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【工事中】調査報告書第 120 号「日本軍の福利厚生」 から 連合軍翻訳・通訳部 1945.9.15








      IN THE



Classification changed to: 


















連合軍翻訳・通訳部 連合国総司令官 調査報告書



DATE OF ISSUE : 15 November 1945 No.120

発行日:1945年 9月15日 第120号



1.  This report covers information available at ATIS up to 31 March 1945 on amenities furnished by the Japanese to their armed forces.

一、この報告書は、日本がその軍隊に提供した福利厚生について連合国翻訳·通訳部が1945年 3月31日までに入手できた情報を扱っている。

2.  There had been no attempt to establish the existence of rules regarding the availability for purchase or gratuitous issue of canteen stores, since there is a great variation, depending upon the type of troops and the area, in the handling of amenities.


3.  Information has also been given as to the availability to the troops of such amusement as shows, mivies, geisha entertainment, and brothels.


4. References are quoted regarding the amount of war news, passed on to troops by field newspapers, bulletins and radios.



Didtribution H

配布範囲 H級

          Sidney T Mashbir (Signature)
               SIDNEY T. MASHBIR
               COLONEL S.C

          シドニー ·F·マシュバー


SOURCES: Captured Documents
       Statements of Prisoners of War












Section  Ⅰ .  CANTEEN STORES …… 1

第一節 酒保売店



      Ⅱ.  AMUSEMENTS …… 5

第二節 娯楽

      5.  General ……  5


      6.  Athletics …… 5


      7.  Movies …… 8


      8.  Geusha and Entertainment Troupes …… 8


       a.  Homeland …… 8


       b.  PALAU …… 8


       c.  South West PACIFIC Area …… 9


      9.  Brothels …… 9


       a.  Regulations …… 9


       b.  BURMA …… 17


       c.  SUMATRA …… 19


       d.  South West PACIFIC Area …… 19




      Ⅳ.  MAIL …… 25

第四節 郵便 


      17.  Civilians


      Ⅴ.  CONCLUSIONS …… 27

第五節 結論

Appendix A.  Forms Required by MANILA Brothels …… 28


Appendix B.  Police Report on MANILA Brithels …… 33



第2節 娯楽



 It apears from information gathered that the Japanese do not make too great an effort to furnish athletic equipment to their troops.  One prisoner of war stated that as far as he knew there was no organized athletics in the Japanese Army.  Evidence appears to indicate that this is not entirely true because in rear areas the troops have athletic meetings.  There is little evidence to support the theory that an athletic program is carried out in forward areas.  In fact it appears that no athletic equipment is carried to those areas and that any participation in games must be done with make-shift equipment.




 Evidence seems to indicate that the Army makes an attempt to provide occasional movies for the troops.  They apparently do not furnish movies to any great degree and there is little information as to the type of movies shown the troops.  One Japanese soldier was apparently rather eager to see a movie because he infiltrated the Allied lines to see a picture in which Ginger Rogers was playing.



 The Japanese apparently have organizations similar to American United Service Organization shows which are for the entertainment of their troops.  It appears that these units do not travel to forward areas.  They made several appearances in the South West PACIFIC Ilands but soon returned to Japan due to Allied bombings.



 The Japanese insure one form of amusement by locating their brothels in forward areas.  One prisoner of war has stated that brothels are immediately established where there are any large number of troops.  Majority of the women of the Japanese brothels are Japanese, Korans and Chinese.  Although the Japanese apparently waste no time in establishing their brothels, it appears that the demand greatly exceeds the supply.  This condition practically excludes the enlisted personnel, and only officers are able to take advantage of these place of business.



 There appears to be quite a bit of difference of opinion among prisoners of war as to who owns and controlls the brothels.  The statament of a prisoner of war, who was a brothel owner in BURMA, and several lists of brothel regulations, which have been captured in South West PACIFIC Area, indicate that brothels are privately owned but under military supervision.  Information available indicates that the venereal rate are among Japanese troops in South West PACIFIC Area is exceedingly low.



 Japanese troops are usually granted leave when in the homeland but evidence indicates that they have no policy of leave or rotation in the South West PACIFIC Area.

 (a)  Prisoner of War TSUNO. Keishin (JA 14-5033), Superior Private, member of 144 Infantry Regiment, captured OIVI, 9 November 1942, stated:

 “Gambling is strictly prohibited in the Japanese Army, and when it was discovered that some of the Japanese soldiers were gambling, cards were taken away from them.”

