Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

2021 年 10 月 18 日に閲覧した日本語ウイキペディア記事「韓日合邦を要求する声明書」より



“また声明書は、事前に山県有朋桂太郎首相、寺内正毅陸相の同意を得ていたという [10] [11] [12] [13] 。後藤新平逓信相の関与を述べた文書もある [13] [14] 。寺内陸相は声明発表直前 12 月 3 日、曾禰韓国統監に「一進会が請願を出すらしいので受領してほしい。桂太郎首相も同じ考えだろう」と知らせている [15] が、曾禰はこうした行動から 5 日には桂首相宛文書 [16] で「寺内は元々知ってたんじゃないか」と疑っている。”

“[10] 『日本の亜細亜 : 皇国史談』黒竜会出版部、1932年、286頁。「 [1909 年 11 月] 十五日、杉山 [茂丸] を訪ひしに、杉山告ぐるに「山県公、桂首相に武田起草の上奏文を示し、一進会は之を提出して合邦を請ふの手順となれるを語り、更に寺内陸相にも示し、陸相の質問に対し答解し置きたる』を以てし」”


内田良平 著『日本の亜細亜 : 皇国史談』, 黒竜会出版部, 1932. 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1918943 (参照 2024-03-26)

“[11] 海野福寿『伊藤博文日韓併合』青木書店、2004年、178-179頁。「黒龍会編『日韓合邦秘史』によれば、伊藤の死後まもなく宋秉畯・内田良平・武田範之が合邦請願書の草案を作成し、山県・寺内・桂の同意を得たという。」”

“[12] “한국사데이터베이스 비교보기 > (10) [韓日合邦에 관한 一進會의 請願書 趣旨에 대한 請訓 件]”. https://db.history.go.kr/ 2021年9月6日閲覧。 “往電第三六號 明治四十二年十二月五日午後六時二○分發 曾禰統監 桂首相 …殊ニ內田ハ韓人ニ對シ此事ニ付テハ桂首相寺內陸相ノ密旨ヲ受ケ來レコトヲ聲言シ居レルカ如シ是最モ憂フヘキノ事ト存ス” 


“[13] “한국사데이터베이스 비교보기 > (32) 韓日合邦 문제에 관한 件”. https://db.history.go.kr/ 2021年9月6日閲覧。 “(32) 日韓合邦問題ニ關スル件 警秘第三四三號 天眞樓滯在中ノ內田良平ハ去四日來訪シタル大阪每日通信員山本光三ニ對シ語リタリト云フ談片ヲ聞クニ日韓合邦問題ニ關シ一進會カ活動ヲ開始シタルニ對シ世人或ハ突飛的ノ感情ヲ起スモノナキヲ保セサルモ同問題ハ旣ニ伊藤公生存中ヨリ萠芽シ來レル宿題ニシテ日本內閣員中桂總理·寺內陸相·後藤遞相等ノ間ニ於テ專ラ秘密ニ劃策セラレツゝアリテ…”

“[14] “한국사데이터베이스 비교보기 > (43) [韓日合邦에 대한 一進會의 성명서 등 대책에 관한 보고서 사본 송부 件]”. db.history.go.kr. 2021年9月7日閲覧。 “[一進會 釀成事件의 系統 및 關係者에 관한 報告書 寫本] (憲機第二三六九號) 今回一進會ノ釀成事件ノ系統及關係者左ノ如シトノ說アリ 遞相後藤男爵ハ朝鮮硏究會ト結ヒ宋秉畯ハ後藤男ヨリ金五萬圓ヲ受ケ一進會ノ相談役タル杉山茂九及內田良平ヲ使嗾シタルモノニシテ內田ハ五千圓ヲ以テ渡韓シ當地ニ於テハ新橋榮次郞 (後備輜重兵少尉) 菊池謙讓等モ多少ノ金ヲ貰ヒ運動ヲナシツゝアリ內田良平ニ屬スル井上藤三郞·武田範之等ハ東京ノ相場士又ハ各通信員等ト結托シ米穀ノ騰貴ヲ計リ一儲セン爲メナリト云フ 明治四十二年十二月七日”

