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極東国際軍事裁判速記録より ロバート・O・ウイルソンの審問(下) 1946.7.26





       Friday, 26 July, 1946
        ― ― ―

           FOR THE FAR EAST
         Count House of the Tribunal
          War Ministry Building
            Tokyo, Japan

    The Trubunal met, pursuant to adjournment, at 0930.







極東國際軍事裁判速記錄 第三十五號
           ― ― ―


    For the Tribunal, same as before.

    For the Prosecution Section, same as before.

    For the Defence Section, same as before.





           ― ― ―

    (English to Japanese, Japanese to English, English to Chinese, and Chinese to English interpretation was made by the Language Section, IMTFE.) 



    MARSHAL OF THE COURT: The International Military Tribunal for the Far East is now resumed.

 法廷管理人 極東国際軍事法廷はただ今再開されました。 

○ビーズ執行官 是ヨリ極東國際軍事裁判ノ審理ノ續行ヲ宣シマス


    THE PRESIDENT: Except OKAWA, who is represented by counsel, all the accused are present.

    Does counsel desire to mention any matter?  Mr. Warren.

 裁判長 弁護を代理とする大川を除いて全被告が出席しています。


○ウエツブ裁判長 辯護人ニ依ツテ代表サレル大川被告ヲ除キマシテハ、全被告ハ出席ヲ致シテ居リマス、此ノ際何等カ申立テヲスルコトガゴザイマスカ――「ワーレン」サン

    Mr. WARREN:  If the Tribunal please, there was no particular time yesterday for me to say what I am going to.  When this witness took the stand I stated that the defense had not been notified.  I find that our section was notified, and in the manner the prosecution had told the Tribunal, however, that information did not get to us because we are all very skimpy on help; it did not get to us and I went to apologize to the prosecution and to the Tribunal for having made a remark which was not true.

 ウォーレン氏 みなさんよろしいですか、昨日は時間を割いて言うことができなかったことを申し上げます。この証人が証言に立ったとき、弁護団は通知されていないと申しました。私どもの部には通知されていたりことが分かりました。

○ワーレン辯護人 昨日機會ガアリマセヌデシタノデ、本日申サセテいただきキマスガ、昨日本證人ガ出廷スルノハ辯護人側ニ通知ガシテナカツタト申シマシタガ、ソレハ誤リデアリマスカラ訂正致シマス、深ク陳謝致シマス

    THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Sutton.

○ウエツブ裁判長 「サトン」サン

    MR. SUTTON: May it please the Tribunal, in answer to the inquiry propounded by the Court just before adjournment on yesterday, with regard to the relevancy of evidence on the subject of opium and narcotics, I desire to call the Court's attention to the fact that in counts 1, 3 4, 5, 6, 27 and 38 of the Indictment there is the charge of waging aggressive war.  In each of these counts reference is specifically 


made to Appendix “B” ―― I beg pardon, to Appendix “A”, Section 4. This section, Section “A” of Appendix 4, reads as follows:  “METHODS OF CORRUPTION AND COERTION IN CHINA AND OTHER OCCUPIED TERRITORIES:  During the whole period covered by this Indicement[inducement?], successive Japanese Governments, through their military and naval commanders and civilian agents in China and other territories which they had occupied or designed to occupy, pursued a systematic policy of weakening the native inhabitants will to resist successive Japanese Governments, through their military and naval commanすders and civilian agents in China and other territories which they had occupied or designed to occupy, pursued a systematic policy of weakening the native inhabitants['] will to resist by atrocities and cruelties, by force and threats of force, by bribery and corruption, by intrigue among local politicians and generals, by directly and indirectly encouraging increased production and importation of opium and other narcotics and by promoting the sale and consumption consumption of such drugs among such people.”

○サトン檢察官 昨日阿片及ビ麻薬ニ付テノ證據ノ提出ノ關聯性ニ付テノ質問ガアリマシタガ、ソレニ付キマシテハ起訴状ノ第一項、第三項、第四項、第五項、第六項、第三十七項、第三十八項ニハ侵略シタト云フ訴追事項ガアリマス、此ノ各項ニ於テ特ニ附属書Aノ第四節ガ引用サレテ居リマス、本節ノ一部分ヲ朗讀致シマス


    MR. McMANUS:  If your Honor please, I think the Court knows and we know what the Indictment reads, and the appendix thereto.  I don't see any reason to read it into the record.  It is there; the Court knows.  Just why couldn't counsel make reference to it rather than reading it?  We will know what it is.