(ATIS Introgation Report, Serial No. 34. page 5)


 (イ)1942年11月 9日、オイヴィで捕まった第144 歩兵連隊所属の上等兵、ツノ·ケイシン戦争捕虜(JA14-5033)の供述:


(連合軍翻訳·通訳部 尋問報告、通巻第34号、5ページ)

 (b)  Prisoner of War TOMITA. Tomoaki, First Class Private, member of the 112 Infantry Regiment, captured at SIRZWEYA, 12 February 1944, stated:

 “As for the song the troops sang, there were none that could be said to be in general use, since most sang those which were pioular in their iwn part of JAPAN.”

(Source available on request)

 (ロ)1944年 2月12日、シルズウェヤで捕まった第112歩兵連隊所属の一等兵、トミタ·トモアキ戦争捕虜の供述:





 (a)  Prisoner of War YAMADA. Toshio.  First Clsss Private, member of 124 Infantry Regiment, captured GUADALCANAL, 9 February 1943, stated:

 “For morale purposes, Japanese Army sends out motion picture ”






 (c)  Priisoner of War MATSURA. Yakichi, Corporal, Member of 143 Infantry
Regiment, captured TATMAKHAL, 20 December 1943, stated:

 “The only form of amusement, for soldires in BURMA was supplied by Korean
prostitute.  There is very few cinemas, no books, no talks or lectures.  You came to
BURMA to fight and die, and but for an occasional visit to a brothel, you are left to
your own devices.”
(Source available on request)











 (h)  “Security. We don’t take booking.  A Prsoner of War recently captured in a
PACIFIC Area told interrogators that he had been within the Allied perimeter
several days previously.  Questioned further, he said he had attended a cinema
performance.  The film, he contended, starred ‘JINGA ROGARASU’.  He was able
to give sufficient details of the trails and difficulties of the beautiful Ginger on
the previous Tuesday evening, that left no rooms for doubt that he had, in fact,
seen the film.”

(Austranian Military Forces Weekly Intelligence Review, No.109, page 14)


(オーストラリア陸軍 週刊 尋問評論、第119号、14ページ)
























  Part two ― Business Operation

 “5. Persons planning to operate authorized restaurants or houses of relaxation must submit the following documents to the officer in charge of MANILA Sector Line of Communication duties.

 “a. Application for permission to open business:  three copies [Appendix A. Form No. 1] 

 “b. Statement of business plans: three copies (Appendix A. Form No. 2).

 “c. Affidavit:  three copies (Appendix A. Form No. 3).

 “d. Personal history: three copies.



 “6. Persons receiving permission to open business will thereupon determine  the number of personnel needed, and will submit three copies of their business personnel list (Appendix A. Form No. 4), one copy of the personal histories if employees and three copies of requests for authorization of the hostesses (geisha and waitresses) (Appendix A. From No. 5).  When preparations are complete, the Officer in Charge of MANILA Sector Line of Communications Duties will be informed, and business may commence after the inspection of the establishment and the physical examination of the employees.



 7. Managers intending to change the personnel of their establishments must secure the permission of the Officer in Charge of MANILA Sector Line of Communications Duties.  Hostesses (geisha and waitresses) wishing to leave the establishments must submit a request therefore (Appendics A. Form No. 6).  When the hostesses (geisha and waitresses) and other employees are to be replaced, a request for permission to do so must be submitted (Appendix A. Form No. 7).



 “8. Managers including to increase the number of hostesses (geisha and waitresses), maids and others will so inform the Officer in Charge of MANILA Sector Line of Communications Duties.  The date and time for the physical examinations by the medical (athletics) will be announced for each occasion.  On completion of the physical examinations, the examination charts together with copies of personal histories or identification papers will be submitted to the Officer in Charge of MANILA Sector of Communications Duties.  Permission is necessary before anyone joins the establishment.





