Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

第7号 福田氏への手紙 徐淑希編『南京安全区檔案』より 1937.12.16



            December  16,  1937





My dear Sir:



 As pointed out by the Major we interviewed with you at the Bank of Communications yesterday noon, it is advisable to have the city return to normal life as soon as possible.  But yesterday the continued disorders in the Safety Zone increased the state of panic among the refugees.  Refugees in large buildings are afraid to go even to nearby soup kitchins to secure the cooked rice.  Consequently, we are having to deliver rice to these compounds directly, thereby complicating our problem.  We could not even get coolies out to load rice and coal to take to our soup kitchens and therefore this morning thousands of people had to go without their breakfast.  Foreign members of the International Committee are this morning making desperate efforts to get trucks through Japanese patrols so these civilians can be fed.  Yesterday foreign members of our Committee had several attempts made to take their personal cars away from them by Japanese soldiers.  (A list of cases of disorder is appended.)



 Until this state of panic is allayed, it is going to be impossible to get any normal activity started in the city, such as:  telephone workers, electric plant workers, probably the water plant workers, shops of all kinds, or even street cleaning.



 In order to improve this situation quickly, the International Committee respectfully suggests that the Imperial Japanese Army take the following steps at once:



 1.  Have all searching done by regularly organized squads of soldiers under a responsible officer.  (Most of the trouble has come from wandering groups of three to four soldiers without an officer.)



  2.  At night, and if possible also in the daytime, have the guards at the entrances of the Safety Zone (proposed by the Major yesterday) to prevent any stray Japanese soldiers from entering the Safety Zone.



 3.  Today, give us passes to paste on the windshields of our private cars and trucks to prevent Japanese soldiers from commandeering them.  (Even under the stress of defense of the city the Chinese Army Headquarters supplied us with such passes and cars that were taken before we got the passes were returned to the Committee within 24 hours after our reporting the cases.  Furthermore, even in that difficult situation, the Chinese Army assigned to us three trucks to use for hauling rice for feeding civilians.  Certainly, the Imperial Japanese Army in full control of the city, with no fighting going on, and with much greater amount of equipment, cannot do less for the Chinese civilians that have now come under their care and protection).



 We refrained from protesting yesterday because we thought when the High Commander arrived order in the city would be restored, but last night was even worse than night before, so we decided these matters should be called to the attention of the Imperial Japanese Army, which we are sure dose not approve of such actions by its soldiers.



           Most respectfully yours,

             LEWIS S. C. SMYTHE



         書記 ルイス·S·C·スマイズ




Documents on the Rape of Nanking

edited by Timothy Brook

Ann Arbor



ISBN 0-472-11134-5


による復刻より。原ページ 7~9