“[15] “한국사데이터베이스 비교보기 > (3) [一進會員의 韓日合邦 請願에 관한 件]”. db.history.go.kr. 2021年9月6日閲覧。 “密報ニ依レハ一進會員ハ日韓合倂ノ請願ヲナスノ決心ヲ爲シ明日ニモ之ヲ決行スルヤノ樣ナリ 此際ニ於ケル閣下ノ態度ハ將來國是遂行ニ大ナル關係ヲ有スルヲ以テ聊カ卑見ヲ述ヘ御參考ニ供シタシ御聽許ヲ得ハ幸甚ナリ 若シ一進會カ前述ノ如キ請願ヲナシタル場合ニ於テハ統監ハ泰然トシテ之ヲ受領シ單ニ參考ニ供スヘキ旨ヲ答ヘ置カレ一面韓國政府ニ諭シ本件請願ノ如キハ目下韓國ノ情態ニ於テ一ノ政事的意見ト見ルノ外ナキヲ以テ穩當ニ之ヲ受領セシムルノ處置ニ執ラシメラレ然ルヘシト考フ又此際捕縛又ハ虐殺等無謀ナル處置ニ出テサルヨウ嚴ニ韓國政府ニ注意ヲ與ヘラレタシ且ツ憲兵警察機關ヲ戒飭シ騷擾ヲ豫防セシメラレタシ又要スレハ密ニ軍隊ヲ戒メ卜慮ニ備ヘ置クノ必要アルヘシ以上ハ小生一己ノ私見ヲ披瀝シタルモノナレトモ大體ニ於テ首相モ異存ナキコトゝ信スルヲ以テ幸ニ右ノ趣旨以テ御處理アランコトヲ乞フ寺內手書ス”

“[16] “한국사데이터베이스 비교보기 > (46) [一進會의 善後策에 대한 總理大臣의 의견 조회 件]”. db.history.go.kr. 2021年9月6日閲覧。 “今回ノ事件ハ一面ハ陸軍大臣ヨリ請願提出ノ豫報モアリ兼ネテヨリ內容ニ於テ間接ニ御承知アリシ樣ニモ推察セラルゝモ”


案 聖断、遂に下れること 1945. 8. 10?

[ 「大本営陸軍部」 事務用箋]






https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C12120338400 1/4

[ 「大本營陸軍部」 事務用箋]

思召サルル 叡慮ニ順ハサルヘカラス
聖断 必スシモ吾人ノ信念ニ於テ <御>
[×ハレ×] <論ヲ賜ハラ>
     サリシコト 責任ヲ感ズ


https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C12120338400 3/4

[×此×] <斯ル>
   時ノ为トモ云フへ [×キ×] ク陶冶


↑「案 聖断遂に下れること」JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.C12120338400、最高戦争指導会議に関する綴 其2 昭和20年4月16日~9月2日(中央-戦争指導重要国策文書-1196/防衛省防衛研究所









          昭和三十三年 五 月







https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C15010227500 1/2

     前  言
 本書は、 内地及外地に於ける㐧一線軍隊 の  終戦前と終戦時|に於ける態勢並実相  と  終戦后の動向並処理  に 関する概|
観 である。
 素材は、状況報告其他当時の記録・陸軍省(㐧一復員省)の資料課|の整理した情報資料 等 であるが、之等は概して頗る貧弱で、一応|の史実とする為めには所謂資料保有者から色〻と聞かなければならな|いことが甚だ多いのが実情である。


https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C15010227500 2/2

細の度は、自ら甚だ区々となつて、南東方面(㐧八方面軍・㐧十七軍)・|中部太平洋(㐧三十一軍)、パラオ(㐧十四師団)、小笠原(㐧百九|師団)等 は、作業の関係上、誠に粗薄とならざるをえなかつた。



https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C15010231100 1/18

4 支那派遺軍の終戦処理




https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C15010231100 2/18

然し乍ら、八月十五日正午の玉音放送を拝聴するや、岡村大将は、 直|ちに、承詔必謹の態度を決定し、全軍将兵に対し宸襟を安んじ奉るべ|きことを訓示したのであつたが、派遺軍に於ては、 八月十五日、総司|令官名を以て、参謀総長宛て、