○マックマーナス辯護人 何モ附屬書ヲ讀上ゲリ必要ハナイト思ヒマス、裁判所ニ於キマシテモ、又我々ニ於キマシテモ、起訴狀及ビ其ノ附屬書ハニ知ツテ居ルノデアリマス、唯言及スレバ宜イノデアツテ、ワザ〱讀上ゲル必要ハナイト思ヒマス

〔宮本モニター 追加、之ヲ読ムコトニ依ツテ記錄ニ遺ス必要ハナイト思ヒマス〕

    THE PRESIDENT:  The defense raised the objection and it is for you to establish it, and


you may go further than making mere reference. Pers.onally I am glad you to read that.

○ウエツブ裁判長 辯護人側カラ之ニ對シテ異議ガ出マシタカラ是レ以後ハ唯之ヲ引用スルダケニ届メテ戴キタイト思ヒマス、併シナガラ個人的ニハアナタガ御讀ミニナツタコトハ私ニ取ツテ好都合デアリマシタ

    MR. SUTTON:  This position taken by the defense today is quite inconsistent with the pisition which they took on yesterday.

○サトン檢察官 本日辯護人側ノ執ツタ態度ハ、昨日ノ態度ト矛盾シテ居リマス

    THE PRESIDENT:  I think you have read enough. You had better keep those headphones on or I will have to repeat myself.

○ウエツブ裁判長 モウソレデ結構デス、ドウゾ「イヤー・ホーン」ヲ着ケテ居テ下サイ

    MR. SUTTON:  May it please the Tribunal, I should like to refer to the fact that in the opening address of the chief of counsel this statement was made. I will read from page 35 of that document one sentence:  “The evidence will also disclose the opium was used as a military waepon to break the morale of the people and to destroy their will to fight, as well as a mean of revenue to finance Japan's armies.”  That is all we wish to say on this point.

○サトン檢察官 主席檢察官ノ冒頭陳述ニ於キマシテ、次ノ如キコトヲ言ハレマシタ、三十五「ページ」カラ引用シマス「我々ハ證據提出ニ依ツテ、阿片ガ軍事武器トシテ使用サレ、ソレハ中國々民ノ戰鬪意識ヲ消失セシメ、且ツ軍ノ一ツノ財源トシテ使用サレタコトヲ立證シマス」、ソレダケデアリマス

    THE PRESIDENT:  The objection is overruled.

○ウエツブ裁判長 異議ハ却下致シマス

    MR. WARREN:  Your honor, may l be heard on that before I am overruled?

○ワーレン辯護人 (通譯ナシ)

    THE PRESIDENT:  Oh, no, it is obviously a matter upon which evidence can be received.  We have heard enough, Mr. Warren.

○ウエツブ裁判長 是ハ證據ヲ容易ク得ルコトガ出來ルコトデアリマスカラ、之ヲ却下致シマス

    MR. WARREN:  On another point, then, your 


Honor, we should like to object to it, on the ground that his questions are, as you pointed out, entirely leading.

    THE PRESIDENT:  I doubt whether I was right.  I looked at the record, and unfortunately I do not hear everything that is said at that lecturn, because counsel sometimes turn away from the microphone.

○ワーレン辯護人 ……
○ウエツブ裁判長 ……

〔通譯 辯護士側ヨリ昨日ノ質問ハ誘導的デアツタト云フコトガ言ハレマシタコトニ關シマシテ、異議ノ申立テガアリマシタガ、ソレニ關シマシテ裁判長ヨリ「議事錄ヲ見マシテ自分ガ誤ツテ居タト云フコトヲ知ツタノデアリマスガ、其ノ辯護人其ノ他ノ方々ガ時々「マイクロフオン」カラ顔ヲソムケテ御話ニナルノデハツキリ分ラナイコトガアル」ト云フコトヲ言ハレマシタ〕

    MR. WARREN:  And, in addiction, your Honor, it assumes a fact that was not in evidence.  I made the same type of previous objection.

