Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

朝鮮内政干渉・王宮占領・日清戦争 電報集 1894.6.5~6.11

花押〈光〉 印【林董】 印【栗野愼一郎】

Sugimura  電送第158号
Nosse    電送第159号

     大鳥 left 横須賀 per 八重山艦 about 1 p.m. 六月五日 and sailed direct for 仁川. For the time bring, he will enter 京城 escorted by about 300 Marine force and twenty policemen. As to the matter of above marine force, keep it secret until further telegram. Regarding movement of Chinese and Corean troops and rebels, do not fail to report promptly.
June 5th 1894

大臣 閲 次官 印【林董】 機密受第七三七号
廿七年六月六日接受 主管 政務局 印【栗野愼一郎】

陸戰隊出張ノ儀ニ付 別紙ノ通 常備艦隊司令長官 并ニ在仁川先任艦長ヘ相達置候條 此段及御通知候也
      海軍大臣 伯爵 西郷従道
   外務大臣 陸奥宗光殿

 別紙電報案 暗号

大鳥公使ハ八重山ニテ本日出発ノ筈 成ル可ク各艦ヨリ多クノ陸戦隊ヲ編成シ 且 出張ノ準備ヲナシ置 同公使 其地ニ到着次㐧 協議ノ上 共ニ京城ニ出発スヘシ
  先任将校 大和艦長 舟木大佐殿

 別紙電報案 暗号

左ノ通 伊東司令長官ニ傳ヘヨ
大鳥公使ハ八重山ニテ本日出発ノ筈 成ル可ク各艦ヨリ多クノ陸戦隊ヲ編成シ 且 出張ノ準備ヲナシ置 同公使 其地ニ到着次㐧 協議シ共ニ京城ニ出発スヘシ
 六月五日            海軍大臣
   大島艦長 外記少佐殿

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 印【栗野愼一郎】
電送第一六一号 30 wds

      Make accommodation for 20 policemen. It will be necessary also to find accommodation for 300 marines; but you will act with caution as the notice of dispatch of troops is not yet given to Chinese Government.
Proper expenses for this will be appropriated.
Sent. June 6th 1894.

花押〈光〉 印【林董】 印【栗野愼一郎】
電送第一六四号 西公使
電送第一六九号 大越総領事
歐米 并ニ支那各館
     但シ北京 及 天津ヲ除ク

In view of disturbance of grave nature in Corea a body of troops has been sent for protection of our Legation, Consulates and residents there according to the treaty of 済物浦 明治十五年八月三十日 with Corea. Due notice has been given to China according to the treaty of 天津.


 June 6 1894

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 印【栗野愼一郎】
電送第一六五号 室田
電送第一六六號 上野

Murata        Uyeno
   Fuzan        Genzan

     大鳥 left 六月五日 by 八重山艦 and will enter 京城 escorted by 300 marine force [✕and twenty policemen✕]. Due notice <has been given> to Chinese Government [✕has been made and further a body of✕]<more> troops may [✕be despatched✕]<follow>.

June 6 1894

大臣 花押〈光〉 印【林董】 印【栗野愼一郎】

      You will communicate the following dispatch to China Government in writing.
      "In pursuance of instruction which I have just received from his Imperial Majesty's Government I have the honor, in accordance with provision of the Convention of the eighteenth day of the forth month of the 18th year of Meiji between our two Governments, to acquaint Your Highness and Your Excellencies that owing to the existence of disturbance of a grave nature in Corea necessitating presence of Japanese Troops there, it is intention of Imperial Japanese Government to send a body of Japanese Troops to that country." See Tientsin Convention
Sent June 6th 1894

大臣 花押〈光〉 印【林董】 印【栗野愼一郎】

     In view of disturbance of grave nature in Corea a body of troops has been sent for protection of our Legation, Consulates and residents there. Notice has been given to Chinese Government. Inform 李鴻章 of this △
△ [✕And also that 在日本清国公使 will reform him further particulars.✕]

大臣 花押〈光〉 印【林董】 印【栗野愼一郎】
電送第一六七号 能勢
電送第一七一号 杉浦

Sugimura      Nosse
     Seoul.      Chemulpo.
      Notice of dispatch of troops has been made to Chinese Government. and besides the 300 Marines, [✕a body of✕]<more> troops may [✕be dispatched✕]<follow>.
    See 督弁交渉通商事務 and tell him the fact of our despatching troops for Seoul according to treaty of 明治十五年. Don't tell him of the number of troops.