1. 新情勢に基く大陸命至急発令方取計われ度
2. 派遣軍は百万の大軍を擁し、然も、連戦連勝、戦争には破れたり|と 雖も、作戦には圧倒的勝利を占めあり。斯くの如き優勢なる軍|隊を 弱体なる重慶軍により、武装解除さるるが如きは、 有り得べか|らざることにして、然も支那に於ける治安の現況にては 、武装解|除后は、生命の保全をも期し難く、加之、ポツダム宣言に 於ける|日本軍の武装解除には、其の時期と場所とを述べあらずと思料せ|らるるに付、内地帰還后、又は、乗船地とする


https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C15010231100 3/18

 − − − − 後略 − − − −

と要請し、一方、大本営命令に基いて、十六日には積極的侵攻作戦の|中止すると共に一兵に至る迄光輝ある派遣軍の矜持と不抜の信念を堅|持して沈毅自重すべきことを命令し、次いで、仝夜、戦闘行動に関し、|即時停止を命じ、且つ、「命令既に茲に至る、忍び難きを忍び、も迅|速に一兵に至る迄徹底し、以て聖旨に副 [ひ奉] るべし、但し戦闘行動以外の現|任務は之を続行し停戦交渉成立に至る間敵の来攻に方りては已むを得|ざる自衛の為の戦闘行動は之を妨げず」と示逹した。
   軍状報告        臣寧次

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C15010231100 4/18



参謀総長宛 支那派遣軍総司令官 電報 「臣寧次、謹みて奏上す」 1945. 8. 14

極秘 機密親展 昭和20年8月14日配布
        8月14日 20:25発
        8月14日 21:59着
        8月14日 22:40受付
        8月14日 23・48提出

 総 長 宛  発信者 支那派遣軍総司令官

      支那派遣軍総司令官 岡村寧次


 参 考:威、関東軍、二総、甲、登、波、統


https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C12120339100 1/4

總長           翻譯者:鎌田
極秘 機密親展 昭和二〇年八月十四日配布
        八月一四日 二〇・二五發
        八月一四日 二一・五九著
        八月一四日 二二・四〇受付
        八月一四日 二三・四八提出
 總 長 宛  發信者 支那派遣軍總司令官


https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C12120339100 2/4

警急 機密親展
        八月一四日 二二・四〇著


https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C12120339100 3/4

警急 機密親展
        八月十四日 二二四〇著

絶對不可能ニ近シ 今ヤ皇國興亡ノ

https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C12120339100 4/4

警急 機密親展
        八月十四日 二二・四〇著

 支那派遣軍總司令官 岡村寧次

 参 考、威、関東軍、二總、甲、登、波、統


↑「昭和20年8月14日 参謀総長宛支那派遣軍総司令官電報」JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.C12120339100 、最高戦争指導会議に関する綴 其2 昭和20年4月16日~9月2日防衛省防衛研究所 中央-戦争指導重要国策文書-1196)

独立歩兵第十四旅団から第一軍参謀長あて電報 東沁軍作名甲第 26 号要旨 1946. 2. 27

 【軍事極秘】       【林田】
司令官:花押 参謀長:花押 部課長:花押
配布先:参 3

電文訳 着信番号:32 33 34
発信:昭和 21 年 2 月 27 日 03 時 25 分
着信:            ?? 時 00 分
受信者:参謀長 発信地:南団柏
          【参謀部受付/21. 2. 26】
発電番号:独歩 14 旅総修電第 114 号

 東沁軍作名甲第 26 号要旨 2 月 27 日 10 時
               南 団 柏

一、東沁線破壊と今時敗戦の挽回を企図し、河南省より北上せる共産軍約 10 個団中、約 4 個団は目下新店 (51−55) 附近にあり。



四、布川、毛利両鉄道工作隊は前項修理現場の掩護に任ずべし。[上余白:150 以外に使用せられあるや]



                元泉 馨 終


https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C13070322300 1/49

 【軍事極祕】       【林田】
司令官:花押 參謀長:花押 部課長:花押
配布先:參 3

電文譯 着信番號:32 33 34
着信:          □□時〇〇分
受信者:參謀長 發信地:南團柏
          【參謀部受付/21. 2. 26】

            南 團 柏
   中約四個團ハ目下新店 (51−55) 附近


https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C13070322300 2/49

              元泉 馨 終


150 以外ニ


発信地 南団柏 電報綴 昭和21年2~4月(1)」JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.C13070322300、第1軍受信電報綴 昭和20年8月13日~21年4月26日防衛省防衛研究所