(1)  A prisoner of war, a civilian brothel-owner, captured with his wife and twenty army prostitute near WAINGMAW on 10 August 1944, stated:


(1)戦争捕虜、1944 年 8 月 10 日にウァインマウ近郊で妻や 20 人の軍隊娼婦とともに捕まった軍属の売春宿楼主の供述。



 “Prisoner of war, his wife and sister-in-law had made some money as restaurant keepers in KEIJO, KOREA, but their trade declining, they looked for an opportunity to make more money and applied to Army headquarters in KEIJO for permission to take ‘comfort girls’ from KOREA to BURMA.  According to prisoner of war, the suggestion originated from Army Headquarters and was passed to a number of similer Japanese ‘business men’ in KOREA.

 戦争捕虜、その妻および義姉/妹は朝鮮の京城で料理店の主人としてなにがしかの金を稼いでいたが、商売が傾いたため、もっと金の稼げる機会を探して、朝鮮からビルマに 「慰安婦」 を連れて行く許可を京城の軍司令部に申請した。戦争捕虜によると、その誘いは陸軍司令部から発し、朝鮮における幾多の同類の日本人 「業者」 に伝えられていた。



 “Prisoner of war purchased 22 Korean girls, paying their families from 300 to 1000 yen according to the personarity, looks and age of the girl.  These 22 girls were of the ages from 19 to 31.  They became the sole prorerty of prisoner of war and the Army made no profits from them.  Head quarters, Korean Army gave him a letter adressed to all military headquarters of the Japanese Army, requesting them to furnish any assistance he might require, transport, rations, meddical attention, etc.

 性格や容姿、年齢に応じて 300 円から 1,000 円を家に支払い、戦争捕虜は 22 人の朝鮮娘を買い入れた。これら 22 人の娘の年齢は 19 歳から 31 歳だった。娘らは戦争捕虜だけの所有@物となり、陸軍は娘らから利益を引き出さなかった。朝鮮軍司令部は日本陸軍のすべての軍司令部にあてた書状を彼に与え、その書状は輸送、糧食、医療的配慮など、彼が必要とするであろうあらゆる援助の提供を要請していた。



 “Leaving his sister-in-law to carrry on the restaurant, prisoner of war and his wife, with their 22 girls, embarked at FUZAN on 10 July 1942 in a group of 703 girls, all Korean, and some 90 Japanese men and women, all of them of the same base sort as himself.  They sailed on a 4000 ton passenger ship in a convoy of seven ships.  Free passage tickets were provided by Army headquarters, but prisoner of war paied for all meals during the voyage.  They called at FORMOSA, where 22 other girls bound for SINGAPORE were taken on board, and at SINGAPORE they transferrrd to another ship, arriving at RANGOON on 20 August 1942.

 料理店を続けるために義姉/妹を残し、戦争捕虜とその妻は 22 人の娘らを連れ、みな朝鮮人の 703 人の娘たち、およびみな自分と同じ似た素性の 90 名ほどの日本人男女からなる一団に加わって、1942 年 7  月10 日に釜山から出航した。4,000 トンの客船七隻からなる護送船団による航海だった。無料の乗船切符を陸軍司令部が用意してくれたが、航海中の食事代はすべて戦争捕虜が支払った。船が台湾に立ち寄ると、シンガポール行きの別の 22 人の娘たちが乗せられ、一行はシンガポールで他の船に乗り換えて1942 年 8 月 20 日、ラングーンに到着した。



 “At RANGOON they were divided into groups of 20 to 30 girls in each and disperced to various parts to BURMA, each group being attached to various regiments, units or formations, so that each had its own brothel(s).

 ラングーンで一行は 20 人から 30 人ずつの集団に分かれ、ビルマの様々な地方に散って行った。それぞれのグループが様々な連隊や部隊、編隊に付属したから、各隊が固有の娼館 (一軒または数軒) を持つことができた。






 “Prisoner of war’s group was attached to 114 Infantry Regiment.  They spent some month at GOUNGOO, MEIKTILA, and at MAYMYO, following their trade, and then arrived at MYITKYINA (about January 1943).  There are already two brothels established in MYITKYINA, so altogether there were three brothels with 63 girls in all:  prisoner of war’s house, known as KYOEY with 22 Korean girls; the KINSUI house, with 20 Korean girls; and the MOMOYA house with 21 Chinese girls, who had been purchased from CANTON on the same conditions as the Korians.  There were Japanese girls in houses in the rear areas, as for example at MAYMYO where they formed two of the eight houses there,but none in the forward areas.