 June 6 1894

次官 印【林董】 暗号



清國政府出兵ノ通知ハ明日正午頃マデニナスベシト 清國公使言ヘリ 我政府ヨリノ通知ハ明日中ニナス筈ナリ 又 支那兵千五百餘 タークー ヨリ今朝出帆スベシトノ風説アリト 荒川ヨリ報知アリ 又 廣島ノ陸兵ノ一部ハ多分九日ニ出帆スベシ

東学党変乱ノ際韓国保護ニ関スル日清交渉関係一件 第一巻
1 明治27年6月4日から明治27年6月6日 https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030204700 p.10-p.19

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 通商局 印
内閣總理大臣 各大臣 枢密院議長 参謀本部次長

     Your telegram of 六月六日 having been received on the afternoon of 六月七日 I have at once sent communication to 總理衙門 in accordance with your instructions.
Peking June 7 1984  8-10 p.m.
Rec'd  〃 8 〃  11-20 a.m.

各大臣 枢密院議長 参謀本部次長

  〃  〃 八日午前十一時二分着

 東京          北京
   陸奥          小村

六月六日ノ貴電(即チ出兵ノ通知)六月七日午後接到 命ノ如ク直チニ總理衙門ヘ照會セリ

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 通商局 印
上奏 内閣總理大臣 各大臣通知 枢密院議長 参謀本部次長
電受第二〇〇号 78 wgs

    I verbally informed your last telegram to 李鴻章 六月七日. 2. p. m. He told me that has not yet been notified from 北京 and expressed his anxiety and his hopes as follows: As he does not send troops to 京城 Japanese army should not advance any further up to 仁川. 伯爵伊藤 and you should not misunderstand his deed in Corea. It would be of utmost importance to avoid carefully collision between both troops as China always respect Japan, and also Japanese army as small as possible as the King of Corea and Corean people would be frightened. Chinese army will proceed to 全州 direct not any treaty port. He will immediately withdraw Chinese army after the disturbance settled according to the Treaty of 明治十八年.
Tientsin June 7th 1894 7. 15. p.m.
Rec'd  〃 8th 〃 12. 45. a.m.

六月八日 上奏
各大臣 枢密院議長 参謀本部次長 通知済

電報譯文          印【佐藤愛麿】
〃  〃   午前十二時四十五分接

 東京           天津
  陸奥           荒川

六月七日午后二時 李鴻章ニ面会シテ 我出兵ニ係ル閣下ヨリ電信ノ趣ヲ口頭ニテ申聞ケタリ 李氏 本官ニ對ヘテ 右ニ付テハ未タ北京ヨリ報知ナシト告ケ 且ツ同氏ハ其懸念スルトコロト希望スルトコロヲ左ノ如ク言明セリ
李ヨリハ京城ニ出兵セサルニ付 日本兵ハ仁川ヨリ先キヘハ進ムヘカラサルコト」伊藤伯 及 貴大臣ニ於テ朝鮮ニ對スル李氏ノ處置ヲ誤解スベカラザルコト」支那ハ常ニ日本ヲ敬重スルカ故ニ 注意シテ両国兵士ノ間ノ衝突ヲ避クルコト最モ緊要ナルコト」朝鮮國王 并ニ人民ハ驚怖スベキガ故二 日本兵ハ可成𠀋 少數タルベキコト」清兵ハ朝鮮ノ開港ヘハ立寄ラス 直接 全州ヘ赴クベキコト」李氏ハ明治十五年ノ約書ニ従ヒ 変乱鎮定ノ後 直チニ清兵ヲ撤囬スベシ

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 通商局 承知
各大臣 枢密院議長 参謀本部次長 通知済
電受第二一〇号 55 wds


  督辨交渉通商事務 sent me a copy of telegram from 洪 to the effect that insurgents were defeated bitterly near 全州. Corean Government, being informed of the despatch of the Japanese soldiers, were surprised and have telegraphed evening 六月七日 Chinese Government to suspend the landing of Chinese soldiers. It is very likely that the telegram sent by 督弁交渉通商事務 has been forged in order to make it pretence for asking Chinese Government suspension of landing. Renirt by telegraph 5,000 yen for making accommodation of marines.
Seoul June 8' 1894.  10. 40. a.m.
Rec'd 〃 9. 〃   10. 17. a.m.

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】 通商局 承知
各大臣 枢密院議長 参謀本部次長
電受第二一一号 52 w

     Have seen 督弁交渉通商事務. Told him as instructed by telegram 六月六日. He has requested to ask Japanese Government to suspend the landing of Japanese soldiers on the ground that he does not consider present moment so pressed as to need armed protection; that such act of Japanese Government would induce other governments do the same and that the landing of the Japanese soldiers would cause great excitement among Coreans. But I had refused absolutely.
Seoul. June 8 1894  4. 30. p.m.
Rec'd  〃 9 〃   10. 30. a.m.

