21-12-27 (3C)
Doc P 5806
E 1792
書類番号 五八〇六
「ルイ アントニオ ヌムス ロデリゲス」訊問大要
同人―職業,醫院 事務員,國籍,ポルトガル,ポルトガル領「ティモール」出生,年齢 三十才,現住所,ポルトガル領「ティモール」「ディリ」―ハ正當ニ宣誓ノ上陳述ス.
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一九四三年「オッス」ニ居タ時 私ハ 日本人ガ「ケリミアス」ト云フ名ノ原住民ノ酋長モ一緒ニ原住民ヲ殴打スルノヲ見マシタ 又混血兒ヲ殴ルノモ見マシタ.日本人ハ酋長ヤ他ノ二,三人ノ原住民ニ彼等ノ手ヲ縛ツタ上デ煙草デ燒イタリ,口/T.N. 鼻?/ヲ閉チテ口ニ水ヲ注イダリシテ拷問ヲ行ヒマシタ.又 彼等ヲ突ツタ石ノ上ニ無理ニ跪マヅカセテ背中ヲ圧迫シタリシマシタ.又,煙草ヲ耳ニ入レタリシマシタ.原住民ハマタ 平手デ打タレタリ
約一月経ツテ 日本ノ祭日ニ,日本人ハ酋長ハ日本人ノ友達デナイカラ殺サレタト発表シマシタ.日本人ハ他ノ酋長ニ此ノ事ヲ全部話シテ モシモ 彼等ガ日本人ヲ援ケナケレバドンナ事ガ起ルカニ付テ嚇シマシタ.
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私ハ日本人ガ「ケリカイ」村ヲ燒クノヲ見マシタ.ソノ中ニハ病院ヤ醫者ノ家マデアリマシタ.是ハ一九四二年十二月ノコトデシタ .私ハ又「マタビヤ」攻擊ノ後「ナハレカ」村ガ日本人ニ燒カレルノヲ見マシタ.
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Doc 5806
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私ハ日本人ガ酋長ニ原住民ノ女ノ子達ヲ娼家ニ送ル事ヲ强要シタ多クノ場所ヲ知ツテ居マス.彼等ハ モシモ酋長ガ女ノ子達ヲ送ラナイナラ,彼等 即チ日本人ガ酋長ノ家ニ行ツテ 彼等ノ近親ノ女達ヲ此ノ目的デ連レ去ルト云ツテ脅迫シマシタ.
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證人 署名
ルイ A·N ·ロデリゲス
通訳者 私―「ゲイル,フィリエラ」ハ上記證人ノ署名ニ先立チ前記大要ヲ證人ニ対シ證人自身ノ國語ニ正當ニ翻訳セシ事ヲ證明ス.
翻訳者「ゲイル フィリエラ」/本人署名/
一九四六年六月二十六日,ポルトガル領「ティモール」「ディリ」ニ於テ 余ハ右ノ陳述ヲ錄取シ 且ツ 宣誓ヲ為サシム.
/本人署名 不明/
↑A級極東国際軍事裁判記録(和文)(NO.54) https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/meta/A08071284500 JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.A08071284500、国立公文書館 平11法務02093100
21−12−27 3C(木) E 1792
Doc. No. 5806 Page. 1
Sumnary of examination of LUIS ANTONIO NUMUS RODREIGUES
occupation, Doctor’s ckerk, of Portuguese nationality and born in Portuguese Timor, and 30 years of age, and residing at DILLI, Portuguese Timor, being duly sworn states:−
I was in DILLI on the 20th February 1942 when the Japanese first occupied DILLI.
Two or three days after a wounded Australian soldier was brought to the hospital where I was employed by a native. This Australian soldier was suffering from a large number of wounds. I was present when the native told the officials of the hispital about the bodies of seven (?) Australian soldiers that were then lying partly covered in ditches by the side if the road near PATU META. The native had counted the bodies and told how their legs and feet were not covered by earth and the dogs were eating their legs.
