ニュー・ヨーク、1937 年 12 月 18 日 (土曜日)
Civilians Also Killed as
the Japanese Spread
Terror in Nanking
Capital’s Fall Laid to Poor
Tactics of Chiang Kai-shek
and Leader’s Flight
Special Cable to the NEW YORK TIMES.
日本軍の恐怖 [テロル]
合衆国大使館 踏み込まれる
ABOARD THE U. S. S. OAHU at Shanghai, Dec. 17thーThrough wholesale atrocities and vandalism at Nanking the Japanese Army has thrown away a rare opportunity to gain the respect and confidence of Chinese inhabitants and of foreign opinion there.
The collapse of China authority and the break-up of the Chinese Army left many Chinese in Nanking ready to respond to order and organization, which seemed in prospect with the entry of the Japanese troops. A tremendous sense of relief over the outlook for a cessation of the fearful bombardment and the elimination of the threat of serious disorders by the Chinese trooos pervaded the Chinese populace when the Japanese took over control within the walls.
It was felt Japanese rule might be severe, at least until war conditions were over. Two days of Japanese occupation changed the whole outlook. Wholesale looting, the violation of women, the mass executions of war prisoners and the impressing of able-bodied men turned Nanking into a city of terror.
Many Civillians Slain
The killing of civillians was widespread. Foeigners who traveled widely through the city Wednesday found civillian dead on every street. Some of the victims were aged man, women and children.
一般人の殺害が城内を覆った。水曜日 [12月15日] に市内を広く見回った外国人たちは、どの通りでも一般市民の死者に出くわした。犠牲者のなかには老人男性、女性、子どももいた。
Policemen and firemen were special objects of attack. Many victims were bayoneted and some of the wounds were barbarously cruel.
Any person who ran because of fear or excitement was likely to be killed on the spot as was any one caught by roving patrols in streets or alleys after dusk. Many slayings were witnessed by foreigners.
The Japanese looting amounted almost to plundering of the entire city. Nearby every building was entered by Japanese soldiers, often under the eyes of their officers, and the men took whatever they wanted. The Japanese soldiers often impressed Chinese to carry their loot.
Food apparently was in first demand. Everything else that was usefull or valuable had its turn. Peculiarly disgraceful was the robbing of refugees by soldiers who conducted mass searches in the
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refugee centers and took money and valuables, often the entire posessions of the unfortunates.
The staff of the American Mission University Hospital was stripped of cash and watches. Other posessions were taken from the nurses dormitory. The faculty houses of American Ginling College were invaded by soldiers who took food and valuables.
The hospital and the Ginling College buildings were flying American flags and bore on the doors official proclamation in Chinese from the United States Embassy denoting American ownership.
U. S. Envoy’s Home Raided
Even the home of the United States Ambassador was invaded. When informed by exited embassy servants of this incursion, Arthur Menken, Paramount newsreel caneraman, and the writer confronted five soldiers in the Ambassador’s kutchen and demanded that they leave. The men departed sullenly and sheepishly. Their only loot was a flashlight.
Many Chinese men reported to foreigners the abduction and rape of wives and daughters. These Chinese Chinese appealed for aid, which the foreigners usually were powerless to give.
The mass executions of war prisoners added to the horrors the Japanese brought to Nanking. After killing the Chinese soldiers who threw down their arms and surrendered, the Japanese combed the city for men in civilian garb who were suspected of being former soldiers.
In one building in the refugee zone 400 men were seized. They were marched off, tied in batches of fifty, between lines of riflemen and machine gunners, to the execution ground.
難民地区のある建物では 400 人の男たちが捕らえられた。彼らは50人ずつの集団に縛り上げられ、小銃兵の列と機関銃兵の列に挟まれて、そこから処刑場まで行進させられた。
Just before boarding the ship for Shanghai the writer warched the execution of 200 men on the Bund. The killing took ten minutes. The men were lined against a wall and shot. Then a number of Japanese, armed with pistols, trod nonchalantly around the crumpled bodies, pumping bullets into any that were still kicking.
上海に向かう船に乗る直前、記者は河岸通りにおける 200 人の男たちの処刑を観察した。殺害には 10 分間を要した。男たちは壁に向かって立ち、撃たれた。次に拳銃を持った多数の日本兵が、撃ち倒された身体の間を無造作に踏み歩き、まだピクピク動く身体があれば片端から銃弾を浴びせた。
The army men performing the gruesome job had invited navy men from the warships anchored off the Bund to view the scene. A large group of military spectators apparently greatly enjoyed the spectacle.
