundation and that in fulfillment of that object we had proposed to Chinese Government the creation of joint commission devoted to the labor of formulating measures looking to an improvement in Corean administration. That scheme, l added, had been rejected by China. I then called Russian Minister's attention to inconsistence of Chinese Government in demanding the withdrawal of Japanese troops from Corea while actually engaged in dispatching re-inforcements to Corea and making preparation for sending thither additional forces amounting ,in all, to 5,500 soldiers, besides the 2,500 already there. Japamese Government, I continued, is familiar with the history of methods pursued by China in Corea and consequently that they unfortunately could not regard mere verbal assurances of China as a sufficient guarantee upon which to withdraw their forces, since the withdrawal of their army with that of China might occasion renewal of the revolt and serve as pretext of re-introduction of Chinese troops into Corea. In short, I said that Japanese Government were convinced that the continued independence of Corea depended upon the introduction of radical reforms in the administration. I also told Russian Minister that present situation had been forced upon us by circumstances beyond our initiative or control. Under these circumstances I said that Japanese Government did not feel at liberty to withdraw their troops unless one of the following courses was adopted. 1st That Japan and China join in an arrangement to examine and devise measures having for their objects the perpetuation of Corean independence and the amelioration of the condition of the Kingdom; or 2nd If China finds insuperable objections to taking part in such work that she shall engage neither directly nor indirectly to interfere with Japan in the prosecution of the undertaking. Finally I declared to Russian Minister that our mission in Corea was one of peace and civilization and that so far as China was concerned we are in defensive attitude. You are hereby instructed make declaration to Russian Government in above senses.
June 26th 1894  2. 40. a.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205300 p.8-p.10

花押〈光〉 サイン〈董〉
電送第二四九号 50 wds

    14. So far nothing very important has been learned about disposition of treaty powers you mention. I will telegraph you as soon as I hear of it. Regarding your forthcoming labor with Corean Government try to [✕befriend 大院君 and other✕]<win over> influential Coreans as a preliminary step and let me know who will probably side with our cause.
 If you require expense for that purpose reasonable sum may be allowed upon your application.

June 26 1894

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.24

大臣【陸奥】 次官【林董】
政務局【栗野愼一郎】 通商局【印】
電受第三一七号 83wds

   11.  加藤 not having arrived, I have not yet officially communicated to the Corean Government proposition mentioned in your telegram; but after private measures taken and many information obtained, I have found that Corean Government being firmly convinced of the(此處落写アルガ如シ)〈to suggest to China our proposition will not be carried out all those effectual〉 reform will [not] be made as long as Corea is under the influence of China. I think it is absolutely necessary at this moment to decide the qestion of Chinese suzerainty. Meanwhile having obtained a copy of proclamation issued by Chinese General 聶 in which it is stated that he has been sent to aid 屬國. I asked 袁世凱 六月廿六日 by official letter if it is true. May I take such steps as I deem necessary to contradict the above proclamation even by force. Answer immediately.
Seoul June 26th 1894.      2. 5. p.m.
Pec'd 〃  27th 〃       11. 5. p.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.25~p.26

大臣 印【陸奥】 次官 印【林董】 政務局 花押〈慎〉 通商局 印
電送第二五六号 34 wds

 (15.)  Regarding our proposal to Corea for reform its detailed instructions will be sent in writing by earliest opportunity. In the meantime, you may commence to lay proposal before Corean Government as soon as you deem proper time arrived by using your discretion in accordance with my telegram 10.
Sent June 27th 1894.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.27

大臣 印【陸奥】 政務局 稟義
電送第二五九号 43 wds 印【佐藤愛麿】

   care of Japanese Consulate General,
(17.)   Demand withdrawal of words 屬國 in proclamation of 聶. It does not seem politic at present to attempt expulsion by force of Chinese soldiers in 牙山. You will lay the proposal for reform before Corean Government as soon as 加藤 arrived no matter Corean Government listen to it or not.
Sent June 28th 1894.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.47