  〃  〃 九日 前十時三十分接

東京         京城
 陸奥外務大臣     杉村臨時代理公使

外務督弁ニ面謁シテ 今月六日御電訓ノ次㐧ヲ申聞ケタリ」同督弁ニ於テハ目下ノ形㔟ハ兵力ノ保護ヲ要スル如ク切迫ノ場合ニ立至リ居レリト思考セス 又 日本政府ニ於テ斯ル處置ヲ執ラルヽトキハ 他国政府ヲシテ同様ノ處置ニ出テシムヘク 且 日本兵士ノ上陸ハ朝鮮人中ニ於テ大ニ激昂ヲ惹起スヘシトノ理由ヲ以テ 日本兵士上陸スル事ヲ停止セラルヘキ様 本官ヨリ帝国政府ニ請求致シ呉レヘキ旨 依頼アリタリ 然レトモ本官ハ断然 之ヲ拒絶セリ

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 印【林董】
政務局 印 通商局 印【原敬
電受第二一五号 5 w

    八重山艦 has just arrived
Chemulpo June 9 1894  2-49 p.m.
Rec'd   〃 〃 〃   9-30 〃

上奏 六月十一日
大臣 花押 次官【林董】
政務局【栗野愼一郎】 通商局【原敬
電受第二一七号 115 wds 【佐藤愛麿】

     The reply to my communication of 六月七日 received from 総理衙門 六月九日 is as follows: The dispatch of troops from China at the request of Corea is in accordance with precedent protecting tributary state and solely for the purpose of destroying rebels in interior. They will be withdrawn immediately after the matter is settled. Although the actual situation in 仁川 and 釜山浦 is quiet Chinese men of war will be stationed at such open ports for the time bring merely as measure of protection of her Legation. As Japan despatches troops exclusively for the protection of her Legation, Consulates and marchant it naturally follows that a large number of them is not required, and moreover having been despatched without request of Corea, they should absolutely abstain from proceeding into interior thereby causing the excitement of the people. It is further apprehended that if they meet with Chinese soldiers complications may arise in consequence of difference in language and military etiquette. I am requested to telegraph the above to my Government. Another communication on the same day states that 在日本清国公使 has been instructed by telegraph to announce the dispatch of Chinese soldiers. Shall I protest against the first communication? I ask for immediate instructions.

Peking June 10 1894  9-30 p.m.
Rec'd  〃 〃 〃    5 p.m.

〃     〃 〃 午後五時   接

 東京         北京
  陸奥大臣       小村臨時代理公使

六月七日本官ヨリノ通告ニ對シ 総理衙門ヨリ六月九日接手シタル囬答 左ノ如シ

朝鮮ノ請求ニ応シ清國ヨリ兵ヲ派遣シタルハ属邦ヲ保護スルノ先例ニ因レリ 而シテ其ノ目的タルヤ単ニ内地ニ於ケル賊ヲ誅戮スルニ止マルモノナリ
仁川 及 釜山浦ノ現状ハ平穏ナリト虽トモ 右ノ如キ開港ヘハ当分ノ内 全ク保護ノ目的ヲ以テ清国軍艦ヲ碇泊セシムベシ
日本ヨリ派兵ノ目的タルヤ全ク其ノ公使館 領事館 及ビ商民ノ保護ニ外ナラサレバ 多数ノ兵貟ヲ要セザルハ自明ノ理ナリ 且ツ朝鮮ヨリノ請求ナクシテ派遣シタルモノナルバ 内地ヘ進入シ人民ノ激昂ヲ醸ス如キコトハ必ズ之ヲ为サヽル様致度候
特二若シ日本兵貟ニシテ清国兵貟ト會合スルコトモアラバ 言語 及 軍礼ノ同シカラザルガ为メ紛擾ヲ醸成スルノ畏有之

以上ノ亊二関シ本官□抗議ヲ为スベキヤ否ヤ 至急 電訓ヲ願フ

大臣 花押〈光〉 次官 花押〈董〉 政務局 花押〈慎〉 通商局 印【原敬
上奏 各大臣 枢長 参謀總長 軍令部長
電受第二二一号 12 wds

    大鳥 arrived here at 7. 30. p.m. 六月十日 with 420 marines twenty policemen.
Seoul June 11th 1894  9. 15. a.m.
Rec'd 〃 11th 1894  1. 35. 〃  

〃 〃  〃 〃  午後一時卅五分接
東京          京城
 陸奥大臣        杉村臨時代理公使

大鳥公使ハ兵四百二十名 巡査二十名ヲ率ヒ六月十日午後七時三十分 当地二着セリ


東学党変乱ノ際韓国保護ニ関スル日清交渉関係一件 第一巻
3 明治27年6月7日から明治27年6月15日 https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image/B03030204900 p.6-p.19