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伍長徳の証言 極東国際軍事裁判速記録 第35号より 1946.7.26

WU        DIRECT

WU CHANG TEH, called as a witness on behalf of the prosecution, being duly sworn, testified as follows:



    Mr. SUTTON: I offer in evidence, and ask that it be marked as an exhibit, International Prosecution Section document No. 2119.

◯サトン檢察官 證人ハ中國人ニシテ英語ハ理解致シマセヌ、國際檢察團第二一一九號書類ヲ提出致シマス

    CLERK OF THE COURT: Prosecution dicunent No. 2119 received as Exhibit No. 207.

〔サトン檢察官 證據書類提出〕

〔書紀 二一一九號ハ證據書類二〇七號ト致シマス〕

    THE PRESIDENT: Admitted.
     (Whereupon, prosecution's Exhibit No. 207 was received in evidence.)

◯ウエツブ裁判長 受理致シマス



 Q What is your name?

◯サトン檢察官 アナタノ名前ハ何ト仰ツシヤイマスカ

 A My full name is Wu Chang Teh.

◯伍證人 私ノ名前ハ伍長德ト申シマス

 Q And where do you live?

◯サトン檢察官 アナタハ何處ニ御住ヒデスカ

 A No. 98 A Tan-fen chow, Nanking.

◯伍證人 南京ノ湯木橋ニ住ンデ居リマス

    NR. SUTTON: May I ask the Tribunal ― I failed to make a note of it ― the exhibit number assigned to document No. 2119?

◯サトン檢察官 登錄番號ヲモウ一度伺ヒマス

    KLERK OF THE COURT:  No. 207.

〔書紀 二〇七號デアリマス〕

    MR. SUTTON: Thank you.

 Q You have before you a paper marked Exhibit 207 in this case.  Will you please state whether or not that is your signature to that paper?

◯サトン檢察官 アナタハ今アナタノ目ノ前ニ證據物件二〇七號ト云フモノガ置イテアリマスルガ、アナタハソコニ書イテアル署名ハアナタ自身ノモノダト御認メニナリマスカ

WU        DIRECT

 A Yes, it is my signature.

◯伍證人 サウデス、私ガ署名シタモノデス

 Q Are the facts stated in that paper ― marked Exhibit 207 in the case ― true and correct?

◯サトン檢察官 證據物件二〇七號トシテ揚ゲテアル書類ノ中ニ書イテアル事實ハ、全部眞實デアリ事實デアリマスカ

 A Yes, they were true.

◯伍證人 サウデアリマス、眞實デアリマス

  MR. SUTTON: I now ask permission yo read the document into the evidence.

◯サトン檢察官 私ハ是カラ只今ノ證據書類ヲ讀マセテ戴キマス


    MR. SUTTON:  (Reading)

    "I, Wu Chang Teh, do sertify as follows:



    "I am 38 years old and am a food merchant in the city of Nanking, China.  In December 1937 and for a number of years prior to that time I was a policeman in the city of Nanking.  I was never a member of the Chinese Army.  After the fall of the city of Nanking I along with some three hundred other policeman at the Judical Yuan.  We were not armed as all of our arms hsd been turned over to the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone.  The Judical Yuan was a refugee camp and there were many civilians there in addiction to the policeman.  On Dec. 15, 1937 the Japsnese soldiers came to the Judicial Yuan and ordered all the man there to go with them. Two members of the International Committee told the Japanese that we were not former soldiers but they ordered those two men away and forced us to march to the main west gate of the city.


WU        DIRECT

   "When we got there we were ordered to sit down just inside the gate.  Machine guns were set up by the Japanese soldiers just outside of and on either side of the gate.  There is a canal outsude this gate and a steep slope leading down to it.  Their is a bridge across the canal but it is not dirsctly opposite the gate.

    "These persons in groups of over one hundred at a time were forced to go through the gate st the point of bayonets.  As they went outside they were shot with machine guns and thei bodies fell along the slope and into the canal.  Those who were not killed by the machine gun fire were stabbed by the bayonets by the Japanese soldiers.  About sixteen groups each containing more than 100 persons had been forced through the gate ahead of me and these persons were killed.


    "When my group of something over 100 was ordered to go though the gate I ran as fast as I could and fell forward just before the machine guns opened fire, and was not hit by machine gun bullets and a Japanese soldier came and stabbed the bayonet in my back.  I lay still as if dead.  The Japanese threw some gasoline on some of the bodies and set them afire and left.  It was then beginning to get dark.  The bodies scattered along the bank and no gasoline was

WU        DIRECT

thrown on me.  When I saw the Japanese soldiers had left I climbed out from among the dead bodies and went into a vacant house where I stayed for 10 days.  Some one near there sent me a bowl of porridge each day.  I then made my way into the city and went to the University stayed in the hospital for more than 50 days and when I got out I went to my native home in Northern Kiangsu.  On the occasion I have described around two thousand persons former policeman and civilians were killed.


 昭和十二年七月二十六日(金曜日) 35號(13)


  "The foregoing statement is true and I make affidavit to it this 16yh day of June 1946 and hereto affix my signature.


   "Signed in Chinese characters by Wu Chang Teh."


   Q   I would like to ask the witness if he will exhibit to the Court the wound in his back, which the affidavit states he received at the hands of a Japanese soldier?

◯サトン檢察官 只今ヨリ證人ニ、宣誓口供書ノ中ニアリマス日本兵ノ銃劍デ背中ヲ刺サレタト申シテ居リマスガ、其ノ刺サレタ傷口ヲ見セテ貰フコトヲ御願ヒ致シマス

   MR. LOGAN:  If the Tribunal pleasure, the defense objects to any such exhibition.

◯ローガン辯護人 サウ云フコトニ對シテ辯護人ハ抗議致シマス

 THE PRESIDENT:  The defense is not really concerned.  We do not wish to see the wounds, unless the defense questions their existence.

◯ウエツブ裁判長 辯護人側ガ非常ニサウ云フモノヲ見タクナイト云フコトデモアリ、私共ト致シマシテハ別ニ見タイト思ヒマセヌ、辯護人側側サウ云フモノガアルト云フ事実ニ大シテ疑問ヲ持タレナイ限リ見タイト思ヒマセヌ

  MR. SUTTON:  The defense may cross-examine the witness.

◯サトン檢察官 反對訊問ヲシテ宜シイ

  MR. BROOKS:  No question, your Honor.

ブルツクス辯護人 アリマセヌ

  THE PRESIDENT:  That will do, witness.

◯ウエツブ裁判長 證人ハ退場シテ宜シウゴザイマス

  (Whereupon, the witness was excused.)


  MR. SUTTON:  Colonel Morrow will present the next on behalf of the prosecution.

  THE PRESIDENT:  Colonel Morrow.

  COLONEL MORROW:  Has the witness been sworn?

  MARSHAL OF THE COURT:  No, sir, he has not, Colonel Morrow.  Have you called him officially as yet?

  COLONEL MORROW:  I will ask for Chan Fu Pao.



https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/meta/A08071309400 205/308

↑A級極東国際軍事裁判速記録(英文)・昭和21.7.10~昭和21.7.26(第2224~2615頁) https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/meta/A08071312800  400~404/416