○ワーレン辯護人 又是ハ旣ニ證シマストシテ提出サレテ居ナカツタト云フコトヲ假定シテ抗議シタノデアリマス

    THE PRESIDENT:  Surely you can assume the fact that narcotics are used in Nanking.

○ウエツブ裁判長 麻藥ガ南京ニ於テ使ハレタト云フフコトヲ假定シテノ話デアリマス

〔宮本モニター 訂正、鑑定デキルノデアリマス〕


R O B E R T O. W I L S O N, called as a witness on behalf of the pro.secution, resumed the stand and testified as follows:



    MR. SUTTON:  Will the questions be read back to the witness?

○サトン檢察官 質問ヲ讀返シテ下サイ

〔英語速記者 昨日ノ記錄ハ本日早朝旣ニアナタニ届イテ居ル筈デアリマス〕

    (hereupon, the last question was read by the President from the Official transcript of Thursday, 25 July 1946, as follows:

    “Q Was there any change in the sales of opium in Nanking following the occupation of the city by the Japanese in December, 1937?”)

○ウエツブ裁判長 是ガ昨日ノ最後ノ質問デアリマス、「日本軍ガ南京ヲ占領シマシタ以後、麻藥、阿片ノ賣高ニ何カ増減ガゴザイマシタカ」ト云フノガ昨日ノ最後ノ質問デアリマス

〔宮本モニター 一寸附加ヘマス、一九三七年ノ十二月、南京陷落直後ト云フコトヲ附加ヘマス〕

    A Prior to the Japanese occupation, I had never seen an opium den with a sign on the outside showing that the sale of opium was going on in that place.  It was a capital offense to be found selling opium.  About one year after the occupation, in the Spring of 1939, I was bicycling down one mile on Shengjao Road, between Kiang Tang Chieh Methodist Church and Chung Ji-leu, I counted twenty-one opium dens openly ―― twenty-one places openly selling opium.  These places all had the Chinese characters “Kwang To” prominently displayed in front


of the place.

ウイルソン證人 日本軍占領以前ニ於キマシテハ、南京ニ於テ阿片窟ノ外ニ「阿片ヲ賣リマス」ト云フ看板ガ掛ツテ居ルノヲ見タコトハナカツタノデアリマス、阿片ヲ賣ルコトハ重大犯罪ノ一ツトナツテ居リマシタ、丁度日本軍ガ南京ヲ占領シマシテカラ一年後一九三九年ノ春、私ハ自轉車ニ乘リマシテ南京ノ大通リヲ走ツテ居リマシタ、神州路ノ江塘街ノ「メソヂスト」敎會カラ約一哩程ノ間ニ阿片窟ガ二十一二十一箇所アツタコトヲ認メタノデアリマス、其ノ二十一箇所ノ店ニハ總テ外ニ「黄土」ト書イタ看板ガテ居ルノデアリマス

 Q Doctor, what is the meaning of the Chinese character “Kwang-To”?

○サトン檢察官 其ノ「黄土」ト云フ漢字ノ意味ハ何デスカ

 A That is one of the tetms used for opium and means “official esrth.”

ウイルソン證人 是ハ阿片ニ關シマシテ附ケラレタ名前ノ一ツデアリマシテ、其ノ譯ハ「官許ノ土」ト云フコトデアリマス

    MR. SUTTON:  The defense may cross-examine the witness.

○サトン檢察官 反對訊問ヲシテ宜シイ

    THE PRESIDENT: Mr. Warren.

    MT. WARREN:  Apparently there is no cross-examination, your Honor.

○ワーレン辯護人 反對訊問ハアリマセヌ


    THE PRESIDENT:  No cross-examination?

    MR. SUTTON: We desire to call as the next witness Dr. Hsu Chuan-wing.

○サトン檢察官 次ノ證人ヲ喚バシテ戴キマス

    THE PRESIDENT: I understand a Japanese counsel wants to say something.

○ウエツブ裁判長 日本人側辯護人ガ何カ仰シヤリタイヤウニ見受ケラレマス

    (Whereupon, the witness left the box).

