Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

Statement by Andrew Gordon, Professor, Department of History Carter Eckert, Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University ハーヴァード大学の歴史学部教授アンドルー・ゴードンと東アジア言語·文明学部教授カーター・エッカートの声明 2021. 2. 17

February 17, 2021

2021 年 2 月 17 日

Statement by Andrew Gordon, Professor, Department of History Carter Eckert, Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University


 Earlier this month at the request of the editor of the International Review of Law and Economics, we began to write a critical response to the article “Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War,” by Professor J. Mark Ramseyer, at that point released online by the journal with plans for formal publication in March.

 今月初め、『法学と経済学の国際評論 (International Review of Law and Economics ) 』誌の編集者から依頼を受けた私たちは、J・マーク・ラムザイヤー教授の論文『太平洋戦争中の性交契約』 (Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War) 』に対する批判的な応答を書き始めた。

 As historians of Japan and Korea, what initially appalled us was Ramseyer’s elision of the larger political and economic contexts of colonialism and gender in which the comfort women system was conceived and implemented, and the multiple and brutal ways in which it affected and afflicted the women on a human scale. But as we began to look into the article, its evidence, and its logic, we encountered a different and prior problem of the article’s scholarly integrity. We write to explain that problem.


 Ramseyer’s article rests on a comparison of contracts concluded with the so-called “comfort women”, mainly Korean women, between 1938 and 1945, with contracts for what we might call ordinary legalized prostitution in prewar Japan and in colonial Korea. The article states that he bases his comparison on examination of all these categories of contract (p. 2, final paragraph of section 1). Yet, so far as we and other scholars can determine from tracking Ramseyer’s citations, he has not consulted a single actual contract concluded between a Korean comfort woman, or her family, and a recruiter or a comfort station, or even a sample contract that might have been provided for guidance by the Japanese government or military. One of his sources (Naimusho 1938) provides sample contracts for Japanese women recruited to comfort stations in Shanghai. It describes the women as shakufu (barmaid) not ianfu (comfort woman). It is written in Japanese.

 ラムザイヤー論文の拠り所は、1938 年から 1945 年にかけ・て「慰安婦」と呼ばれる、主として朝鮮/韓国人の女性と結ばれた契約と、戦前の日本や植民地朝鮮で普通だった、合法化された売春契約とでも呼ぶべきものとの比較である。その比較はこれらすべての種類の契約の検討に基づいているとラムザイヤーは論文のなかで述べている(2ページ、第1節の最終段落) 。 けれども、私たちや他の学者がラムザイヤーの引用文献を点検したところから判断する限り、彼は韓国/朝鮮人慰安婦またはその家族と、徴募者または慰安所との間で結ばれた実際の契約書はおろか、日本政府や軍から手引として提供されたであろう契約書の見本さえ、一つも調査していない。 彼が典拠とする文書の一つ(内務省 1938 年)は、上海の慰安所に徴募された日本人女性の契約書の雛形を提供しているが、それは女たちを「慰安婦」ではなく「酌婦 (酒場の女給) 」と説明するもので、日本語で書かれている。

 Absent evidence of contracts concluded in Korea with Korean women, readers are being asked, with no justification given, to assume that such contracts were the same as these contracts with these Japanese women. We do not see how Ramseyer can make credible claims, in extremely emphatic wording, about contracts he has not read.


 In addition to the absence of contracts, he offers virtually no documented third-party statements, oral or written, about contracts with Korean women. The final sentence of section 3.2 (p.6) claims that “some Korean comfort women in Burma worked on contracts as short as six months to a year.” The citation brings one to a sample contract written in Japanese in 1937 (years before the Japanese military was fighting in Burma). It is a sample for contracting with Japanese prostitutes to work in “comfort stations” which specifies a two-year term.