 戦争捕虜の集団は第 114 歩兵連隊に配属された。ゴウングーとメイクティラ、メイミョーで商売に従事しながら数ヶ月を過ごし、その後(1943 年 1 月ごろ)ミッチーナーにやって来た。ミッチーナーにはすでに二つの売春宿が設置されていたから、合わせて三軒の売春宿が総計 63 人の娘を抱えることになった。キョウエイという名の 22 人の朝鮮娘がいる戦争捕虜の娼館、20 人の朝鮮娘がいるキンスイという娼館、そして朝鮮娘と同じ条件で広東から買われて来た 21 人の中国娘がいるモモヤという娼館がそれである。後方地域の娼館には日本の女もいて、例えばメイミョーでは八軒のうち二軒の娼館が日本人を置いていたが、前線地域にはいなかった。



 “Every ‘comfort girl’ was employed on the following contract conditions. She received fifty percent of her own gross takings and was provided with free passage, free food and free medical treatment.  The passage and medical treatment were provided by the Army authorities, the food was purchased by the brothel owner with the assistance of the Army supply depots.  The owners made other profits by selling clothing, necessities and luxuries to the girls at exorbitant charges.  When a girl is able to repay the sum of money paid to her family, plus interest, she should be provided with a free return passage to KOREA, and then considered free.  But owing to war conditions, no one of prisoner of war’s group had so far been allowed to leave; although in June 1943, 15 Army Headquarters had arranged to return home those girls who were free from debt, and one girl who fulfilled these conditions and wished to return was easily persuaded to remain.

 どの 「慰安婦」 も以下の契約条件で雇われていた。慰安婦は自分の売上総額の 50% を受け取り、無料の交通と無料の食糧、無料の医療処置を提供された。交通と医療処置は陸軍当局が提供し、食料は陸軍兵站部の支援により楼主が購入した。楼主たちは衣服や必需品、贅沢品をとんでもない料金で娘たちに売りつけることにより、別途に利益を得ていた。娘が家に支払われた金の総額と利子を弁済できたときは、朝鮮までの無料の帰還の旅を提供された上で自由と見なされるはずだった。だが戦況のせいで、戦争捕虜の集団のなかで去ることを許された者は今のところなかった。もっとも 1943 年 6 月に第 15 軍司令部が負債のなくなった娘を帰郷させる措置を取ったことはあったが、この条件を充たして帰郷を望んだ一人の娘は、容易に説得され残留した。



 “In prisoner of war’s house the maximum gross takings of a girl were around 1500 yen per month, minimum around 300 yen per month, or by rule of the house, the girl had to pay to the brothel owner a minimum of 150 yen per month.

 戦争捕虜の娼館では一人の娘の売上総額は最高で月に 1,500 円、最低で月に 300 円だった。そうでなくとも娼館の決まりで、娘は売春宿の楼主に月に最低 150 円を支払わなければならなかった。



 “The scale of charges and time-table was fixed by instructions from the regiment, the time-table being so contrived that officers, noncomissioned officers and men would would not meet each other at the same time.  The schedule was strictly adhered to; and noncommissioned officers and men were supposed to visit the brothel only once weekly, officers as offen as they wished.  Payment was made on a ticket, which was of cardboard about two inches square, bearing the name of the house, the regimental seal, and the price of the ticket. In prisoner of war’s house the schedule was originally laid down as follows:

 Soldiers 1000-1500 hours charge 1.50 yen
 Noncomissioned officers 1500-1700 hours charge 3 yen
 Officers 2100-2359 hours charge 5 yen
 Officers 2359-morning charge 20 yen


 兵卒  10 時~ 15 時     料金 1 円 50 銭
 下士官 15 時~ 17 時     料金 3 円
 将校  21 時~ 23 時 59 分 料金 5 円
 将校  23 時 59 分~翌朝   料金  20 円



 “But on orders of Colonel MARUYAMA, the charges were later reduced as folllows, the time table remaining as before.
 Soldiers          1.50 yen
 Noncommissioned officers   2 yen
 Officers          5 yen
 Officers midnight−morning 10 yen

 兵卒         1 円 50 銭
 下士官        2 円
 将校         5 円
 将校 (夜半から翌朝) 10 円



 “The house was controlled by 114 Infantry Regiment. Captain NAGASUE of regimental headquarters being the liaison officer in charge. Usually two men of regimental headquarters detailed to the house for the purpose of identification of those frequenting the brothel, although men of other regiments were permitted to visit the brothel if they happened to be in a party of 114 Infantry Regiment men.  A military policeman was also on patrol duty at the house.  The daily attendance at prisoner of war’s house was 80 to 90 noncommissioned officers and men and 10 to 15 officers.