津田左右吉 著『文学に現はれたる我が国民思想の研究 貴族文学の時代』より 1916. 8. 20

 さて最後にいって置くべきことは歌の題材である。古今以後の勅撰集の分類からいうと、四季と恋とが主になっていて、歌の数もこの二つが大部分を占めているが、四季のうちにも恋に関するものが少なからず入っている。花鳥風月に対する情そのものが、恋に誘われて生ずることが多いのである。また離別や覇旅の歌にも、その実、恋歌といって差支えないものがある。前章に述べたように、平安貴族の生活がでこまでも私人的であり、自己中心であり、享楽的であるとすれば、歌の題材の最も主要なものが恋であるのに不思議はない。公共的感情などは初から無いのであるから、それが歌に現はれないのは当然であって、国民とか国家社会とかに対する思惑などは全く見ることができない。賀の歌などに皇室に関係したものがあっても、皇室を国民の元首として見たものでは無い。(ついでにいうが、今国家として取り扱われている 「君が代」 の元歌、「我が君は千世に八千世に」 の歌が御代の長久を詠んだものではないことはいふまでもなかろう。現に小野宮実頼の五十の賀の屏風の歌に、「君が代を何にたとへんさゞれ石の巌とならんほどもあかねば」 といふ元輔の作が後撰集にある。) それから、官位の昇進を望むような歌は随分あるが、政治上に何かの事業をしようというような感慨の現われたものは一つもない。すべてが自己のためであって、公共心も愛国心も発達していなかった時代の有様がよくわかろう。






ば、歌の題材の最も主要なものが戀であるのに不思議は無い。公共的感情などは初から無いのであるから、それがに現はれないのは當然であつて、國民とか國家社會とかに對する思惑などは全く見ることができない。賀の歌などに皇室に關係したものがあつても、皇室を國民の元首として見たものでは無い。(序にいふが、今國歌として取り扱はれてゐる 「君が代」 の元歌君が代」 の元歌、「我が君は千世に八千世に」 の歌が御代の長久を詠んだものでは無いことはいふまでも無からう。現に小野宮實賴の五十の賀の屏風の歌に、「君が代を何にたとへんさゞれ石の巖とならんほどもあかねば」 といふ元輔の作が後撰集にある。) それから、官位の昇進を望むやうな歌は隨分あるが、政治上に何かの事業をしようといふやうな感慨の現はれたものは一つも無い。すべてが自己のためであつて、公共心も愛國心も發達してゐなかつた時代の有樣がよくわからう。


津田左右吉 著『文学に現はれたる我が国民思想の研究』貴族文学の時代,洛陽堂,大正5-7. 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/957402 (参照 2024-03-16)

【工事中】【反送中現場】受困香港立法會8小時全記錄 《上報》帶你重返現場 麥浩禮 【反送中 [中国送還条例反対] の現場】香港立法会が受難した8時間の全記録『上報』があなたを現場に連れ戻す 麦 浩礼 マク·ハオリー 2019. 7. 4

  麥浩禮 2019年07月04日 07:01:00

[Scene of the Anti-Extradition Movement] Full record of 8 hours of being trapped in the Hong Kong Legislative Council.
"The Report" takes you back to the scene
  Mak Haoli July 4, 2019 07:01:00

【反送中 [中国送還条例反対] の現場】香港立法会が受難した8時間の全記録
  麦 浩礼 マク·ハオリー
  2019 年 7 月 4 日 07:01:00

香港示威者1日晚間闖入立法會大樓。(攝影:麥浩禮) Hong Kong demonstrators broke into the Legislative Council building on the evening of the 1st.  (Photography: Mak Hawley) 香港のデモ参加者が1日の晩、立法会議事堂に突入した。(撮影:麦 浩礼)


“Anti-extradition law” demonstrators stormed the Legislative Council in Hong Kong on the 1st.  After a 9-hour stalemate, they broke into and occupied the chamber.  The demonstrators graffitied the Hong Kong regional emblem, hung the British Hong Kong flag and read out the four major demands.  The police cleared the area in the early morning.  All evacuated before.  This is the first time in Hong Kong's history that demonstrators have successfully captured the legislature.