大臣 印【陸奥】 次官 承知 政務局 稟義

  19 Have you ever received my telegram 17 sent through 在釜山総領事館.
 Tokio 29 June 1894

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.48

大臣 印【陸奥】 次官 印【林董】
電受第三二七号 216 wds

     12. 加藤 arrived morning 六月廿八日 and I have been reported fully your instructions; being firmly convinced that no effectual reform could be made unless China trampled down and Corea put under our influence as stated in my telegram 11. 六月廿六日 and in order to carry out Japanese Government I have 六月廿八日 sent official letter to the Corean Government appending copy of a letter from 在日本清国公使 to you and demanding explanations in a day whether they they recognize suzerainty of China as mentioned in that letter; if they answer that they do not recognize it I shall press 袁世凱 on the one hand to withdraw Chinese soldiers immediately on the ground that the presence of those soldiers under the pretext of protecting dependent state is prejudicial to independence of Corea and also Corean Government on the other hand to drive out Chinese soldiers and if unable do so in their power we have to take the matter in hand. If they answer that they recognize we shall immediately besiege Royal Palace and demand explanation and apology of their grave violation of Article Ⅰ, 江華島 treaty; If Corean Government prefer an equivocal course of reply that though they have been said to be dependent state of China they have an automatic right in respect to the internal affairs and foreign intercourse I shall also resort to the same measure to be taken in the first case; in any case it is most necessary on our part to give assurance (of) our legitimate intention to other treaty powers in order to keep them in a neutral position and such assurance you and I will give utmost; on the occasion of audience 六月廿六日 I have mentioned to the King administratve reform of this country and I going to present officially Corean Government our proposal at the earliest opportunity. Use such means as you think the best to notify this telegram to 小村 and give him necessary instructions. What measures will Japanese fleet take at this moment. Rewit at once 10,000 yen. Telegraph immediately your instructions.
Seoul June 29th '94 6. p.m.
Rec'd 〃 30th 〃 9. 30. a.m.


〃    〃 三十日午前九時三十分接
 東京      京城
  陸奥外務大臣  大鳥公使

加藤外務書記官ハ六月廿八日朝 来着シ 本使ハ貴大臣ノ訓令ヲ委シク承リタリ」
六月廿六日苐十一号 本使ノ電信ニ述ベタル如ク 支那ヲ壓倒シ朝鮮ヲ我カ威力ノ下ニ置クニ非ザレバ 到底 有効ノ改革ヲ遂クルコト能ハザルコトヲ確信スルガ故ニ 日本政府ノ目的ヲ遂ケンガ為メニ六月廿六日 本使ハ朝鮮政府ヘ公文ヲ送リ 之ニ添フルニ在日本清國公使ヨリ貴大臣エ宛タル書簡ノ冩ヲ以テシテ 朝鮮政府ニ向テ 該政府ハ果シテ右清國公使ノ書簡ニ述ベタル如ク支那ノ属邦ナルコトヲ認ムルヤ否ヤニ付キ 一日ヲ期シテ弁明ヲ與フベキヲ要求セリ 而シテ若シ朝鮮政府ガ其属邦タルコトヲ認メズト返答セバ 本使ハ一方ニ於テハ袁世凱ニ向テ 支那ガ属邦ヲ保護スルトノ口實ニ依リ清兵ヲ派遣シ 現ニ朝鮮ニ駐在セシムルコトハ 朝鮮ノ獨立ニ害アリトノ理由ヲ以テ 直チニ清兵ノ撤囬ヲ求メ 又 他ノ一方ニ於テハ朝鮮政府ニ向テ 清兵ヲ追出スコトヲ求ムべシ 而シテ万一 朝鮮政府ニ於テ自力ヲ以テ清兵ヲ追出スコト能ハザル塲合ニハ 我ニ於テ自ラ其事ニ任ゼザルヲ得ズ」
若又 朝鮮政府ニ於テ其属邦ナルコトヲ認ムルト返答セバ 我兵ヲ以テ直チニ王宮ヲ囲ミ 江華島條約苐一條ヲ破リタルモノトシテ彼ヨリ辨明ト謝辞ヲ求ムべシ」
若又 朝鮮政府ニ於テ曖昧ノ返答ヲ為シ 朝鮮ハ支那ノ属邦ナリト称スルト虽モ内治外交ニ於テハ朝鮮政府ニ於テ自ラ断行ノ権アリトイフトキハ 矢張リ苐一ノ塲合ニ於ケルト同様ノ處置ヲ執ルべシ 何レノ塲合ニ於テモ他ノ條約國ヲシテ局外中立ノ地位ヲ守ラシムル為メ 日本政府ノ正當ナル目的ニ関シ我ヨリ保証ヲ與フルコト最モ緊要ナリ 而シテ此保証ハ貴大臣 及ヒ本使ニ於テ飽迄之ヲ與ヘント欲ス
「六月廿六日 謁見ノ際 本使ハ當國行政改革ノ事ヲ國王ニ奏上セリ 且ツ本使ハ最近ノ機?ヲ以テ我カ提議ヲ公然 朝鮮政府ニ提出スベキ積リナリ」
本電信ノ趣ハ貴大臣ニ於テ最モ適切トセラルヽ方法ヲ以テ小村臨時代理公使ヘ御通知アリ 尚ホ必要ノ御訓令ヲ同代理公使ヘ附與セラレタシ」
金一万円 直チニ御廻附ヲ乞フ

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.52-p.57

電送第二六六号  12 wds
大臣【陸奥】 次官【林董】

      20  I [approve✕] <received> your <telegram 12> [demanding explanations from Corean Government, but✕] before resorting to violent measure wait for further instructions
June 30th 1894