When the first column of Japanese troops marched from the South Gate up Chungshan Road toward the cuty’s Big Curcle, small knots of
Chinese civilians broke into scattering cheers, so great was their relief that the siege was over and so high were their hopes that the Japanese would restore peace order. There are no cheers in Nanking now for the Japanese.
By despoiling the city and population the Japanese have driven deeper into yhe Chinese a repressed hatred that will smolder through years as forms of the anti-Japanism that Tokyo professes to be fighting to eradicate from China.
Diaster in Nanking’s Fall
The capture of Nanking was the most overwhelming defeat suffered by the Chinese and the one of the most tragic military debacles in the history of midern warfare. In attempting to defend Nanking the Chinese allowed themselves to be surrounded and then systematically slaughtered.
The defeat caused the loss of tens of thousands of trained soldiers and millions of dollars worth of equipment and the demoralization of the Chinese in the Yangtze Valley whose courage and spirit in the esrly phases of the warfare enabled the Chinese troops to hold up the Japanese advance around Shanghai nearly two months. Generalissimo Chang Kai-shek was responsible to a great degree because against the unanimous counsel of his German military advisers and the opinions of his chief of stuff, General Pai Chung-hsi, he permitted the futile defense of the city.
More immediately responsible was General Tang Sheng-chih and associated division commanders who deserted their troops and fled, not even attempting to make the most of a desperate situation following the entry of the first Japanese troops inside the city‘s walls.
The flight of the many Chinese soldiers was possible by only a few exits. Instead of sticking by their men to hold the invaders at bay with a few strategically placed units while the others withdraw, many army leaders deserted, causing panic among the rank and file.
The fall of Nanking was predicted in most details two weeks before the Japanese entered. Overwhelming the ill-equipped Chinese troops pitted against them around Kwan-teh and northward, the Japanese broke through and captured Wuhu and other points above Nanking on the Yangtze some days before entering the capital. They thus blocked the Chinese Army’s chance to retire upriver.
Defense Strong at First
The superficial Chinese defenses some miles around Nanking were passed without great difficulty. By Dec. 9 the Japanese had reached the wall outside Kwanghwa gate. Driven back within the wall, 50,000 Chinese at first put up a stiff resistance. Japanese casualty were heavy as Chinese units on the wall
南京から数マイルの外周の中国側防衛陣地は大した困難もなく通過された。12月 9日までに日本軍は光華門の城壁の外側に到達した。城壁内に追い返された 50,000 人の中国軍は、最初は頑強に抵抗した。城壁上と何マイルか外の諸部隊は日本軍の浸透に抗戦したので、
and for miles outsude contested the Japanese infiltration.
However, Japanese big guns and airplanes soon wiped out the Chinese near the wall, both outside and inside, shrapnel taking a particularly heavy toll. Meanwhile, the Japanese pushed around the wall, first threatening the Hsiakwan gate from the west.
When the invaders scaled the wall near the west gate Sunday noon behind a heavy barrage they started the Chinese collapse. Raw recruits of the Eighty-eighth Division bolted first and others soon followed. By evening masses of troops were streaming toward Hsiakwan gate, which was still in Chinese hands.
日曜日 [12 月 12 日] の昼に侵攻軍が集中砲火の後を追い西門近くの城壁に梯子をかけて登ると、中国軍の崩壊が始まった。最初に第八十八師の徴兵さればかりの新兵が戦線を離脱し、直ぐに他がこれに続いた。日暮れまでに大量の兵隊がまだ中国軍の手中にあった下関の門に向かって流れた。
Officials gave up their attempt to handle the situation. Their men threw away their guns, shed their uniforms and donned civillian garb.
Driving through the city Sunday evening, I witnessed the Wholesale undressing of an army that was almost comic. Many man shed their uniforms as they marched in formation toward Hsiakwan. Others ran into alleys to transform themselves into civillians. Some soldiers disrobed completely and robbed civillians of their garments.
While some stubborn regiments continued on monday to hold up the Japanese, the flight of most of the defenders continued. Hundreds surrendered to foreigners. Dozens of guns were thrust upon me by cowed men who only wanted to be saved from the approaching Japanese.