    MR. McMANUS:  If the President pleases, we are undermined at this time, at least, we thought there would be no cross-examination concerning this witness.  We understand from Dr. KIYOSE that there might be one Japanese counsel who might like to ask a few questions.

○マツクマーナス辯護人 一人ノ日本人辯護人デ反對訊問ヲシタイト云フ方ガアリマス

   THE PRESIDENT:  We will give permission to cross-examine the witness, who will be recalled for that purpose.  Bring doctor back.  The doctor


may have gotten away.  I think you had better go on with the next witness.

○ウエツブ裁判長 證人ヲ喚ビ返シテ再訊問スルコトヲ許シマス、「ウイルソン」博士ヲ證人席ニ喚ビ戾シテ下サイ――モウ「ウイルソン」博士ハ居ラナイカモ知レマセヌ、次ノ證人ヲ先ニヤツタ方ガ宜シイト思ヒマス

    MR. KEENAN:  May it please the Court ――

    THE PRESIDENT:  Mr. Chief Prosevutor.

    MR. KEENAN:  Yesterday the Court, as I understand it, made the ruling that when a witness spoke in English language the practice of permitting the offering of the affidavit would not be countenanced.

○キーナン檢察官 昨日裁判長閣下ハ、證人ガ英語ヲ話セル時ニハ宣誓口供書ニ依ル主訊問ハ認メナイト云フ判決ヲサレマシタ

    THE PRESIDENT:  Put it this way:  when he is a European, born in America, and educated there up to university standard.  

○ウエツブ裁判長 是ハ「ヨーロッパ」人デ「アメリカ」ニ生レ、ソシテ大學ノ敎育ヲ受ケタ人、斯ウ云フ條件ヲ附ケタイト思ヒマス

    MR. KEENAN:  With great respect, I want to suggest two matters to the Court.  First of all, the Charter itself, in setting forth the admissibility of affidavits, specifically makes no distinction as to the language, either in the original affidavit as filed, or the language of any witness who would testify as to germane subjects.  And secondary, in the best estimate of counsel, such a ruling would prolong the length of this trial a matter perhaps between four and five weeks.  With great respect, we want to inform the Court of our views and our estimates of time upon that subject, so that if there is a profound reason for the distinction, we do not care to urge the


matter any further, but if it is compatible with ordinary trial, we greatly request the Court's reconsideration of that ruling to determine if we are within the provisions of the Charter in offering the evidence in affidavit form, as already I understand has been the during the proceedings in this Court.  We think that in fairness to the Court, we ought to apprise the Court of our intention in future, from the time element, so that that might be given whatever consideration it deserves in the minds of this Tribunal.

○キーナン檢察官 只今二ツ申上ゲタイ事項ガアリマス、先ヅ憲章ニハ特ニ宣誓口供書ニ依ル證據提出ヲ認メテ居リマスシ、最初登錄サレタ宣誓口供書及ビ其ノ後喚問サレルドノ證人ニシロ、其ノ言語ニ付テハ何等言及シテ居リマセヌ、又昨日ノ御決定ヲ其ノ儘ニ受容シマスナラバ、本審理ハ四週間乃至五週間延ビルモノト思ヒマス、ソシテ只今ヨリ我々ノ見解ヲ少シクソシテ只今ヨリ我々ノ見解ヲ少シク述ベサシテ戴キタイト思ヒマス、若シ昨日ノ御決定ニ何カ非常ニ深イ御理由ガアリマスナラバ更ニ申上ゲルコトハアリマセヌガ、サウデアリマセヌデシタナラバ、本宣誓口供書ニ依ル證據提出ハ憲章ノ規定ニモ從フモノデアリマシテ、法廷ノ審理ニ矛盾シナイモノデアルト思ヒマス、我々ノ證據提出ニ所要スル時間ニ付テ少シク述ベサシテ戴キタイト思ヒマス、ソレニ依ツテ或ハ何カ御参考ニナルカト思ヒマスカラ……

    THE PRESIDENT:  Obviously, the Charter does not deprive us of the discretion we exercised yesterday, that is, to insist upon the examination in chief being confucted orally and not by affidavit.  No time was lost in following the normal course.  The oral examination was conducted as speedily as the affidavits could have been read.  In receiving affidavits we have exercised more liberality than had been displayed at Huernberg.  The Court will continue to exercise its judgment in each case.