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.58

大臣 印【陸奥】 次官 印【林董】
電受第三三一号 36 wds

       It has been heard that 袁世凱 is planning to remove the king of Corea to 水原 京畿道. 加藤 telegraphed 大鳥 stating that it is deemed necessary to post Japanese soldiers at the gates of the castle. 加藤 left for 京城 10. 30. P.m. 六月廿七日 accompanied by 室田 but coming back 六月廿八日.
Bakan June 30 '94  9. 30. a.m.
Rec'd  〃 〃 〃  10. 40. a.m.
https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030205300 p.34

電受第三四二号 35 w
大臣 承知 次官 承知

     15.  Received your Telegram 17 20. Corean Government have sent noon 六月三十日 official letter conforming Article Ⅰ of 江華島 treaty. I am therefore taking against 袁世凱. Corean Government steps mentioned in my telegram 12 as nothing can be done without resorting to such measures as give me full authority for that purpose.
Seoul June 30 1894   7-40 p.m.
Rec'd July 1 1894    2.5 p.m.

明治廿七年六月三十日 後七時四十分發
〃    七月一日  〃二時 五分接

東京     京城
 陸奥大臣   大鳥公使

一七、二十ノ貴電接附セリ 朝鮮政府ハ六月三十日正午 公文ヲ以テ江華島條約苐一条(即チ自主國タルコトヲ証明スルモノナリ)ヲ確証スル旨 申越セリ 故ニ本使ハ袁世凱 及 朝鮮政府ニ對シ 本使電報㐧十二ニ記載シアル手段ヲ執リ居レリ(以下 電文 不明瞭ナリ 併シ機密重要ノコトニ非サルガ如シ)

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308100 p.59~p.60

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 花押〈董〉
電受第三五六号 57wds

        Secretly have been informed that 李鴻章 telegraphed to Corean Government to the effect that foreign Powers disprove Japan's action in Corea; that she has fallen into dilemma; that China will make Japan withdraw her soldiers and therefore Corean Government should never listen to any proposal from 大鳥. The above telegram being circulated in order to cheat Corean Government. Hope you will not agree to such proposal as to withdraw Japanese Chinese soldiers simultaneously. 袁 announced me officially morning 七月一日 that proclamation of 聶 is genuine.
Seoul July 1 1894.  11. 45. a.m.
Rec'd 〃 3 〃   12. midnight

上奏 各大臣 枢密議長 参謀次長 軍令部長 松方伯

〃 〃   〃 四日零時着

 東京           京城
  陸奥外務大臣       大鳥公使

内密ノ手段ヲ以テ聞キ得タル所ニ依レハ 李鴻章ハ左ノ如キ電報ヲ朝鮮政府ニ送レリト云フ

諸外國ハ今般 朝鮮ニ於ケル日本ノ行為ヲ避難ス 日本ハ進退 谷マレリ
清國ハ日本ヲシテ其兵ヲ撤囬セシムベケレバ 朝鮮政府ハ大鳥ヨリ如何ナル提議アリトモ之ニ耳ヲ傾クルコト勿レト

右ノ電信ハ全ク朝鮮ヲ欺カンガ為ニ流傳サレタルモノ故 閣下ハ我兵ヲ支那兵ト同時ニ朝鮮ヨリ撤囬セラレザランコトヲ望ム 袁世凱ハ七月一日午前 公文ヲ以テ 聶提督ノ宣言ハ實ナリト答ヘタリ

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200 p.17-p.18

大臣 花押〈光〉
電受第三五九号 23wds

   Received your long telegram 七月一日. As Motono 福島 with be sent to inform my opinion on the pending question, earnestly I hope you will take strong policy against intervention foreign countries.
Seoul July 2nd 1894.  2. 21. p.m.
Rec'd 〃  〃  〃   1. 12. p.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/ B03050308200 p.19

大臣 印【陸奥】 次官 印【林董】
電受苐三六〇号 29w 佐藤

    17.  七月三日 I have presented draft for administrative reform but 督弁交渉通商事務 very reluctantly replied that he will convey it to the king. Motono left 仁川 3 p.m. 七月三日. Will probably arrive 東京 七月8日 morning.
Seoul July 3 1894  6 p.m.
Rec'd 〃 4 〃   5 p.m.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200 p.20

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印
電送第二九〇号 【佐藤愛麿】

    26. Lodge strong protest against official announcement of 袁世凱 regarding proclamation of 聶. As to opposition of Japanese Government to simultaneous
withdrawal you must have clearly understood it by my reply to Russian Minister. As to telegram of 李鴻章 to Corean Government ask [✕袁世凱 and✕] Corean Government if such rumor is true, If answer is denial make it publicly known, if it is confirmative, make it also publicly known adding that China tries to obstruct Japan's friendly and peaceful mission by calumniously misrepresenting her good intention. In any case telegraph me of their answer and your action.
July 4 1894.