月曜日 [12 月 13 日] になっても頑強に日本軍に立ちふさがる連隊がいくつかあった一方で、防衛軍の大部分の逃走も続いていた。何百人かは外国人に投降した。迫り来る日本軍から救われたい一心の怯えた男たちから、私は何十挺もの銃を無理やり押し付けられた。
Hordes surrounded the safety-zone headquarters, turning in their guns, and even throwing them over the gate of the compound in their haste to shed military arms. The foreign committeemen at the safety zone accepted their surrender and interned them in buildings in the zone.
Third of Army Trapped
When the Japanese captured Hsiakwan gate they cut off all exit from the city while at least a third of the Chinese Army still was within the walls.
Because of the disorganization of the Chinese a number of units continued fighting Tuesday noon, many of these not realizing the Japanese had surrounded them and that their cause was hopeless. Japanese tank patrols systematically eliminated these.
中国軍の組織崩壊のため、火曜日 [12 月 14 日] の昼になっても戦い続ける部隊が一定数あった。自分たちが日本軍に包囲され、その戦いには望みがないことを、これらの多くは理解していなかったのである。日本軍の戦車隊が巡回してこれらをテキパキと片付けていった。
Tuesday morning, while attempting to motor to Hsiakwan, I encountered a desperate group of about twenty-five Chinese soldiers who were still holding the Ningpo Guild Building in Chungshan Road. They later surrendered.
Thousands of prisoners were executed by the Japanese. Most of the Chinese soldiers who had been interned in the safety zone were shot en masse. The city was comed in a systematic house-to-house saerch for men having knapsack marks on their shoulders or other signs of having been soldiers. They were herded together and executed.
Many were killed where they were
found, including men innocent of any army connection and many wounded soldiers and civillians. I witnessed three mass executions of prisoners within a few hours Wednesday. In one slaughter a tank gun was turned on a group of more than 100 soldiers at a bomb shelter near the Ministry of Communications.
そのなかには軍とはいかなるつながりもない男たちや、負傷した兵士と一般人が含まれていた。私は水曜日 [12 月 15 日] の二、三時間のうちに捕虜の大量処刑を三つも目撃した。その一つの屠殺では交通部の近くの防空壕で 100 人以上の兵士に戦車の砲塔が向けられた。
A favorite method of execution was to herd groups of a dozen men at entrances of dugouts and to shoot them so the bodies toppled inside. Dirt then was shoveled in and the men buried.
Since the beginning of the Japanese assault on Nanking the city presented a frightful appearance. The Chinese facilities for the care of army wounded were tragically inadequate, so as early as a week ago injured men were seen often on the streets, some hobbling, others crawling along seeking treatment.
Civillian Casualties Heavy
Civillian casualties also were heavy, amounting to thousands. The only hispital open was the American-managed University Hospital and its facilities were inadequate for even a fraction of those hurt.
Nanking’s streets were littered with dead. Sometimes bodies had to be moved before automobiles could pass.
The capture of Hsiakwan Gate by the Japanese was accompanied by the mass killing of the defenders, who were piled up among the sandbags, forming a mound six feet high. Late Wednesday the Japanese had not removed the dead, and two days of heavy military traffic had been passing through, grinding over the remains of man, dogs snd horses.
日本軍による下関の門の制圧は守備兵の大量殺害を伴い、その死体は土嚢とともに積み重なって 6 フィート [183 cm] の高さの塚を形作った。水曜日遅くになっても日本軍は死体を取り除かず、二日間にわたって人や犬や馬の残骸を粉々にしながら大量の軍用車両が通り抜けた。
The Japanese appear to want the horrors to remaim as long as possible, to impress on the Chinese the terrible results of resisting Japan.
Chungshan Road was a long avenue of filth and discarded uniforms, rifles, pistols, machine guns, fieldpieces, knives and knapsacks. In some places the Japanese had to hitch tanks to debris to clear the road.
The Chinese burned nearly all suburbs, including fine building and homes in Mausoleum Park. Hsiakwan is a mass of charred ruins. The Japanese seemingly avoided wrecking good buildings. The scarcity of air bombardments in the capture indicated their intention to avoid the destruction of buildings.
The Japanese even avoided bombing Chinese troop concentration in built-up areas, apparently to preserve the buildings. The fine Ministry of Communications building was the only big government structure destroyed inside the city. It was fired by Chinese.
Nanking today is housing a terrorized population who, under alien domination, live in fear of desth, torture and robbery. The graveyard of tens of thousands of Chinese soldiers may also be the graveyard of Chinese hope of resisting conquest by Japan.