 娼館は第 114 歩兵連隊の統制下に置かれ、連隊司令部のナガスエ大尉が連絡将校として担任していた。通常は連隊司令部付きの二人の兵が娼館に派遣された。売春宿に足繁く通う客の身元確認がその目的だった。ただし第 114 歩兵連隊の兵士た共同行動することになったときには、他の連隊の兵士も娼館に訪れることを許可された。憲兵もまた娼館を巡視していた。戦争捕虜の娼館の毎日の入場者は下士官と兵卒が 80 人から 90 人、将校が 10 人から 15 人だった。



 “In the brothels, liquors (local variety) were sold freely to the men, but the military police personnel took care that there was no excessive drunkenness or quarrels.  If in spite of this control a man drank too much, the military policeman usuall y took him out of the house.  Occasionally quarrels also broke out and were similarly suppressed.

 売春宿では酒類 (地方により異なる) が自由に売られていたが、憲兵隊は過度の酩酊や喧嘩がないように注意していた。この監督にも拘わらず飲みすぎた兵士がいると、憲兵が娼館の外に連れ出した。時には喧嘩が起こることもあったが、同様にして抑えられた。



 In MAYMYO similar regulasions were in force, but owing to the large number of units stationed there, some of the houses had definite scheduled days for specific units.  For example, a house of Japanese girls the DAI ICHI FURUSA, had the following schedule:―
 Sunday:― 18 Division Headquarters Staff
 Monday:― 18 Division Cavalry Regiment
 Tuesday:― 18 Engineer Regiment
 Wednesday:― Day-time medical inspection then  free. Evenings, officers only
 Thursday:― 18 Division Medical Unit
 Fryday:― 18 Maintenance Artyillery Regiment
 Saturday:― 18 Division Transport Reginent

 日曜日 第 18 師団 司令部職員
 月曜日 第 18 師団 騎兵連隊
 火曜日 第 18 工兵連隊
 水曜日 昼間は医療検査の後、自由時間。夜間は将校専用
 木曜日 第 18 師団 衛生隊
 金曜日 第 18 砲維持連隊
 土曜日 第 18 師団 輸送連隊



 “Another brothel, the SUIKO EN, was reserved for officers only.




 “There was a strict order for the use of contraceptives; so that according to prisoner of war, cases of venerael disaeases were due to the carelessness of the soldiers themselves.  During the one and one-half years prisoner of war was running the house of MYITKYINA, there ware only six cases of venereal desaewse, who were sent to the Medical Officer of 2 Field Hospital 18 Division for treatment.  There were some cases of venereal diseases amomg the soldiers of 114 Infantry Regiment, but prisoner of war never had any trouble with regimental headquarters on this score.

 避妊具を使用するように厳しく命令されていたのだから、戦争捕虜によれば、性病にかかった場合は軍人自身の不注意のせいだった。戦争捕虜がミッチーナーの娼館を経営していた一年半の間、性病の事例は六件しかなく、患者は治療のため第 18 師団 第 2 野戦病院の軍医のもとに送られた。第 114 歩兵連隊の軍人内にも性病の事例がいくつかあったが、これを理由に戦争捕虜が連隊司令部と関係がこじれることはなかった。



 “During their visits to the brothels, troops rarely discussed military subjects, preferring to escape from their normal military surroundings.  Prisoner of war said he never had a chance to overhaer any interesting military ‘secrets’ and considered this was due to the presence of the military police and that the men were afraid to talk freely, even if they had anything to say.  The usual subjects of complaint amomg the men were criticisms of their officers, lack of supplies and homesickness.

 売春宿に来ている間、兵隊が軍事的な話題を論じることは稀だった。むしろ日常の軍事的環境から逃避することを好んだのである。戦争捕虜は興味深い 「軍事機密」 を聞きつけたことは一度もないと言い、これは憲兵の姿があるせいで、兵士たちはたとえ話したいことがあったとしても、怖くて自由に話せなかったのだろうとの考えを語った。兵士たちの間の通常の愚痴の種は、上官批判や物資の不足、そして郷愁だった。



 “The girls had seen some Allied propaganda leaflets but had not read them, except that one girl remembered one about the hopeless situation in MYITKYINA which at the time she did not believe.  They had not heard any Forward Broadcasts, but remembered the men openly disscussing a ‘radio broadcast’.