○ウエツブ裁判長 憲章ニハ我々ガ昨日ナシタ判決ヲ否定スベキモノハ何モアリマセヌ、卽チ主訊問ハ宣誓口供書ニ依ルベガラズト云フ其ノ決定デアリマス、通常ノ方法ニ從ヒマシテ決シテ時間ヲ徒費スルコトニハナリマセン

〔宮本モニター訂正 通常ノ方法ト比ベテ少シモ時間ヲ空費シナイト思ヒマス〕


〔宮本モニター 追加、其ノ場合ニヨリ〕

   (Whereupon, Dr. Robert O. Wilson returned to the witness box).


○岡本(尚)辯護人 武藤章辯護人、岡本尚一…


   MR. S. OKAMOTO:  I am OKAMOTO, Shoichi, counsel for the defendant MUTO, Akira.

   THE PRESIDENT:  Doctor, you are still on your former oath.

○ウエツブ裁判長 アナタハ公式ノ宣誓ガ、マダ其ノ效力ヲ持ツテ居ルト思ヒマスカ

○岡本(尚)辯護人 左樣ニ信ジテ居リマス、併シ裁判所ノ御見解ニ依リマシテ重ネテ宣誓ヲ行ハレルコトハ洵ニ結構ト思フノデアリマス

   MR. S. OKAMOTO:  I also believe so.  In line with the Court's views, I will be quite pleased if the oath should be re-administered ―― should be administered again.

   THE PRESIDENT:  There is no need for that. Please put your questions or retire from the lecturn.

○ウエツブ裁判長 其ノ必要ハアリマセヌ、ドウゾ質問ヲシテ下サイ

○岡本(尚)辯護人 證人ハ證人ノ病院ノ醫者、看護婦等ガ南京ノ落城ニ先立チ逃ゲタト云フ證言ヲサレタノデアリマスルガ、ソレハ證人ノ病院ノ職員ニ止マラズ、其ノ近隣ノ人々モ槪ネ逃ゲタノデアリマセウカ



 Q You have testified that the doctors and nurses at your hospital ran away before the fall of Nanking. Does that not also apply to the inhabitants of the adjacent districts?

 A The population of Nanking before the war was slightly over one milion.  At the time that the Japanese took the city a majority of the inhabitants had left and the population was less than half a milion.

ウイルソン證人 日本軍ノ南京占領以前、南京ノ人口ハ百萬アリマシタ、併シ占領後市民ノ大部分ハ市ヲ去リマシテ、人口ノ總計ハ五十萬以下トナツタノデアリマス

○岡本(尚)辯護人 ソレハ槪ネ――私ハ時ヲ聞キ漏ラシタノデスガ、何時ヲ標準ニシテ五十萬デスカ

 Q I did not hear the time.  When was that that it decreased to that number?

 A During the month of November and the first two weeks in December.

ウイルソン證人 ソレハ十一月ノ終リ及ビ十二月ノ最初ノ二週間ノコトヲ申シタノデアリマス

○岡本(尚)辯護人 南京落城ノ前ニ旣ニ非常ニ澤山ノ人ガ逃ゲタコトヲ御承知デハゴザイマセヌカ


 Q Then you aware that before the fall of Nanking a great number of the people hsd already fled?

 A That is true.

ウイルソン證人 ソレハ其ノ通リデアリマス

○岡本(尚)辯護人 證人ノ病院ノ病床ノ數ハ百七十ト伺ツタガ、ソレデ宜シウゴザイマスカ

 Q Is it correct that you had 170 beds in your hospital?

 A The number is usually given as 180.

ウイルソン證人 通例百八十ト勘定シテ居リマシタ

○岡本(尚)辯護人 ソレガ其ノ病床ガ落城後速カニ滿陰ニナツタト伺ツタノデアリマスガ、何日位ノ間ニ滿員ニナリマシタカ

 Q And you say that these beds immediately became full ―― became full immediately after the fall of Nanking.  When was this?