I do not know of any person who actually saw the Australians killed, nor do I know the names of the Japanese concerned. I cannot now remember the names of the native who told me about the Australians being buried.
I only saw one Australian a Prisoner of War of the Japanese and that was the the wounded Australian soldier bought to the hispital.
That is all that I know about the Australians.
In 1943 when I was in OSSU I saw Japanese beating natives including native chief by the name of GERIMIAS, and also half caste. The Japanese used torture methods on the chief and two or three more natives by burning them with cigarettes after their hands were bound together and also giving them a water torture by holding closed their mouth and pouring water into their mouth. They also forced them to kneel down on sharp stones while they applied pressure to their backs. Cigarettes were also put into their ears. The natives were also beaten by slappings with hands and by beating with sticks and when they fell unconscious they were revived with water and beaten again.
I saw the native chief, GERIMIAS, taken to a newly dug grave, he had his hands bound and four or five Japanese of the Kempetai with long native knives make small incisions on his throat, telling the chief that he had to disclose the whereabouts of Australians, otherwise he would be killed. The chief refused to give any information and was then taken away. About a month later, on a day of Japanese feast, the Japanese announced that the chief had been killed because he was not a friend of the Japanese. The Japanese told another chief all this as a threat as to what would happen if they did not assist them.
The Japanese forced the natives to take part in celebrations of Japanese feasts, while the Portuguese feast were not permitted.
On the 14th February 1943 I was in MATABIA when the Japanese attacked that mountain using black troops. I was in company with Lieutenant PIRES and Sergeant KANTIAS and other Portuguese, and also two Australians, Lieutenant Frank KOM??D and Sergeant SMITH.
I saw the Japanese burn the village of KELIKAI, including the hispital and Doctor’s house. This was in December 1942. I also saw the
village of NAAREKA burnt by the Japanese after the attack on MATABIA.
THIS is the first page of the statement by LUIS ANTONIO NUMUS RODERIGUES.
Doc. No. 5806 Page. 2
When the Japanese attacked the native village they used indiscriminate machine-gun fire.
The people in Portaguese Timor were forced to use Japanese money. The Japanese issued an order that anyone found with Portaguese money would be killed. The order was given to the natives by the Japanese after the natives had been collected in the market place by the beating of drums.
On the 21st February 1942 I saw the Japanese forcing the doors of the Chibense house in DILLI and many other houses, and looting the houses.
I know of a lot of place where the Japanese forced the chiefs to send native girls to Japanese brothels, by threatening the native chiefs by telling them that if they did not send the girls, they, the Japanese, would go to the chiefs’ houses and take away their near female relatives for this purpose.
On the day s of the Japanese feast I heard the Japanese telling how Asia was only for the Asiatics and all white people should be driven out.
I know the native chiefs were forced to give native labour to the Japanese to build military roads and at the aerodrome of LAUT?M. They also forced the natives to cut bamboo sticks for use against parachute attacks,
and place the sticks in the ground. The Japanese paid the natives for this work with Japanese invasion money.
The Japanese used Arabs as spies for them and later appointed many Arabs to the positions of Chef de Poste and and Administrators.
Two Japanese sergeants, ARAI and ???IO?A and another sergeant NAITO were the Japanese who beat the native chief, GERIMIAS.
/s/. Luis. Antonio. Numus. Rodr?igues
Signature of Deponent
I, GIL FIRRIERA, certify that I duly translated the above summary to the witness in his own language, prior to his signature which appears above.
./s/. Gil Firriera……
Taken and Sworn by me at DILLI, PORTUGUESE TIMOR, this 20th day of June 1946.
/s/ W. F. Quinton Major
being Officer appointed by Commander-in-Chief S. E. A. C., to make this investigation.
../s/……N. Fer……Cant.,
./s/…(unable to read)…
↑A級極東国際軍事裁判記録(英文)(NO.54) https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/meta/A08071251700 JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.A08071251700、国立公文書館 平11法務01929100