香港で1日に発生した「中国送還反対」の示威行動者たちは立法会を襲撃し、9時間の [警備側との] にらみ合いの後、議事堂に突入し占拠した。示威者たちは香港区の徽章に落書きをし、英領香港の旗を [演壇に] 掛けて主要な四つの訴求を読み上げた。警備側は夜明け前に議事堂前から全員撤退した。示威行動者が立法機関の奪取に成功したのは香港史上、初めてのことだ。



The correspondent of "The Report" became one of the few reporters who was "trapped" in the Legislative Council for 8 hours that day, allowing readers to "return to the scene" from a different perspective in addition to the TV footage. The demonstrators went from attacking to attacking everything inside the Legislative Council. what happened.



The correspondent of "The Report" became one of the few reporters who was "trapped" in the Legislative Council for 8 hours that day, allowing readers to "return to the scene" from a different perspective in addition to the TV footage.  The demonstrators went from attacking to attacking everything inside the Legislative Council. what happened.

当日現場で立法会の8時間の「難に遭った」数少ない記者の一人となった『上報』の特派員は、読者をテレビの画面とは別の角度から「現場に立ち返ら」せてくれ、示威者の突撃から立法会内部に侵攻した時に発生したことを [見せてくれる] 。

1日,立法會示威者外氣氛肅殺。(攝影:麥浩禮) On the 1st, the atmosphere outside the Legislative Council demonstrators was solemn. (Photography: Mak Hawley) 1日、立法会の外の示威者たちの雰囲気は死ぬほど張り詰めていた。(撮影:麦 浩礼)

山雨欲來 Rain is coming 山が雨を呼んでいる


July 1 marks the 22nd anniversary of the handover and "reunification" of Hong Kong's sovereignty.  In the morning, the Hong Kong government and Chinese military and political officials held a celebratory reception and flag-raising ceremony at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, which is only 600 meters away from the government headquarters and the Legislative Council.  Some demonstrators advanced towards the venue at 7 a.m. but were stopped by the police.  The two sides immediately clashed, and some demonstrators were beaten until their heads were bleeding and injured and they were arrested.

7月1日は香港の主権が引き渡され「回帰」した 22 周年記念日であり、政府総部からも立法会からも 600 メートルの距離にある香港会議·展示センターでは、朝から香港政府と中国の軍と政府の官員が、祝賀パーティー国旗掲揚式典を挙行した。早くも朝7時から会場に向かって押し進む示威行動者がいたが、警官隊に阻止され、双方から直ちに衝突が起こり、そして示威行動者のなかには頭を打ち割られて血を流す傷を負って逮捕された者があった。


After the ceremony, the demonstrators returned to the Legislative Council demonstration area. Although the MTR closed two MRT stations near the political headquarters at the request of the police, this did not stop more and more people from wearing eye masks and helmets coming to the Legislative Council to support them. A large number of protective equipment and medical supplies were placed at the material station set up by the demonstrators.

​式典の終了後に、示威行動者は立法会のデモ区域に戻って行った。港鉄 [香港鉄路] は警備側の要求に応え、政府総部の付近二ヶ所の地下鉄駅を封鎖したけれども、それでもますます多くの人がアイマスクとヘルメットを装着して立法会へ増援のために到着するのを阻むものはなかった。示威行動者の設置した物資基地には大量の防具や医薬品が所狭しと並べられた。


With the news that many demonstrators were injured in the morning clashes, the atmosphere in the demonstration area became tense. Many young people wore black masks and held eye protection and helmets. Some demonstrators even wrapped their arms with plastic wrap to prevent them from getting injured. Skin irritation from pepper spray.



When the reporter was observing the surrounding areas around 12 o'clock, he had already received news from the Airdrop function of the Apple mobile phone that the demonstrators were broadcasting or attacking the Legislative Council. There were also demonstrators making appeals to the people outside or attacking the Legislative Council. However, there was no response. Afterwards, reporters entered the Legislative Council through the public entrance, applied for press credentials for the day, and then arrived at the press room on the first floor to work.

衝擊立法會 警方後方上子彈 Attacking the Legislative Council, police loaded bullets in the rear 


At 1:10 p.m., there was a sudden commotion among the reporters in the press room. News came that demonstrators were attacking the entrance of the Legislative Council members. The reporters went downstairs and tried to leave the Legislative Council through the public entrance. However, the security of the Legislative Council had locked the door and closed the door. Said, "The door will be closed at any time, and you can't get out now." The reporter saw a large number of police officers rushing towards the entrance of the parliamentarians.