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200 p.21

大臣 印【陸奥】 次官 印【林董】
電送第三〇七号 61w

  (33) British good offices at Peking may have effect before long resulting in negotiations with Chinese Government. In anticipation of this possible turn of event, you should in the meantime secure every possible material advantages such as railroad telegraph line and settlement of other pending questions mentioned in instructions brought by 栗野, because advantages thus secured prior to opening of negotiations will be so much gain to remain intact. Notwithstanding above prospect of negotiations, you need not avoid conflict in case of actual provocation.
July 8 1894

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200 p.40

大臣 承知 次官 印【林董】
電受苐三九九号 38wods

(21) 督弁交渉通商事務 gave decided refusal to our proposal in regard to repair or to construction of 京城釜山 telegraph line, insisting that these works belong to sovereign right, cannot allow any foreign country to do them. It now remains to take recourse to your instructions 機密苐二十五号信 dated 六月二十一日 third chanse. I will begin on favorable opportunity.
Seoul July 10, 1894.  2-20 p.m.
Rec'd 〃 〃 〃    7  p.m.

上奏 各大臣 枢長 松伯 二中將ハ除ク 七月十一日

〃    〃 〃 〃 七時接

東京              京城
 陸奥外務大臣          大鳥公使

京城釜山間ノ電線ヲ修繕シ又ハ新築スルコトニ關スル我提議ニ對シテハ 督辨交渉通商事務ハ断然 之ヲ拒絶シ 此等ノ工事ハ一國ノ主権ニ属シ 外国ヲシテ之ヲ為サシムルコト能ハスト主張セリ 依テ此上ハ本使ニ於テハ六月二十一日附機密㐧二十五号 貴大臣ノ訓令㐧三項ニ依リ之ヲ處スルノ外 致方ナシ 本使ハ好機ニ投シテ之ニ着手スベシ

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200 p.46-p.47


 (22.)  Under my strong pressure Corean Government have been compelled to accept my draft for administrative reform and three committees have been appointed. I have met them 七月十日 and presented my detailed draft, but I believe that the conference with those committees will not lead to effectual reform because Corean Government really are not disposed for any reform, and because Chinese party is gaining greater power in the Court.
Seoul July 11th 1894.  12. 10. p.m.
Rec'd 〃 〃  〃    2. 32. p.m.

十二日正午十二時四十分発 上奏 外ハ無用

〃 〃  〃 〃  〃 二時三十二分着

東京             京城
 陸奥外務大臣         大鳥公使

本使ヨリ嚴シク迫リタル所アルガ為メ 朝鮮政府ハ無據 本使ヨリ提出シタル國政改革案ヲ受納シ 委員三名ヲ任命シタリ 本使ハ昨十日 該委員ト會シ 該案ノ明細書ヲ提出セリ 然レトモ本使ニ於テハ該委員トノ會議ヨリシテ有効ノ改善ヲ遂クルニ至ラサルベシト信ス 何トナレバ朝鮮政府ニ於テハ実際 何等改善ヲ為サント欲スル意ナク 且ツ支那黨ガ宮中ニ於テ益々㔟力ヲ加フルガ故ナリ

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200 p.49-p.50

大臣 印【陸奥】 次官 印【林董】
電受第四〇六號 26wds

 (23.)  Again have met with committees 七月十一日 and told them to give definite answer within three days to the most important points in my advice. The possibility of reform will depend upon the adoption of those points.
Seoul July 12th 1894.  11. 40. a.m.
Rec'd 〃  〃  〃    7. 20. p.m.

上奏 各大臣 枢長 松伯 二中將 林次官 十二日夜皆□
〃  〃 〃  後七時二十分接

東京             京城
 陸奥大臣           大鳥公使

去ル十二日 再ヒ委貟ト會シ 之ニ告ルニ 本使ノ勧告中 至要ノ諸点ニ對シ 三日間ヲ期シテ確答ヲ为スヘキヲ以テセリ 改革ノ成否ハ右要点ヲ採用スルト否トニ依ル

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200 p.54

大臣 印【陸奥】 次官 印【林董】
電送第三二八號 31wds

 (38.)  After the falure of British mediation in Peking it is now necessary to take decisive steps; Consequently you will commence active movement on any pretext taking care to choose what is least liable to the criticisms in the eyes of the world.
Sent July 12th 1894.



https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200 p.55


東学党変乱ノ際韓国保護ニ関スル日清交渉関係一件 第一巻

韓国内政改革ニ関スル交渉雑件 第一巻

1 明治27年6月8日から1894〔明治27〕年6月30日

2 明治27年6月20日から1894〔明治27〕年7月12日 https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03050308200