 娘たちは連合軍の宣伝リーフレットをいくつか見たことはあったが、読んではいなかった。例外として一人がミッチーナーの絶望的状況についてのリーフレットを憶えていたが、当時はそれを信じなかったという。娘たちは前線放送を聞いたことはなかったが、兵士たちが公然と 「ラジオ放送」 のことを語り合っていたことを憶えていた。






 “On 31 July, about midnight a party of 63 girls from the three brothels in MYITKYINA, and the brothel owners etc., began their evacuation from MYITKYINA.  The girls wore dark green Army clothing on top of their civilian clothes. They crossed the IRRAWADDY in ten small boats.  The majority of the remaining troops had already departed from MYITKYINA, but the sick and wounded were left behind.  The girls remarked on this point ‘It was no use to get them across, because once across those soldiers couldn’t walk.  It was better to float them down the river with the hope that they might get through.’  They landed north of Waingmaw where they remained in the Jungle until 4 August. The party then began to treck in the wake of the retreating troops.  On 7 August, they became involved in a skirmish and in the confusion the party split up.

 7 月 31 日の夜半ごろ、ミッチーナーの三つの売春宿にいた 63 人の娘たちと楼主たちその他の一行が、ミッチーナーからの撤退を始めた。娘たちは暗緑色の軍服を平服の上に重ね着していた。10 艘の小舟でイラワジ河を渡った。生き残った兵隊の大部分は既にミッチーナーを離れたが、傷病兵が取り残されていた。この点については、「あの軍人たちは渡ったところで歩けやしないのだから、渡してもしようがない。どうにか切り抜けてくれることを願って、河に浮かべて流した方がいい」 というのが娘たちの見解だった。彼らはワインマウ北方に上陸し、ジャングルのなかに 8 月 4 日まで留まった。その後、一行は退却軍の跡を辿り始めた。8 月 7 日に小戦闘に巻き込まれ、混乱のなかで一行は分裂した。



 “The 20 Chnese girls remained behind in the jungle, and gave themselves up to Chinese troops.  One party of about 20 Korean girls followed on in the wake of the Japanese troops, and were seen by the another prisoner of war on 19 August, a small disconsolate group still folloeing on.  Prisoner of war’s party took shelter in an abondoned native house where they remained for two days while prisoner of war tried to construct a raft; with them was a wounded Japanese soldier.  On 10 August, the house was surrounded by a number of Kachins under the command of an English officer, and they were captured.  Of the original party of 63 girls, four had died during the journey and two had been shot, mistaken for Japanese soldiers.”

 20 人の中国娘らはジャングルに隠れて残り、中国軍に投降した。約 20 人の朝鮮娘らの一行は日本軍部隊の通った跡をたどり続け、気の塞いだ小集団がなお後を追う姿が 8 月 19 日に別の戦争捕虜に目撃された。戦争捕虜の一行は現地人の廃屋に身を寄せ、二日間そこにとどまり、その間に戦争捕虜は筏を組もうとした。負傷した日本兵が一人同行していた。8 月 10 日、廃屋はイギリス人将校の指揮する何人かのカチン族に包囲され、彼らは捕らえられた。当初の一行の 63 人の娘たちのうち、四人が旅の途中で死亡し、二人が日本兵と間違えられて撃たれていた。

(SEATIC Interrogation Bulletin No.2 dated 30 November 1944, pages 10-13)

(東南アジア翻訳·尋問センター 尋問速報 第2号 、1944 年11月30日付、10~13ページ)

 (2)  Extract from letter written by prisoner of war, a well-educated man of 23 years, nominally a sergeant wireless operater, who had spent the greater part of five years in service either in the cook-house or under training:
Brothers in arms

 “While the fighting was still going on at MYTKYINA, Colonel MARUYAMA was having a good time with the comfort girls in the shelter-trench almost every day. Later he arranged that the girls should cross the river ahead of the wounded soldiers. This is the truth.”