Fortunately, security guards opened the staff passage, allowing reporters to reach the entrance of the parliamentarian passage. What I saw in front of me was that a large number of demonstrators used recycling cages and iron poles to attack the glass on the side of the building facing Tim Mei Road. The police officers present were extremely nervous. They picked up their shields and batons to follow the commander's instructions and formed a defensive formation. They raised their hands and wrote " Stop the attack or use force" is a red flag.



After the pro-democracy congressmen tried to stand in front of the demonstrators and asked them not to attack, but to no avail, police officers carrying tear gas launchers and shotguns loaded with rubber bullets began to arrive at the scene in response to wave after wave of attacks.


警員守著被示威者打破的玻璃缺口。(攝影:麥浩禮) Police officers guard the gap in the glass broken by demonstrators. (Photography: Mak Hawley) 



At around 2 p.m., demonstrators successfully pushed a recycling truck into the gap. The police responded with pepper spray and pulled the recycling truck away into the Legislative Council. The demonstrators instead used an iron fence to break through the gap.


A protester threw an unknown white gas spray can into another breach. Several police officers in front who were not wearing gas masks immediately coughed and backed away. Under the constant impact, one of the glass panes was about to break. At the same time, police officers holding shotguns in the rear also began to load their guns, and police officers carrying AR-15 assault rifles capable of firing live ammunition came to the scene for reinforcements.

有警員配備AR-15突擊步槍。(攝影:麥浩禮) 轉移進攻正門 警員憂縱火 

Some police officers are equipped with AR-15 assault rifles. (Photo: Mak Ho-lay) Moved the attack to the main entrance, police feared arson



At 4:06 pm, the demonstrators finally succeeded in breaking through the glass and creating a large hole. However, the demonstrators had a tacit understanding and shouted "one two, one two" and retreated. The photographers outside the Legislative Council suddenly stayed in the "front row" to take pictures, while the police officers guarding the front line breathed a sigh of relief. After a while, the police officers used long shields to seal the breach to prevent other debris from being thrown in.


But about an hour later, in the direction of the main entrance of the Legislative Council, in front of the demonstration area, which was commonly known as the "Bad Pot" by the Hong Kong media, a large number of demonstrators began to push down the dividing iron bars and attack the main entrance.



The reporter could see from the side door of the entrance that demonstrators overturned the iron platform and used iron branches to damage the glass of the front entrance.


示威者進攻立法會正門。(攝影:麥浩禮)  Demonstrators attacked the main entrance of the Legislative Council. (Photography: Mai Haoli)



Since the iron rolling door in front of the Legislative Council had already fallen down, the demonstrators broke through the glass and began to rush into the rolling shutter. The loud noise made the police officers inside anxious, and the commander shouted outside the building, "We have everything ready, as long as anything happens If a person rushes in, he will be arrested one by one."


Reporters at the scene heard the police officers whispering privately, "If you break in, come in quickly so we can come out and beat you." However, some senior police officers pointed out that they were worried that after the roller shutters were opened, demonstrators would throw things into the gap and set fire to it. They asked the police officers at the front to step back and told reporters to avoid standing directly in front.


警員守著捲閘防衛立法會大樓。(攝影:麥浩禮) 警方突然無預警撤退 示威者衝入大肆破壞


Police officers guard the roller shutters to protect the Legislative Council building. (Photo: Mak Hawley) The police suddenly retreated without warning, and the demonstrators rushed in and wreaked havoc.



At 7:30, after demonstrators kept attacking the roller shutters, the Legislative Council alarm bell began to ring. At 8:43 pm, the demonstrators successfully pried open the iron gates and stacked iron bars, wooden boards and other debris on top of the roller shutters. After prying open the bottom of the roller shutter, the police officers who were resting behind became very nervous. All the police officers stood up and prepared to face the impact. However, the progress was not as good as the police imagined. During this period, some police officers asked the media present to come forward and take pictures of the damage to the roller shutters.


At 9 p.m., after more than three hours of work, the demonstrators finally managed to pry open most of the roller shutters and threw unknown white cigarette spray cans at the police officers inside. After the police officers retreated a few steps, the commander suddenly ordered all police officers to retreat a few minutes later without informing the reporters present, and to retreat to the upper floors of the Legislative Council building and the government headquarters.


