Ob-La-Di Oblako 文庫

帝国日本の侵掠戦争と植民地支配、人権蹂躙を記憶し、再現を許さないために、ひたすら文書資料を書き取る。姉妹ブログ「歴史を忘れる民族に未来はない!」https://obladioblako.hateblo.jp/ のデータ·ベースを兼ねる。

Dec. 30, 1937 "Gentlemen" Letter from Charles H. Riggs and Miner Searle Bates 1937 年 12 月 30 日付、チャールズ·H·リッグズとマイナー·サール·ベイツから日本大使館への手紙 1937. 12. 30


        University of Nanking
        December 30th, 1937.


         1937 年 12 月 30 日

The Officers of the Japanese Embassy.


  About 2:00 P. M. officers and men or the military police came to the Sericulture Building at the University of Nanking, No. 6 Chin Ying Chieh.  They found in the ground behind the W. C. (latrine) about 6 rifles, about 3 or 5 pistols, and parts of what bystanders thought to be a machine-gun.  Bystanders tell us that these guns had been thrown away by retreating soldiers and were buried to avoid trouble.


  The military police took away 4 men: Chen Mei (or Wang Hsing-lung); Yang Kwan-fah; Wang Er (common name); Kiang Ming-chu.


  As to these men, Chen Mei (or Wang Hsing-lung) was a man of some intelligence who had volunteered to aid in caring for refugees.  We had no bad information about him until this case arose today.  Now others tell us that he formerly held a position in the Pao An Tui.

 この人たちについて言えば、チェン·メイ (別名ワン·シンルン) は一定の知識がある男で、志願して難民の世話を支援してきました。今日この件が持ち上がるまで彼に関して悪い話は聞いたことがありません。また彼が以前保安隊の役職に就いていたと言う人たちもいます。

  Yang Kwang-fah (teh) is a laborer of the University of Nanking, Department of Sericulture (Ching-ho), whom we guarantee.

 ヤン·クヮンファー (テー) は金陵大学蚕桑学系 (チンホ) の用務員であり、その身元は私たちが保証します。

  Wang Er is a gateman of the University of Nanking, Department if Sericulture, whom we also guarantee.


  Kiang Ming-chu is a son of a refugee who is in the building of the Sericulture Department.  Others are ready to guarantee.


(NB. added later:  Yu Hwai-yung, ricksha puller)

(注意 後に人力車の引き手、ユ·フワイユンがこれに加わりました。)


Japanese Embassy, Dec. 30th.  2. (Copy)

日本大使館宛、12 月 30 日付 2. (写し)

  This is all the information that we have about this matter.


  We make the general suggestion that a number of guns were thrown by retreating Chinese soldiers, and were buried or put into ponds by frightened people.  Probably if the military police look in ponds, they will find a good deal of military material.


      Yours truely,
      Chas H. Riggs (signature)
      Charles H. Riggs, University of Nanking and on Housing Committee of Safety Zone
      M. S. Bates (signature)
      M. S. Bates, Chairman of University of Nanking Emergency Commitee


      Chas H. Riggs(サイン)
      安全区住宅委員会 委員

      M. S. Bates(サイン)
      M. S. ベイツ
      金陵大学非常委員会 主席


↑NMP0072 Dec. 30, 1937 "Gentlemen" Letter from Charles H. Riggs and Miner Searle Bates http://divinity-adhoc.library.yale.edu/Nanking/Images/NMP0072.pdf

RG 10: Box 4 Folder 59: "Japanese Embassy, Nanking 1937-1939, Japanese Embassy, Shanghai 1938"

Yale UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Divinity Library Miner Searle Bates https://web.library.yale.edu/divinity/nanking/bates