 A Within the first week after the fall of Nanking.  Many patients were turned away because we had not enough beds.

ウイルソン證人 南京落城後最初ノ一週間ノ中ニ一パイニナツタノデアリマス、寢臺ガアリマセヌ爲ニ多クノ病人ハ入院スルコトヲ斷ハラレタノデアリマス

○岡本(尚)辯護人 入院ヲ拒絕シタ數ハドレ程デアルカ、槪數ハ御覺エハゴザイマスマイカ

 Q About how many patients did you turn away? Do you remember the general figures, the approximate figures?

 A I would have no way of telling that, principally because my work was in the operating room and I was there busy most of the time day and night for a few weeks after the occupation. The others handled the out patients and had to turn away patients when there were no beds.

ウイルソン證人 私ハ南京ノ占領後、晝夜ヲ問ハズ手術ニ忙殺サレテ居リマシテ、手術室ニ居リマシタ爲ニドレ位ノ數ガ入院ヲ拒絕サレタカト云フコトハ外ノ人ガ知ツテ居リマシタノデ、申上ゲルコトハ出來マセヌ

○岡本(尚)辯護人 證人ハ入院患者ノ負傷ニ付テ述ベラレタノデアリマスカ、飜譯デハ正確デハナカツタノデアリマスカ、例ヘバ四十歳位ノ婦人ノ首ノ後ロノ筋肉ガ切レテブラ〱ニナツタト云フコトヲ述ベラレタノデアリマスガ、ソレハ何ニ依ル傷デアリマシタカ

 Q You have stated that many of your patients, these patients that you treated, had wounds.  But as the translation was incorrect, I would like to point out one example.  For instance, you say that a woman


of about forty had a wound in her neck and that the muscles were cut and were hanging loose.  But what was this caused by?

 A A Japanese sword.

ウイルソン證人 日本刀デアリマス

○岡本(尚)辯護人 他ノ説明セラレマシタ傷害ハ、砲彈ノ破片等ニ依ルモノガ相當アツタノデハアリマセヌカ

 Q Were not many of the other wounds due to fragments of shells?

 A Not at that time.  During the fall in October and September when we were under many air raids we received numerous wound fragments.  But at the time that we are referring to, after the fall of Nanking, there was no fighting.

ウイルソン證人 是ハ九月及ビ十月日本軍ノ空襲ガ盛ンデアリマシタ時分ニハ、破片ニ依ル傷モアリマシタ、併シナガラ此ノ南京陷落以後ニ於キマシテハ、モウ旣ニ戰鬪行爲ハナカツタノデアリマス

○岡本 (尚) 辯護人 終リデス

    MR. S. OKAMOTO: That is all I have to say. 


○クライマン辯護人 (通譯ナシ)

    THE PRESIDENT:  The Japanese counsel who has just cross-examined was under misapprehension, but you are not.  We will not allow you to cross-examine.

○ウエツブ裁判長 日本辯護人ガ只今反對訊問ヲ致シマシタノハ、之ハ誤解ニ基クモノデアリマスガ、アナタハ事情ガ違ヒマスカラ反對訊問ハ許シマセヌ

    CAPTAIN KLEIMAN:  If it please your Honor, I sit in a far corner of the Tribunal and  the head table did not consult me as to whether I wished to cross-examine.

○クライマン辯護人 私ハ隅ツコニ坐ツテ居リマシタノデ、辯護人ノ「テーブル」デ私二一々相談シマセヌノデ、ツイウツカリシテ居リマシタ

   THE PRESIDENT:  You have a voice and you could have used it from there.

○ウエツブ裁判長 アナタハ聲ヲ掛ケテ何カ言フコトモ出來タノデス

   CAPTAIN KLEIMAN:  I just had two question in mind, very short.

○クライマン辯護人 簡單ナ質問ガ二ツアルダケデスガ……

   THE PRESIDENT:  Well, he was not recalled


for cross-examination by you, Captain Kleiman, but for cross-examination by Japanese counsel.