 契約書が存在しないことに加え、朝鮮/韓国人女性との契約について、口頭であれ書面であれ、文書化された第三者証言を彼は事実上まったく示していない。3の2節(6ページ)の最後の文章は、「ビルマの韓国/朝鮮人慰安婦の中には、わずか半年から一年の契約で働いた人もいた」と主張する。 その典拠として示されるのは、1937 年(日本軍がビルマで戦う数年前)に日本語で書かれた契約書の雛形なのだ。それは「慰安所」で働く日本人売春婦との契約書の雛形で、期間は二年と指定されているのである。

 There is only one verifiable reference in the entire article to a third-party claim about contracts with women from Korea (section 3.4, final paragraph). Ramseyer refers to a diary kept by a “Korean receptionist for comfort stations in Burma and Singapore,” said to make clear that “regularly, comfort women from his brothel completed their terms and returned to their homes.”

 朝鮮/韓国人女性との契約に関する第三者の主張に関する検証可能な言及は、記事全体でたった一つしかない (3.4節最終段落)。 ラムゼイヤーは、「ビルマシンガポール慰安所の朝鮮/韓国人番頭」がつけていた日記に言及している。「彼の売春宿の慰安婦たちは、定期的に、その期間を終えて故郷に帰っていった」ことを明らかにしていると言われるものだ。

 He cites a book about that diary, not the diary itself (the diary was translated into Japanese in 2013).※1 In the diary one finds seven entries noting cases where one or two women completed their terms. Most of them applied for permits to return home, but whether all succeeded is not clear. One also finds an entry noting that two women who had left the station by marrying (one assumes, to Japanese officers) were forced to return to their “comfort stations” by a military official.

※1 Hori Kazuo, Kimura Kan, translators, Biruma-Singapore Military Comfort Station “ビルマシンガポールの従軍慰安所” (2013). The translation includes a valuable interpretive essay by Professor An Pyŏngjik.

 彼は日記そのものではなく、その日記について書かれた本から引用している (日記は 2013年 に日本語に翻訳された) ※1。日記には、一人かニ人の女性が期間を満了した事例が七件書き込まるているのが見られる。 そのほとんどが帰国許可を申請しているが、全員が帰国できたかどうかは定かではない。 また、日本軍将校と結婚して慰安所を出た2人の女性が、軍の役人によって強制的に「慰安所」に戻されたという記述も見られる。

※1 堀和夫、木村幹 訳『ビルマビルマシンガポールの従軍慰安所』(2013 年) 訳文には安秉直 教授の価値ある解説文が含まれている。

 The same paragraph that mentions the diary, purportedly a paragraph about contracts with Korean women, ends by quoting a Japanese veteran who recruited women from Japan and claimed many of them paid off their advance and went free.


 Any reasonable standard of academic integrity would require that Ramseyer state in his article that he does not have access to actual contracts or sample contracts concluded with Korean women in Korea, acknowledge how few third-party statements he has seen about contracts, and note the limits to what one can learn from those references.


 For us, as we believe for the journal and for Ramseyer, the heart of his narrowcast argument about contracts rests on the comparison between two types: those concluded with Korean “comfort women” recruited to wartime “comfort stations,” and those concluded with Japanese or Korean women working as prostitutes in prewar licensed brothels in the home islands or the colony. Just as he is unable to make the comparison in the first place, we are unable to critique that comparison with full confidence without having contracts to examine.


 Let us explain why seeing the Korean contracts in full text matters so much, beyond the obvious fact that responsible scholarship requires one to be clear on what one’s sources are or are not (we have little doubt such contracts were concluded; the issues are whether samples or concluded contracts survive in any form, and if so, whether Ramseyer’s article points us to any of them).


 The word used from 1938 for “comfort stations” (the places the women were put to work) was wianso in Korean, ianjo in Japanese (the same Chinese characters are used in both cases: 慰安所). The term for “comfort woman,” in use from that year, has two of the same syllables/characters, translated as “comfort”: wianbu in Korean, ianfu in Japanese; 慰安婦 in Chinese characters.