示威者進入立法會大樓。(攝影:麥浩禮) Demonstrators entered the Legislative Council building. (Photography: Mai Haoli) 



Five minutes after the police withdrew their guard, the demonstrators successfully broke into the Legislative Council and began to destroy other glass doors in the building to open more channels for demonstrators to enter. After a demonstrator crashed into the entrance of the Legislative Council Library with a railroad car, he escaped through the door again, saying that he wanted to protect the books inside. However, after the demonstrators entered the Legislative Council restaurant, when they took drinks, they put down their money and posted " We won’t take it without asking” slogan.



Some demonstrators spray-painted phrases such as "murderous regime" on the outer wall, destroyed surveillance cameras of the Legislative Council, and cut open doors that require staff cards to be opened.


示威者在立法會內大肆破壞。(攝影:麥浩禮) 不損港英時代主席畫像 不破壞文物 


As more and more demonstrators entered the Legislative Council, some demonstrators seen by reporters clearly had a goal to reach. Including the chamber, parliamentary offices and other places. The demonstrators also showed a tendency of "selective destruction", destroying and trampling on the portraits of Chairman Leung Kwan-yin, former Chairman Joseph Tsang, and former Chairman Fan Tsui Lai-tai. However, the portraits of Legislative Council Chairman Shi Wai-yin and Anthony Wong during the British-era Hong Kong era were spared.



Some demonstrators broke into the parliamentarians' lounge and posted the words "indestructible" in front of the cultural relics and souvenirs given by parliamentarians from other countries. However, some demonstrators also smashed televisions, photocopiers, and drinking water facilities in the building, and poured water on electronic equipment. Some offices were also ransacked.



However, when the reporter returned to the press room where the power was partially cut off, the demonstrators did not interfere with the press room in any way. They only blocked the entrance and exit to the press room with iron bars. Some reporters began to evacuate with their equipment, fearing that if demonstrators appeared to stay behind, Journalists will no longer be able to easily leave the Legislative Council.


示威者1日晚間在立法會選擇性破壞,並踐踏現任立法會主席梁君彥畫像,而記者室則被局部斷電(攝影:麥浩禮) Demonstrators selectively vandalized and trampled on the portrait of current Legislative Council Chairman Leung Kwan-yin at the Legislative Council on the evening of the 1st, while the press room was partially cut off (Photo: Mak Hawley)

進佔議事廳 塗黑區徽掛港英旗 


After the demonstrators broke the lock on the door of the chamber, more than 200 demonstrators poured in. They hung the Hong Kong regional emblem in front of the chamber and defaced the words "People's Republic of China". There were demonstrators outside the "Hong Kong" area. In front of the chairman's seat, the "Hong Kong British Flag" representing Hong Kong in the Hong Kong British era was placed, and then portraits of senior officials handling the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, including Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, were placed.



After the demonstrators broke the lock on the door of the chamber, more than 200 demonstrators poured in. They hung the Hong Kong regional emblem in front of the chamber and defaced the words "People's Republic of China". There were demonstrators outside the "Hong Kong" area. In front of the chairman's seat, the "Hong Kong British Flag" representing Hong Kong in the Hong Kong British era was placed, and then portraits of senior officials handling the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, including Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, were placed.



 「要走一起走」示威者拖走「死士」全數撤離 Demonstrators painted graffiti on the Hong Kong emblem in the parliamentary chamber and displayed the British Hong Kong flag. (Photography: Mak Hawley)



However, the strange behavior of the police withdrawing their presence after 10 pm made the demonstrators who remained in the Legislative Council begin to feel uneasy, believing that the police had deliberately withdrawn their presence in preparation for round-ups. Some demonstrators began to leave the Legislative Council building and called on reporters to be careful. The Hong Kong police also announced at 11:20 that the area would be cleared within a short period of time. However, four demonstrators made it clear that they would be "soldiers" and would not leave.



At 12 o'clock in the morning, when most of the demonstrators left and only a few reporters remained, many demonstrators returned to the building and dragged out four demonstrators who refused to leave, saying, "We want to come together, we want to leave together." , and forcibly took them away. At the same time, a large number of police officers approached the Legislative Council building, raised black flags, and threw tear gas at the crowd. Demonstrators outside began to disperse. When the police entered the devastated Legislative Council building, all demonstrators had evacuated.


1日晚間11時多示威者開始離開立法會大樓。(攝影:麥浩禮)  Demonstrators began to leave the Legislative Council building at around 11pm on the 1st. (Photography: Mak Hawley)