○ウエツブ裁判長 是ハアナタニ依ル反對訊問ハ許スコトハ出來マセヌ

〔宮本モニター 訂正、此の反對訊問ハ日本辯護人ガヤラレル爲ニ證人ヲ喚問サレタノデアリマス〕

○ウエツブ裁判長 證人臺ニ坐ツテ下サイ

○伊藤辯護人 松井石根ノ辯護人伊藤淸デアリマス、私ハ英語ガ能ク解リマセヌノデ、昨日ノ證言ニ付テ念ノ爲ニ質スノデアリマスガ、中國ノ女ガ日本兵ニ强姦サレテ、其ノ後二箇月ニシテ其ノ女ガ黴毒ノ徴候ヲ現シタ、サウ言ハレマシタカ

   MR. ITO: I am ITO, Kiyoshi, counsel for the defendent MATSUI, Iwane.



 Q As I was unable to get your testimony very well yesterday, being unable to understand English, I would like to just ask you this question.
   You say that a Chinese woman was raped by a Japanese soldier and that two months she showed sign of being in the second stage of syphilis. Was that correct?

    A That is true.

○ウィルソン證人 其ノ通リデアリマス

○伊藤辯護人 私ノ研究シタ所、勿論素人デスカラ大シタコトヂヤアリマセヌガ、黴毒ノ二期ノ症状ハ、感染後三箇月以上經タナケレバ現ハレナイヤウニ著書ニモ書イテアルノデスガ、如何デスカ其ノ點ハ

    Q Thank you.  According to my observations ―― of course I am an amateur so they may not be correct ―― manifestations of the second stage of syphilis are not unusually until after over three months have passed after infection.  But is that Correct?

 A That is the third stage.

ウイルソン證人 ソレハ第三期ノコトデアリマス

○伊藤辯護人 學節ノ違ヒデスカ、私ノ持ツテ居リマス此ノ著書ニハ三箇月以後ト書イテアリマス

 Q Is that a difference in theory?  The book that I have here says three momths.

 A I am sure I don't know what that book is.  My observation are that any time from six weeks to three months the secondary rash may appear.

ウイルソン證人 アナタノ引用サレテ居ル本ハ何デアリマスカ知リマセヌガ、私ノ經驗スル所ニ依リマスルト、黴毒ノ發疹ヲ致シマスノハ、感染後六週間カラ三箇月ノ間デアリマス

○伊藤辯護人 私ハ此ノ著書ニ依リマシテ、日本兵ト關係シテカラ後、二箇月ニシテ黴毒ノ二期ノ症狀ガ出テ來タトスルナラバ、其ノ黴毒ノ感染ハ少クトモソレヨリモ三箇月以上前デナケレバナラナイノダカラ、其ノ感染ハ日本兵ニ依ル傳染デハナイ、斯ウ云フヤウニ斷ゼザルヲ得ナイノデアリマス


 Q Well, anyway, accounting to this book I cannot but conclude that since it takes over three months for the second stage to appear, that this woman could this woman could not have been infected dy a Japanese soldier two months previously.

 A You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

ウイルソン證人 アナタハアナタノ御意見ヲ御持チニナルコトガ出來マスシ、私ハ私デ自分ノ意見ヲ持ツコトガ出來マス

    THE PRESIDENT:  You must take the witness' answer.  You can call evidence later to contradict him if you wish.

○ウエツブ裁判長 アナタハ證人ノ證言ヲ受取ラナケレバナリマセン

○伊藤辯護人 ソレデハ是ダケニシテ置キマス

○ウエツブ裁判長 アナタハ證據ニ依ツテ申立ヲ覆サウトスルコトモ出來マス

    MR. ITO:  I shall do so later.

    PRESIDENT:  Yes. That will do, doctor.

    (Where upon, the witness was excused.)


    MR. SUTTON:  The prosecution desires to call as its next witness Hsu Chuan-Ying, of the Republic of China.

○サトン檢察官 次ニ中華民國、許傳音氏ヲ喚問致シマス


↑A級極東国際軍事裁判速記録(英文)・昭和21.7.10~昭和21.7.26(第2224~2615頁)https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/meta/A08071312800 339~352/416


↑A級極東国際軍事裁判速記録(和文)・昭和21.5.3~昭和21.8.28(第1~57号)https://www.jacar.archives.go.jp/das/meta/A08071309400 200~/380