 “Comfort station” (この女性たちが働かされた場所) を指して 1938 年から使われた言葉は、朝鮮/韓国語ではウィアンソ、日本語ではイアンジョである。(どちらの場合も「慰安所」という漢字が使われる。その年から “comfort woman” を指して使われた用語は、 “comfort” と訳される同じ二つの音節·漢字を含み、韓国語ではウィアンブ、日本語ではイアンフ、漢字では慰安婦である。

 So far as we can determine, “comfort women (wianbu/ianfu) is a wartime neologism, and “comfort station” is a repurposing of a term that until the late 1930s carried very different meanings. The Asahi, one of Japan’s leading papers, used the term in 9 articles between 1917 and 1935, most with the meaning of “recreation area,” such as a 1930 story celebrating 15 new “comfort stations” (ianjo) in Tokyo parks for the enjoyment of all residents.※2 The headline of an article in praise of a Japanese hotelier in Seoul who has replaced his shabbier inn with a fine new hotel, published in a Japanese newspaper based in Korea in 1937, calls it “a great advance for ianjo in the [Korean] peninsula.”※3 A review of Korean-language newspapers between the 1920s and 1945 shows that the term wianso also held different meanings (e.g., shelters for children, inns and hotels, hot springs spas) in colonial Korea as well, and the term wianbu (慰安婦) begins to appear only in the late 1930s.※4 A Korean doctoral dissertation from Sŏnggyungwan University in Seoul on the comfort women system (2010) states that “most Koreans did not know what the term wianbu meant.”※5 And, even a former Japanese military policeman assigned to guard duty at a “comfort station” in 1943 has said that until he got there, he thought he was assigned to an officer’s club, not a brothel.※6

※2 Search for keyword 慰安所 via Asahi online database Kikuzo, 2/10/2021. Article on the park is “市内外を包む緑の慰安所” (Comfort station surrounded by green in city parks”) May 11, 1930, Tokyo am edition, p. 11.

※3 “一躍半島の慰安所“(“Great Advance for Ianjo in the [Korean] Peninsula), Chōsen shinbun (March 12, 1937). Cited online as Sinmun sŭk’ŭrap charyo Chosŏn sinmun at http://db.history.go.kr/item/imageViewer.do?levelId=npsc_1937_03_12_0410

※4 We would like to acknowledge here with thanks the research work on this question of several of our doctoral candidates: Sujin Elisa Han; Sara Kang; Anna Jungeun Lee; Sungik Yang.

※5 Kang Chŏngsuk, “Ilbon’gun ‘wianbu’je ŭi singminsŏng yŏn’gu: Chosŏn’in ‘wianbu’rul chungsim ŭro” [A study of the colonialist character of the ‘comfort woman’ system of the Japanese military centered on Korean ‘comfort women’] Ph.D. diss., Sŏnggyungwan University, 2010, p. 112.

※6 Sarah Soh, The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Post-Colonial Memory in Korea and Japan (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008) p.121

 私たちが確認できる限りでは、「慰安婦」は戦時中の新造語であり、「慰安所」は 1930 年代後半まで非常に多様な意味に使われた言葉の転用である。 日本を代表する新聞の一つである『朝日新聞』は、1917 年から 1935 年の間に 9 本の記事の中でこの言葉を使ったが、そのほとんどは「休養地」という意味で使われており、例えば1930年の記事には、東京各所の公園に 15 カ所の「慰安所」が新設され、住民全員が楽しめるようになったことが祝われている※2。1937年に韓国を本拠とする日本語の新聞に掲載された、ソウルの日本人ホテル経営者がみすぼらしい旅館を立派な新しいホテルに建て替えたことを称賛する記事の見出しは、それを「 (朝鮮/韓)半島の慰安所に偉大な進歩」と呼んでいる※3。1920 年代から 1945 年までの朝鮮/韓国語の新聞を調べると、植民地時代の朝鮮でも「慰安所 (ウィアンソ) 」という用語がさまざまな意味(児童保護施設、旅館やホテル、温泉など)で使われているが、「慰安婦」という用語が登場するのは1930年代後半になってからであることがわかる※4。ソウルの成均館大学慰安婦制度に関する韓国の博士論文(2010年)は、「ほとんどの朝鮮/韓国人は、『ウィアンブ』という言葉の意味を知らなかった」と述べている※5。また、1943 年に「慰安所」の警備任務に就いた元日本軍警官は、慰安所に着くまで、売春宿ではなく将校クラブに配属されたと思っていたと語っている※6。