 (Source available on request)

 (2)ある戦争捕虜の書いた手紙からの抜粋。彼は高等教育を受けた 23 歳の男であり、名目上は無線操作軍曹だったが、5 年間の大半を炊事場か見習いのどちらかの仕事をして過ごした。




 (3)  Prisoner of War MITSUI. Junchoku, Superior Private, member of the 112 Infantry Reginent, cqptured LETWEDET, 10 February 1944. Although he vehementry maintains that he had never entered an IANSHO (House of Relaxation) he seems well-informed about their organization, and gives the following information:

 “Each division had five or six IANSIO (House of Relaxation) attached. Korean women as well as Japanese women were to be found in them. The charges for an hour’s entertainment were; officers 5 yen, noncomissioned officers 4 yen, and privates 3 yen. The use of preventives was compulsory and the women were medically examined periodically.”

(Source available on request)

 (3)1944年 2月10日、レトウェデット第112歩兵連隊所属の上等兵、ミツイ・ジュンチョク戦争捕虜。彼はイアンショ(慰安所)に入場したことはないと必死になって主張するが、その組織形態について熟知している様であり、以下の情報を提供する。




 (4)  Prisoner of War TOMITA. Tomoaki, First Class Private, member of 112 Infantry Regiment captured SINZWEYA, 12 February 1944, stated:

 “On the subject of entertainment, there had been parties of entertainment (IMONDAN) but they did not proceed further forward than RANGOON. There were Korean and Japanese prostitutes in AKYAB, and some had been brought up to HPARABYIN and even ALECHANGYAW, but they had been strictly reserved for officers, a fact that had greatly angered the troops.”

(Source available on request)

 (4)1944 年 2 月 12 日、シンズウェヤで捕まった第112歩兵連隊所属の一等兵、トミタ·トモアキ戦争捕虜の供述。



 (5)  Prisoner of War IMAMURA. Masayuki, Corporal, member of 55 Mountain Regiment, captured KWAON Ridge, 7 February 1944, stated:

 “Usually visited the brothel on Sundays which was his day off. Officers could visit brothels any time in the week, but usually there were sparate institutions for them, and in these he believed there occasionally were Japanese girls. The staff of the soldiers’ brothel was normally of Korean woman.

 “No food or drink was served in the regulated brothels and each man received a preventive when he bought his ticket which cost 2 yen per hour. In addition, troop headquarters issued preventatives on application.

 “The women were medically examined once weekly but men could also obtain ointment (similar to that in American E T tubes) on application to troop headquarters.”

(Source available on request)

 (5)1944 年 2 月 7 日、クウァオン尾根で捕まった第55山砲兵連隊所属の伍長、イマムラ・マサユキ戦争捕虜の供述:








第4節 郵便





a.Prisoner of War TAIRA. Shigeyo (JA 145046), military coolie, member of YAMAMOTO Force, captured at SAMBO, 16 November 1942, stated:
 “He had received no letters from JAPAN, and all writing materials had been taken from him before leaving RABAURU, for NEW GUINEA.”

(ATIS Interrogation Report, Serial No. 38, page 5)


(連合軍翻訳・通訳部 尋問報告、通巻第 38 号、5 ページ)

 b.Prisoner of War YAMAGUCHI. Masahiro (JA 145068), Civilian Medical Orderly, captured SOPUTA, 6 December 1942, stated:
 “He had no mail since leaving JAPAN.”

(ATIS Interrogation Report, Serial No. 41, page 8)

 ロ、1942 年 12 月 6 日にソプタで捕まった軍属の医療用務員、ヤマグチ·マサヒロ戦争捕虜(JA 145068)の供述:


(連合軍翻訳·通訳部 尋問報告、通巻第 41 号、8 ページ)

 c.Prisoner of War ZAMA. Mataichi (JA (USA) 147656), civilian employee, Ⅰ Shipping Repair Unit, captured TANAMERAH, 4 May 1944, stated:
 “He had received no mail or had herd no war news in South West PACIFIC Areas.”
(ATIS Interrogation Report, Serial No. 500, Section 13)

 ハ、1944 年 5 月 4 日、タナメラハで捕まった船舶補修班の軍属雇員ザマ・マタイチ戦争捕虜(JA [米国] 147656)の供述:


(連合軍翻訳・通訳部 尋問報告、通巻第 500 号、第 13 節)




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『政府調査「従軍慰安婦」関係資料集成』⑤ https://www.awf.or.jp/pdf/0051_5.pdf 164~192/294