※2「慰安所」のキーワードで朝日新聞オンラインデータベース「聞蔵」を検索、2021 年 2 月 10 日。公園に関する記事は「市内を包む緑の慰安所」1930 年 5 月 11日東京朝刊 11 面。

※3「一躍半島の慰安所」『朝鮮新報』(1937 年 3 月 12 日) 。オンラインでは "Sinmun sŭk'ŭrap charyo Chosŏn sinmun" http://db.history.go.kr/item/imageViewer.do?levelId=npsc_1937_03_12_0410

※4 本学の博士課程在学中の数名が、この問題について研究してくれたことに謝意を表したい: スジン・エリサ・ハン、サラ・カン、アンナ・ジュングン・リー、ヤン・ソンイク。

※5 姜貞淑「日本軍『慰安婦』制度の植民地主義的性格の研究。韓国『慰安婦』制を中心として」成均館大学博士論文、2010 年、 p. 112.

※6 サラー·ソウ「慰安婦:性暴力と脱植民地化後の韓国と日本における記憶」 The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Post-Colonial Memory in Korea and Japan (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008) p.121

 It matters greatly that the terms now in widespread use in Korean and Japanese to refer to brothels and the women put to work there did not necessarily carry the meanings of brothel or prostitute at the time the Japanese government authorized and arranged for the creation of “comfort stations” and issued instructions to recruit “comfort women.” It means that in oral communication to the women and their families, it was an easy matter to obscure the nature of the work being asked for. Indeed, one finds much oral testimony from the women that they were deceived as to the nature of their expected work. It would be all the more significant if, as we suspect, the contracts themselves used these opaque terms. Of course, we cannot be sure if they did, if neither sample nor actual contracts survive.


 The obfuscation of this issue created by the lack of any discussion of whether he has seen actual or sample contracts, and the lack of any citation to such contracts, is for us the most egregious violation of academic integrity in the article. But there are numerous other serious problems: citations that are wholly unrelated to claims made in the text (just one is noted above); claims in the text of the article entirely at odds with the documents cited to support those claims; selective use of documents and other materials to the exclusion of evidence to the contrary. Some of our historian colleagues, including those far more knowledgeable than we on these issues, are compiling an extensive list of such problems. They will be shared with the journal in due course, or may have been shared by the time of this statement, and we believe our colleagues will make that list public.

 彼が実際の契約書や契約書雛形を見たかどうかについての論じられておらず、そのような契約書からの引用もないために、この問題が曖昧模糊としていることは、私たちから見てこの論が学問的誠実さを最も甚だしく侵害しているところだ。 しかし他にも幾多の深刻な問題がある。本文中の主張とはまったく関係の私たちとは関係のないジャーナルから出版された論文の整合性を全面的に検証することは、私たちの責任ではありません。 それはジャーナルとその出版社の仕事であり、通常は査読プロセスを通じて行われるが、特別な場合には事後的に行われる。 今回はそのようなケースである。 私たちはジャーナルに対し、この論文の掲載を一時停止し、専門家の意見を参考に独自の調査を行い、その結果が出るまでは論文を撤回するよう要請した。

 It is not our responsibility to conduct a full examination of the integrity of a paper published by a journal with which we have no connection. That is the job of the journal and its publisher, ordinarily through the peer review process but in extraordinary cases after the fact. This is such a case. We have written to the journal requesting they suspend publication of this piece, conduct its own inquiry drawing on expert opinion, and pending the result, retract the article.

